Sunday, January 29, 2017

Week 21: January 30-February 3

Bullock Brief

week for duty.  

Habit 7 Schedule.  The full schedule is here.







A summary of the events in the coming week are included  below.   For upcoming meetings and events, please see the Bullock Master calendar. 


Monthly focus:  Begin with the end in mind

Student led conferences will be held on February 16th.  Students and classrooms should have clear learning goals posted in their classrooms and in their leadership notebooks. We should all be focused on working toward our goals as we head into the second part of the year. #beginwiththeendinmind.

Please view this video in regards to goals and working together to accomplish our Wildly Important Goals.  What are our school-wide WIGs? 

Action teams: Teams are meeting Friday, January 30th.  The action team chair should share the agenda prior to meeting. 

K-2 Data Deep Dive:  I am thrilled that Claudia Lanier from DPI will be returning to Bullock for the Data Deep Dive this Thursday, February 2nd from 12:00-3:00 in the front conference room.  3rd and 5th grade PLCs  can meet in the grade chairs classroom or I will certainly make my office available for teams.

RtI:  3-5  RtI this week in Ms. Stone's room on January 31st starting at 2:45pm. 

AR:  The AR celebration was a huge success.  A huge thank you to Taylor Swift (aka Tiffany Ashworth) and Bennie (Patrick Kelly) for being such good sports.  Thank you also to Ms, Dowdy, Ms. Frausto and out Habit 7 teachers for setting-up and supervising the event.  It was a huge hit.  I hope that all 700 kids will meet their AR goals in Q3 to join the celebration of reading.  Please remember to set new goals and really push the importance of reading, reading, reading.  Our AR leads are Ms. Shepard and Ms. Boggs if you have questions or need assistance. 

AVID:  There is an AVID training session being held on Saturday, March 11th. Teachers will get a $100 stipend.   Please register on SchoolLink.  The mid-year assessment is due on February 1st.  Please see Ms. Rockwell with any questions.  We will have a visit from our AVID rep on February 8th.  She will be touring the school and visiting some of our AVID classrooms. 

Safety and walkies:   It is imperative that the grade chair has the walkie when leaving the classroom.  All other teachers should bring their phone so that the office can stay in communication with teachers outside the room.  Please work together to ensure that the grade level and individuals can be contacted by the office quickly. 

Retention:  If you are considering a child for retention, please follow the retention process. The forms can be accessed here.  I will not consider retention unless these steps have been followed. 

Nurse:  Please be reasonable when sending students to the nurse.  Ms. Phillips serves 700 students.  The front office is being inundated with minor injuries/ailments which are not needing real medical attention.  Please only send students who are throwing-up, have a fever, (or suspected fever), or an active injury (swelling bump needing ice, serious cut, any suspected break/sprain).

New fax system: We have a new digital fax system.  All faxes should now go through Ms. Dowdy and Ms. Welch. 

Change of clothes:  Please remind your kiddos to bring a change of clothes to keep at school. 

ACCESS testing:  The ACCESS testing schedule has been distributed by Ms. Perrell.  Thank you for synergizing to ensure this testing cycle goes smoothly. 

Discipline:  Please remember that the first step in classroom management is prevention.  Also remember relationships and respect are the bedrock of effective discipline. We will continue to work within our circle of influence to find solutions.  Please elicit the help of Ms. O'Shaughnessy, admin, RtI, EC, ESL or our intervention specialists if you find yourself in a repeating pattern. 


PLCs: Our new PLC schedule should be in full swing this week (lunch coverage is here). It is imperative that classes arrive and leave on time.  TAs will be running zone defense while monitoring in the Dining Hall.  Thank you again for synergizing.

Please remember to register for the book studies for K-2 (The Next Steps in Guided Reading) and 3-5 (The Artisan Teacher) on SchoolLink. 

We will be having data talks this week.  I am working on updating the master spreadsheet this weekend and will send soon.  Please make sure you have the most up-to-date data spreadsheet and your laptop for PLCs.  You will also need a class list with an indication of services (MNN, LLI, RtI, EC, ESL, etc.).  We will be meeting in the front conference room (except 3rd-5th grade).


PTO and Dr. Bryan Money:  Our teachers are so fortunate to receive $200 from our PTO and $75 from our superintendent.  Those funds are intended for classroom items that should remain at Bullock (unless consumed).  Items such as electric pencil sharpeners and printer ink can be purchased with these funds. 

Instruction:  Ms. Schlott and Ms. Spaulding will be heading a writing project in collaboration with Lee County High School.  Students can write original stories which will be acted-out by theater students. Don't miss out on this exciting way to share our student's writing with a wide audience and to integrate the arts. 

