Saturday, January 24, 2015

Week 20: January 26-30

Bullock Brief: Week 20

  • week for duty.
  • Based on your feedback, I am trying a new method to share important info--Blogger. Old news will be archived in this blog and available in the history. You can make comments and I can track analytics. I hope this will help us "shovel less gravel" to get to important information.
    • I would still like the brief to be read no later that Monday at 5:00pm.
  • Thank you all for continuing to live our mission every day. I see staff members loving our children, helping student learn and providing leadership opportunities daily. Keep-up the great work!!
  • Jennifer Babb will be managing the iReady and mClass databases. Please contact her if you need to move/add/delete students in those databases. Mrs. Chaney and Mrs. Perrell will continue to provided tech and academic support for mClass.
  • Committee meetings: I would like to meet with all committee chairs from 3:00-3:15 on Monday, January 26th. Committee meetings for the rest of the staff will begin at 3:15.  
    • Committee chairs need to distribute an agenda for the meeting prior to convening.
  • New staff members: Jillian Stone will be joining us this week starting on Monday as a TA in Mrs. Douglas's class. Robin Gatten will be joining us the following Monday, February 2nd as a 2nd grade teacher. Please extend a warm Bullock welcome to these ladies.
  • Observations: Please remember that I would love for you to observe in other teacher's classrooms here at Bullock. Please contact me via email to set-up an observation.
  • Leader in Me update: The Leader in Me is a process. We are not, and should not be, at the same place at the same time. We all have strengths and weaknesses and those apply to the habits as well. Support and encourage each other in their personal and professional accomplishments.
    • Grade levels may want to consider assigning that habits as a subject to plan for.
  • Instruction: Students should be using the iReady math books provided by the county. The content is challenging, but it is consistent with the rigor of quarterly and EOG exams which measure student proficiency.
  • Open custodial position: Please help our custodians by cleaning-up your room as much as possible while we work to hire a fourth custodian. Please have your students help. It's time to synergize team.
    • The building will continue to be closed at 6:00pm.
  • Error correction is mandatory: All classroom teachers need to make time to check-out their quarterly tests to review and correct errors. You can review as a whole-group. You should also use the data to create small groups to address specific deficiencies. Grades 3-5 should be using the item analysis from Case 21 to determine objectives that need to be retaught or addressed. Error analysis and correction is a powerful learning strategy. It is crucial that students recieve performance feedback after any formative or summative assessment.
    • We will be discussing our Q2 data (15 minutes) at the start of PLCs on January 28th. Please be prepared for that discussion.
  • AdvancED update: The SIT team is working to complete the school self-assessment. Please talk to your school rep if you have any comments to be added to our school self-reflection. I will be sharing the final document with everyone before finalizing. Your feedback is important to us.
  • Tutor meeting: We will be meeting with all tutors on Monday, January 26th from 9:00-9:20. 
  • Termination letter: BT teachers and other teachers on a terminating contract will soon be receiving a "termination letter" from the county. Do not worry. All teachers on terminating contracts receive this letter. I just wanted to make you aware so you did not worry.
  • Fun day: January 30th will be a “fun day” for the fall fundraiser.  The student list is available at  If your class does not have Habit 7 on that day, please excuse the students to attend.  
  • Grade cards: Please sent home Wednesday, January 28th.   
  • Safety reminder: A reverse drill map is located at We will practice a reverse drill when we conduct our next fire drill. Since students are not on buses or at car pool, students should reenter the building quickly and silently and return to their classrooms. Please work with students on this before the next fire drill which will be happening sometime this week.
Upcoming Dates
Click here
For a complete calendar please reference the Bullock Master calendar on Google.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for stressing the importance of using quarterly assessments as a teaching tool.
