Friday, January 22, 2016

Week 21: January 25th-29th

Bullock Brief

Our Wildly Important Goals

  • Every child will increase reading skills based on their individual academic ability by the middle of the year mClass and/or Q2 quarterly assessments.
  • We will reduce discipline to 21 or fewer referrals per month.
A week for duty.

Habit 7 Schedule

Upcoming meetings and events for January 25-29, February 1-5, and February 8-12.  
The most up-to-date calendar is located online in Google calendar. 


I have created a Padlet--a digital cork board--to capture all the celebrations here at Bullock. I do hope you'll take a few seconds to celebrate the great things happening at B.T. Bullock.

Stop by Celebration Station.

The focus this month: Put first things first

We are embarking on a personal journey this week with the 7x7 contract.  We will move through the process together.  I hope you will be open to this process thinking of the paradigm that "change starts with me."  We cannot work on the public habits of 4-6 without starting on the inside with habits 1-3.  

We officially start on Sunday, January 24th.You can access the week 1 guide here.  

More resources are located at the Leader in Me website.
You can also follow Sarah Ann's blog at or email her at  


Please bring your three-column notes to the staff meeting on February 1st. 

AVID Night for the county will be held on January 28th from 6:00-8:00 at the Civic Center.   

Great things:  As I walk the halls of Bullock I see great things happening.  I love the bulletin boards showcasing challenging students work.  I love seeing class goals and students engaged in accomplishing those goals.  I see student reading and writing more than ever. I also see research-based practices infused throughout the day.  I see evidence of action teams at work. Keep up the great work team.  

Tutoring:  We will be adding 20-24 students from the waiting list to our tutorial program.  We will be notifying families and teachers early next week.  Please make sure that all students have a book and homework (or other materials they need to work on).  Thank you for your help in ensuring we are meeting the needs of all the students who are in the program.

Attendance:  Attendance is due at 9:00am each morning.  Please make sure this is completed in the timely manner. 

Grades:  It is a requirement to enter grades into PowerSchool every Tuesday.  This is county policy and requirement for all teachers in Lee County Schools.  

Committees:  If you have ideas for a committee, please place your ideas on the committee board.  

BT get together:  We will reschedule. Date TBD.  

Leader on TRACK celebration (rescheduled)/Assembly:  We are working to cancel the assembly scheduled for January 28th.  We are planning to hold the Leader in TRACK dance party at 1:30pm on January 28th instead.  

NCEES:  Wendy and I know that you all are so busy and stretched so thin.  We also know that the PDP/evaluation process can be cumbersome.  However, we are having a really tough time with PDPs and sign-off steps being incomplete on the PDP/evaluation process.  I think we can improve the process with two easy steps.  1) Make sure your PDP is updated prior to meeting (we will need to reschedule if it is not complete), 2) Bring your computer to the meeting so we can sign-off together.  Please check the right hand column for  check mark with a circle if your sign-off is yellow rather than green.  That needs to be clicked to "mark complete." 

Mentors:  Please make sure you have reviewed and signed-off on your mentees PDP.  

ACCESS testing:  ACCESS testing begins on February 15th-19th.  We will be using the computer cart for testing during that week.  We will also need computers for a practice test on January 28th and 29th.  Thanks for your flexibility.  

Read to Achieve Letters:  State statute requires that parents are notified of their child's reading progress.  The letter was provided by Central Office for grades K-3.  Please send the letter by February 5th.  

Leadership Day:  Our first Leadership Day will take place on March 23rd.  It is going to be an exciting day to celebrate our student leaders and the great things happening at Bullock.  The Traditions, Community and Lighthouse Teams will be meeting on Monday, January 25th to start planning the event.  Stay tuned for details.  

Instruction:  Since it is the middle of the year, I would like to remind every one of the instructional non-negotiables at Bullock for this week's instructional reminder.  The non-negotiables were discussed at the Opening Meeting and are located in the staff handbook. Please review the list and make sure your mid-year instructional planning includes these elements.   If you need assistance or have questions, I am always happy to help.  

Should have recently completed (check that it's complete):

  • Safe school videos - due January 15th
  • Grade cards - due January 20th
  • Web page update - due January 21st

Due this week:

  • Clubs moved - January 29th
  • mClass window closes - January 27th
  • Report cards go home - January 28th
  • Renaissance U - 'Welcome to STAR," "Essentials of STAR," and "First Data Conversation" - due January 29th (Grade 3-5 literacy teachers only)
  • Habit quiz - due January 29th
  • Check that cumulative folders are current - due January 29th

Upcoming due dates:
  • Bring example of three-column notes to staff meeting - due February 1st
  • Renaissance U - 'Having Data Conversations" and "Using the Learning Progressions to Inform Instruction" - due February 15th (Grade 3-5 literacy teachers only)
  • Read to Achieve letters to go home - due February 5th
Please sign-off on reading the brief here.  

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