Please be cognizant of time on task in your classrooms.  All children are professionals at lollygagging.  After all, they are kids (and we love them!). Remember that the time we have here at school is precious.  We do not have time for activities that are not tied to learning goals.  Consider how sharpening pencils, getting out supplies, taking lunch orders, etc.  is cutting into your precious instructional time.  Talk among your grade levels about strategies to get started with instructional day when the bell rings and to ensure "bell to bell" teaching.  Check out this blog on some time wasters

Visit to schedule time to meet with me. 

Should have recently completed (check that it's complete):
  • Brag tag count - January 20th
  • STAR testing  closed- January 24t
  • Grade cards due - DUe January 25th
  • SafeSchools - Due January 25th

Due this week:
  • mClass testing window closes -February 2nd
  • First Responder modules -  February 2nd
  • ACCESS testing -  Starting February 1st

    Upcoming dates:
    • AVID visit - February 8th
    • 1st grade performance - February 9th
    • Love the Bus Week - February 13-17th
    • Student led conference - February 16th
    • Midterm - February 17th
    • 3-5 Career day - February 17th
    • Peer observations - March 15th
    • Student transfer -forms due -  March 31st
    Shhhh.....If you invested the time to carefully read the brief before starting the work week, you can have a free "jean day" on Monday, January 30th.  Have a fantastic week. 

    Sunday, January 22, 2017

    Week 20: January 23-27

    Bullock Brief

    week for duty.  

    Habit 7 Schedule.  The full schedule is here.







    A summary of the events in the coming week are included  below.   For upcoming meetings and events, please see the Bullock Master calendar. 


    Monthly focus:  Begin with the end in mind

    Student led conferences are just around the corner.  Our student leaders will be sharing their progress with their parents on February 16th.  Check-out the great materials provided by the Lighthouse Team to help guide the upcoming student led conferences. 

    The master Bullock spreadsheets will be sent early this week with the most current  testing results.  Please review and analysis this data within your PLCs.  Look for strengths/weaknesses, trends/patterns, and students who need additional support or acceleration.  This is our halfway point as we look ahead to the end of the year.  #beginningwiththeendinmind

    Grade cards due: Wednesday, January 25th.

    RtI:  K-2  RtI this week in Ms. Stone's room on January 24th starting at 2:45pm. 

    CogAt meeting:  3rd and 5th grade (optional for 4th grade) will have a CogAt meeting on January 25th at 2:45pm in the Platform.  Please bring your cumulative folders to the  meeting.


    PLCs: This month teams should focus on the basics of effective professional learning communities.  Reflect on the article shared in December while we prepare for some wonderful learning experiences.  The book studies for K-2 (The Next Steps in Guided Reading) and 3-5 (The Artisan Teacher) are on SchoolLink. 

    4-5 will have an AVID session on Thursday at 3:00pm in the Platform. 

    The new PLC and lunch coverage schedule is still set to begin on Monday, January 24th.  The final plan is located here. The revised lunch coverage is located here. Please remember to work together this week before transitioning to the new schedule completely.  Thank you all for synergizing to address our needs.  This is an exciting transition.


    In-Class Awards:  Please find some time to celebrate student successes this week for in-class awards. 

    Read-A-Thon:  Friday, January 27th

    AR Celebration:  The AR student celebration will take place this Friday, January 27th from 9:15-10:00 in the Depot. 

    Visit to schedule time to meet with me. 

    Should have recently completed (check that it's complete):

        Due this week:

        • mClass testing window - January 3rd-February 2nd
        • STAR testing - January 2nd-24th
        • AR celebration - January 27th (see week 18 blog)
        • Grade cards due - January 25th
        • SafeSchools - January 25th.  You can login at
        • AVID session in PLCs for 3rd-5th - January 26th

          Upcoming dates:
          • ACCESS testing -  in February
          • First Responder modules -  February 2nd
          • Peer observations - March 15th
          • Student transfer - March 31st

            Sunday, January 15, 2017

            Week 19: January 16-20

            Bullock Brief
            Martin Luther King day

            week for duty.  

            Habit 7 Schedule.  The full schedule is here.

            No school- MLK Day

            Q 2 ELA test
            A day for K-2
            12:10-12:50 K
            1:00-1:40 1st
            1:50-2:30 2nd

            Q 2 Math test
            A  day for 3-5
            12:10-12:50 3rd
            1:00-1:40 4th
            1:50-2:30 5th

            Q 2 Science test
            B  day for K-2
            12:10-12:50 K
            1:00-1:40 1st
            1:50-2:30 2nd


            A summary of the events in the coming week are included  below.   For upcoming meetings and events, please see the Bullock Master calendar. 


            Monthly focus:  Begin with the end in mind
            On February 16th, we will be holding student-led conferences.  This week is a great week to catch-up on data tracking and to set new goals for Q3.  After testing on Thursday or Friday would be ideal times to make sure Leadership Notebooks are updated.

