Thursday, January 29, 2015

Help needed!

We are in need of your help!  

It is time for us all to synergize to ensure that the learning environment at B.T. Bullock remains safe and effective.

Clean classrooms

  • The K-2 playground is very muddy; we are working on a solution.  
  • Our custodial team can not keep on top of the mess.  
  • Please help by sweeping your classroom each day.  Please ask your student leaders to help.  
  • As always, please also make sure that your floors are free of papers, clutter, pencils, crayons, etc.  Items left on the floor present a safety hazard.  Cleaning those types of items off the floor is not the responsibility of our custodial department.  That is our (staff and students) responsibility.  

Dining Hall

  • It is imperative that classes arrive and leave lunch at their assigned time.  
  • Mrs. Baker and her staff have the distribution of lunch perfectly timed.  Classes arriving or leaving late creates an issue.  It is a Domino Effect.  
  • We are also down a custodian.  Please make sure that your class is picking-up behind themselves. 
  • Please have students get quiet if the light goes on red.  If it happens more than twice in a single lunch period, please have the student eat silently.  Consistency is key. 
  • If there is an issue with late arrival, areas left messy, Dining Hall management, etc, please address it right away or bring it to Mrs. Perrell or my attention.  We will all need to work together to ensure systems flow smoothly.  
Thanks for for help with these matters.  

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