Sunday, March 5, 2017

Week 26: March 6-10

Bullock Brief

Have an incredible week! 

B  week for duty [link here].  

Habit 7 Schedule.  The full schedule is here [link here].







All events can be found on the shared Master Bullock calendar.


SIT meeting: 2:45pm in the Platform.  Agenda [link here].  

Tornado Drill:  Please review tornado drill procedures with your students no later than Tuesday end of day.  Drill procedures can be found here [link here].  We will be having a tornado drill this week on Wednesday at 9:30am. 

Book Fair:  This week we will be have book fair in the Platform (media center). Library and Science Habit 7 classes will be meeting together in the library this week. 

Homework Huddle:  The Homework Huddle will begin this week on Tuesday, March 7th.  The program will run Tuesday thru Thursday until May 25th.  

Discipline:  Mr. Kelly shared some super information in regards to student discipline last week.  Please take a moment to review and reflect within your grade level meetings.

PLCs:  We had a productive vertical PLC in grades K-2 last Wednesday [link here].  Super work team.  The action items for teams to address together in PLCs are included below:
  • Build in spiral review into lesson plans (centers, targeted games, etc). 
  • Determine ways for students to access and review new words/vocab (Interactive word walls, personal glossary, individualized review, etc.) every day.
  • Create grade level rubrics for writing standards (start with EOY and then move to MOY).
  • Create a list of grade level standards that need to be mastered by EOY for each grade level. 
Grades K-2 should bring below-grade, on-grade and above-grade level writing samples to the next PLC to start work on writing rubrics.  I would love to get copies of those exemplars to accompany the rubrics as a reference for all grades.

3-5 PLCs, we will be selecting test prep materials and making sure acronyms being used are consistent and streamlined.  Please bring a list of your "go to" acronyms for  helping students remember content or the sequence of steps. 

Instruction tip: Exemplary schools on EOGs
When text structure is the focus for prepping for EOG or summative exams, comprehension goes up.  Knowing text structure is a transfer goal.  It must happen all year.  Students need to be trained to run a marathon with  incremental exposure to longer text.  Students cannot repeatedly train on short passages

  1. Students read the title and  think about what the passage might be about.
  2. Students circle or underline words in the question to indicate what you are looking for
  3. Students read 1-2 paragraphs...then write.
  4. Go to questions and look at what they wrote and answer.  They skip what they do not know.  
  5. Only go to the text on the questions they do not know.  
  6. Students look for signal words or text structure.  
  7. Students know there is always a main idea, text structure and vocabulary question.
  8. Students identify the test structure BEFORE they read.

Flutterby:  Our PTO has arranged for the Temple Theatre to come to Bullock for a special show about acceptance, social media use and positive relationships.  In order to prevent moving lunch and Habit 7 time, we will have two presentation times.  The production will take place in the Depot. Thank you to our wonderful PTO for providing this opportunity to our students.
  • K-1:  12:15-1:00
  • 2nd-5th: 1:30-2:15

More AVID visits (4th and 5th): Ms. Layton will be visiting 4th and 5th grade classrooms this Friday, March 10th.  We will have outside visitors on March 14th to AVID and the Leader in Me in action. 

Spring Cleaning:  Please work together to make sure common areas (pods, lobbies, etc.) are tidy and clean.  As you are in the those areas, please make sure to store items neatly out-of-sight.  We have recommended a custodian, but he will not be able to start right away.  Thanks for synergizing to keep our learning spaces clean and organized.   


RtI:  K-2  RtI this week in Ms. Stone's room March 6th starting at 2:45pm. 

Summer School:  Summer School will be held from June 15th - June 22nd for grade 3rd-5th.   If you are interested in teaching summer school, please enter your name here [link here].

Leader of the Week: Please make sure to update the Leader of the Week on the board for our whole school to celebrate.  Send your Leader of the Week on Friday at 2pm. 

Instructional Tips: I have compiled some powerful learning from a recent session with Max Thompson from Learning Focused [link here]. 

Quarterly and EOG Testing Dates: 
  • Q3 testing for grades 1-2: March 15th and 16th (through Q3 content)
  • Q4 testing for grades 1-2: May 17th and 18th (through Q4 content)
  • Cumulative test for grades 3-5:  April 18th-20th (note slight change)
  • No grammar for any grade
  • Science EOG - May 25th
  • 3rd grade reading EOG  - May 30th
  • 3rd grade math and 4th-5th reading EOG - May 31st
  • 4th-5th math - June 1st
  • RTA -June 6th

Look Fors:  The three "look fors" for grades K-2 and 3-5 are located here [link here]. 

Quick links:  PLC schedule [link here].  Lunch schedule [link here].  PLC template [link here].  Retention forms [link here].

Visit to schedule time to meet with me


Monthly focus:  Think Win-Win

This month's habit focus is Think Win-Win.  This is a video that could be used to teach/review this concept for our students [link here]. 

Should have recently completed (check that it's complete):

Due this week:
  • Jeans on Monday  for those that read the brief late on a Sunday - March 6th
  • Flutterby Assembly - March 6th
  • SIT meeting - March 6th
  • 1st grade trip to Marbles - March 9th
  • Lihouse meeting - March 10th
Upcoming dates:
  • Staff meeting - March 13th
  • 1-2 Quarter Test - March 15th-16th
  • PTO meeting - March 16th
  • ESL parent night - March 16th
  • Peer observations - March 15th
  • 5th grade band visit - March 17th
  • End of Q3 - March 22nd
  • Spring Portraits - March 22nd
  • Student transfer -forms due -  March 31st

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