            Leadership Notebook essentials:
            • All students should have a Leadership Notebook. 
            • Goals:  All students should have a at least one academic WIG. 
            • Data:  Students should be tracking progress. 
            See last week's blog for more complete details. 

            Staff meeting: Tuesday, January 17th in the Platform.  The meeting will start promptly at 3:00.  Please bring your smart phone. Please make sure you have read the PLC article and determined your accountability partner.  The agenda can be found here.

            RtI:  3-5 RtI this week in Ms. Stone's room on January 18th at 2:45pm. 

            Quarterly testing in 3rd-5th grade:  January 17-19th.  Please see Wendy's testing schedule for details. 

            PLCs: The monthly PLC focus is included below. The template for PLC notes is linked here. The book studies for K-2 and 3-5 should be on SchoolLink.   
            Admin visits in 3-5 PLCs this week for the Learning Focused Refresher starting at 2:45pm on January 19th  in the Platform for grades 3-5.  Any other folks may join in.

            The new PLC schedule is still set to begin on January 24th (beginning of Q3).  The final plan is located here.


            Safe Schools...reminder:  Due on January 25th.  It includes 6 modules.  You can login at

            First Responders (you would have been contacted via email):  Please complete the modules sent by Mrs. Phillips by February 2nd. 

            CogAt meeting:  3rd and 5th grade (optional for 4th grade) will have a CogAt meeting on January 25th at 2:45pm in the Platform.  Please bring your cumulative folders to the  meeting.

            Student transfers:  All in/out of county transfers are due March 31st.  If you live outside the Bullock district, and your child attends school at Bullock, please complete a transfer form. 

            Peer observations:  Peer observers, please start working on completing your peer observations.  I will send a reminder directly to the peer observers reminding your of your assignment. Observations are due by March 15th.  Please contact me if you have trouble accessing the observation tool.

            The Bengal Way:  Please reread the Bengal Way that was signed at the beginning of the year as refresher to policies and procedures at Bullock. 

            Discipline:  Please review the discipline policies of B.T. Bullock located here.  A link the levels of discipline is also linked from that document. We use a de-escalation process at Bullock.  If a student is a chronic offender, the student should have an RtI plan for behavior intervention.  Students should not be brought to the office without a referral.  Prevention, positive intervention, assertion and problem solving should be used first

            Sharpen the Saw...reminder: The next Sharpen the Saw will be fun for everyone. A group will  meet for lunch a​​t noon on Saturday, January 21 at Highway 55 in Sanford in the Walmart.  The group will then head to Aloha Zoo to arrive at 1pm. 

            • The address is 159 Mini Lane, Cameron, NC 28326. 
            • The price is $12 per person and children under 2 are free! 
            • Sign up in the google drive below with the number of guests you will be bringing!

            Visit to schedule time to meet with me. 

            Should have recently completed (check that it's complete):
            • Connect with Remind app
              Due this week:

              • mClass testing window - January 3rd-February 2nd
              • STAR testing - January 2nd-24th
              • 3rd-5th quarterly testing- January 17th-19th
              • Staff meeting - January 17th
              • Learning Focused refresher (3rd-5th) - January 19th
              • K mCLass testing - January 19th
              • PTO meeting - January 19th
              • 3rd mCLass testing - January 20th
              • Brag tag count - January 20th
              • End of Q2 - January 20th
              • Leader on TRACK celebration - January 20th (see week 18 blog)
              • Sharpen the Saw event at Aloha Zoo - January 21st

                  Upcoming dates:
                  • Grade cards due - January 25th
                  • AR celebration - January 27th (see week 18 blog)
                  • AVID session in PLCs for 3rd-5th - January 26th

                    Sunday, January 8, 2017

                    Week 18: January 9-13

                    Bullock Brief
                    Happy Snow Day! 

                    week for duty.  

                    Habit 7 Schedule

                    No school due to weather





                    A summary of the events in the coming week are included  below.   For upcoming meetings and events, please see the Bullock Master calendar. 


                    Monthly focus:  Begin with the end in mind
                    On February 16th, we will be holding student-led conferences.  Student-led conference are a powerful way for students to communicate with parents/guardians about their progress.  Student goals should have been set at the start of Q2. Each grade level chose a template that worked for their students.  Student accountability is crucial for students success and growth.  The Lighthouse Team will be sharing some great resources and strategies to prepare for the conference during the January 17th staff meeting. If you would like information prior to that please see: Taylor Waters, Sarah McHugh, Elizabeth Johnson, Megan O'Shaughnessy, Wendy Perrell or me.  We would all be happy to help.

