Monday, January 2, 2017

Week 17: January 2nd-6th

Bullock Brief

week for duty.  

Habit 7 Schedule

No school





A summary of the events in the coming week are summarized below.  For upcoming meetings and events, please see the Bullock Master calendar. 


Monthly focus:  Begin with the end in mind

I love Christmas break.  It is a time to savor the gift of family and friends.  It provides time to reflect and catch-up on those Q2 activities that so often get pushed to the back burner.  While reading an excellent book by Ron Clark this break, I made a promise to myself.  The promise is simple: Be exceptional.  The staff at Bullock is exceptional.  I see it all the time. Being "exceptional" is part of my personal mission, but when life gets crazy I tend to move into survival mode.  Sound familiar?  I believe it is my job--our job--to show our students the vision we have for them "to be a community of leaders with purpose."  We must expect EVERY CHILD TO SUCCEED every day.  There are no exceptions.   We must infuse it into the language of every day.  There are "no low" kids or "low classes." There are no "bad" kids (As a matter of fact, I would like to ban those phrases).  We must work together to find solutions.  Our kids deserve a exceptional education and there is no better group of people or place to get that education.  I urge you to start the new year focusing on relationships and remembering that you have a chance to make a difference every day. You are exceptional!

Ron Clark writes in The End of Molasses Classes , "If you walk in your classroom and 'see' a class on children with discipline problems and learning disabilities, you are going to have your hands full.  If you 'see' a class full of lawyers, business leaders, artists, presidents and (if I might add) teachers you are well on your way to building a classroom of children who regard themselves highly and have their own expectation of success."

Be proactive....
Have you selected your accountability partner?  We will be doing a partner activity on January 17th.  Please have a partner selected by our staff meeting. 


Lighthouse House meeting:  Friday, January 6th at 2:45pm in the front conference room.

SIT meeting: Monday, January 9th at 2:45pm in the Platform.

RtI:  3-5  RtI this week in Ms. Stone's room on January 3rd at 2:45pm. 

Quarterly testing in 3rd-5th grade:  Please see Wendy's testing schedule for details.  She will be sending soon.

PLCs: The monthly PLC focus for the remainder of the year is included here.  January will be dedicated to a refresher on the power of  professional learning communities.I also updated the template for PLC notes.  It has the same objectives in a easier to use format.  K-2 will have a vertical PLC this week to kick-off the year.  Please bring writing samples for an average, low and high student for mid-year.  If you have samples for BOY and EOY, that would also be helpful.  We will be discussing and sharing the common language and core competencies for our students as they move from grade to grade.

Admin visits in 3-5 PLCs this week.   
  • 3rd grade:  8:20-9:00 Stef/Wendy
  • 4th grade:  1:00-1:40 Stef
  • 5th grade  2:45-3:25 Stef
We will have a Learning Focused refresher session in January.  The date and time are TBD.

Relief is on the way:  The TWC indicated a need to find more time for planning and professional learning activities during the school day.  A plan to provide duty-free lunch Monday-Thursday and protected PLC time for certified staff members is forthcoming. That is addition 2h 40m of time for planning and other duties during the work day.  We have been working through the kinks and the SIT team will be finalizing the plan for implementation which is set for January 24th (beginning of Q3).  The tentative plan is located here. We will discuss the roll-out during the staff meeting on January 17th.

Master data spreadsheet:  The master Bullock ELA data spreadsheet has been emailed to all classroom teachers. Please let me know if you did not receive a copy.  I included some questions to guide conversations within your PLC. 
  • How do classroom grades correlate to mClass/STAR or EOG data?  Does the rigor need to be increased to help prepare our student's grade level proficiency standards?
  • Who are the students "in the red?"  Are they receiving intervention (EC, ESL, R2A, RtI, LLI, MNN, etc)?  Is the intervention working?  If not, what need to be adjusted?  Place those students on a "radar screen" to revisit .
  • Look at the growth in quarterlies.  For the students who did not show growth, why do you think that is?  What adjustment need to be made to ensure they are growing?  Repeat this process for STAR, mClass and classroom grades.
  • Examine the growth across your grade level.  Who had the highest growth?  Share ideas and strategies within your PLCs.

Remind:  Please take a moment to connect with our new messaging system. Text @btbin to 81010.  It's quick an easy.  We will no longer use  It is not meeting our communication needs.

STAR testing:  STAR MOY testing will be completed during the same time period as the mCLass MOY, January 3rd-24th. 

Reminder...streamlining email:  Please be thoughtful  when using bullock-staff email for communication.  When communicating, please use an "action tag" to note the importance of the communication. Some tabs to use:  READ BY (DATE), ACTION NEEDED, IMPORTANT, FYI, INSTRUCTION, DUE BY (DATE), etc.  That small step will help folks prioritize important information.  Thanks for your help.

Reminder...lesson plans reminder:  Please share your lesson plans with Wendy and I by placing your lesson plans in this folder on Friday for the week following. 

Instruction: Writing is an essential component of a balanced literacy program.  Rubrics are an effective way to assess student writing and provide effective feedback for growth. 
Rubistar is a easy to use online resource to create rubrics specific to your projects in minutes. 

Visit to schedule time to meet with me. 

Should have recently completed (check that it's complete):
  • Rest and relaxation
    Due this week:
    • mClass testing window - January 3rd-24th
    • 1st grade mClass testing - January 5th
    • 2nd grade mClass testing - January 6th
        Upcoming dates:
        • Newsela and Flocabulary refresher - January 13th (during Habit 7 time)
        • Staff meeting - January 17th
        • 3rd-5th quarterly testing- January 17th-19th
        • K mCLass testing - January 19th
        • PTO meeting - January 19th
        • End of Q2 - January 20th
        • Grade cards due - January 25th

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