                    Leadership Notebook essentials
                    • All students should have a Leadership Notebook.  Students should know what a Leadership Notebook is and WHY they have one.
                    • Goals:  All students should have a at least one academic WIG.  Additional personal WIGS or multiple goals are great. 
                    • Data:  Students should be tracking progress.  This could include one or more of the following: charting weekly assessments on a graph, score boarding, graded assessments/work, monthly reflections on progress, student victories, etc.
                    • Mission statement:  Personal and class mission statements. This section provides a good place to "begin with the end in mind." 
                    • Student victories:  A section for awards and victories including:  engineer tickets, earning AR or Leader on TRACK quarterly rewards, brag tags, Leader of the Week or in-class awards.   
                    Be proactive....
                    Have you selected your accountability partner?  We will be doing a partner activity on January 17th.  Please have a partner selected by our staff meeting. 


                    SIT meeting (revised): Tuesday, January 10th at 3:00pm  in the Platform.

                    RtI:  2-5 RtI this week in Ms. Stone's room on January 10th at 2:45pm. 

                    Quarterly testing in 3rd-5th grade:  January 17-19th.  Please see Wendy's testing schedule for details. 

                    Staff meeting:  Tuesday, January 17th.  Please make sure you have read the PLC article that was provided in the December staff meeting (extra copies in the workroom).  Also please make sure you have determined who will be your accountability partner. 

                    PLCs: The monthly PLC focus is included below.
                    Click here for the more user-friendly version of the template for PLC notes

                    K-2 teachers - Please make sure to develop a plan for spiral review of sight words and writing semantics.  The notes from the vertical session are here. 

                    Admin visits in K-2 PLCs this week.   
                    • 1st grade:  12:10-12:55 Stef/Wendy
                    • 2nd grade:  2:45-3:25 Stef
                    • K:   2:45-3:25 Wendy

                    We will have a Learning Focused refresher session on January 19th and 2:45pm for grades 3-5 (required) and any other staff member who would like to attend.  .

                    The new PLC schedule is still set to begin on January 24th (beginning of Q3).  The tentative plan is located here. Please forward questions or concerns to your SIT team rep. 


                    Safe Schools:  Due on January 25th.  It includes 6 modules.  You can login at

                    AR celebration:  The student AR celebration will be held from 1:15-1:45 on January 27th. Students who have met their goal can wear PJs all day.  Students will have Dance Party in the gym.  We are hopeful our Habit 7 will perform for the students.  The students have requested for Mrs. Ashworth to dress up like Taylor Swift again :-) More matter how you spin it will be worth the hard work through the quarter. 

                    Leader on TRACK celebration:  The Leader on TRACK celebration will take place on January 20th.  Grade levels should determine how and when to celebrate with the students who have earned the Leader on TRACK celebration.  Please put your count of brag tags here on the last week of the quarter January 16th-20th.

                    Last reminder for Remind:  Please take a moment to connect with our new messaging system. Text @btbin to 81010. 

                    STAR testing:  STAR MOY testing will be completed during the same time period as the mCLass MOY, January 3rd-24th.  Ms. Ashworth will be conducting the testing during media time. 

                    Sharpen the Saw: The next Sharpen the Saw will be fun for everyone. A group will  meet for lunch a​​t noon on Saturday, January 21 at Highway 55 in Sanford in the Walmart.  The group will then head to Aloha Zoo to arrive at 1pm. 
                    • The address is 159 Mini Lane, Cameron, NC 28326. 
                    • The price is $12 per person and children under 2 are free! 
                    • Sign up in the google drive below with the number of guests you will be bringing!

                    Reminder...lesson plans reminder:  Please share your lesson plans with Wendy and I by placing your lesson plans in this folder on Friday for the week following. 

                    Instruction: Students should be using calculators daily.  Please make note of when and how you will be using calculators in your lesson plans (place a star or highlight in your plans).  Mrs. Perrell and I will be looking for calculator use in the classrooms and in lesson plans.  After quarterly tests are complete, every teacher should check-out the assessments to complete an item analysis (within PLCs) and error correction.  Error correction is essential in helping students understand the correct process for future attempts. 

                    Visit to schedule time to meet with me. 

                    Should have recently completed (check that it's complete):
                    • Rest and relaxation
                      Due this week:
                      • mClass testing window - January 3rd-24th
                      • Revised SIT meeting - January 10th
                      • Newsela and Flocabulary refresher - January 13th (during Habit 7 time)
                          Upcoming dates:
                          • No school for MLK day - January 16th
                          • Staff meeting - January 17th
                          • 3rd-5th quarterly testing- January 17th-19th
                          • K mCLass testing - January 19th
                          • 3rd mCLass testing - January 20th
                          • Learning Focused refresher (3rd-5th) - January 19th
                          • PTO meeting - January 19th
                          • End of Q2 - January 20th
                          • Leader on TRACK celebration (grade level specific) - January 20th
                          • Grade cards due - January 25th