Sunday, January 10, 2016

Week 19: January 11-15

Bullock Brief

week for duty.   The duty schedule is located at  Please take note of the changes.  Please help guide and "train" our new staff members in the morning.  Synergize! 

Teams on Duty
Duty Position
Team A
Team B
Bus greeter
Dining Hall Line Server 1/Music
Dining Hall Line Server 2
Dining Hall Monitor
Frausto (temporary)/ESL TA (permanent)
Dining Hall Monitor (upon arrival)
Davis, Sellers, Hairston**
Linkous, Ross, Alston**
Car Line 1
Car Line 2
Car Line 3 (admin back-up)
Gaines (not until Jan. 15)
Welch/Babb (temporary)/New ESL teacher (permanent)
1st/Dining Hall Entrance
Phillips (nurse)
K/1 Hall Monitor
J. Chaney
2nd/3rd Hall Monitor (student monitor)
Back Lobby (admin)
Front Lobby (admin)

Habit 7 schedule

Upcoming meetings and events for January 11th-15th and January 18th-22nd.  
The most up-to-date calendar is located online in Google calendar.


Let's celebrate...
  • Yolanda Gierbolini taking on double the load to serve our ESL students while we find the perfect ESL teacher.  
  • Ana Frausto covering Ms. Hunter's duty while we get a new ESL TA in place.   \
  • Ms. Perrell for working over the weekend (and on her daughter's birthday) to ensure that testing is ready for next week.  We appreciate your sacrifice.  
If you have celebrations to include in the brief please send them to me by Friday.  We have much to celebrate.  

We will be starting our 7x7 contract on January 19th.  Mr. Chaney sent initial information about getting started.  Please see him with questions about how to access the 7x7 app to prepare for this wonderful journey together.

Last week's Leadership notebook check on "On Track Tuesday" asked that all teachers and students make sure they have an intact Leadership Notebook with a table of contents.  All Leadership Notebooks should have 5 dividers.  If you need dividers, please let Mr. Hurdt know.  This week we will explore the goal section.  You can certainly stick with class score boarding to teach students how to track goals, but please do explore the Leadership Notebook components highlighted on the news each week.

We will have a school-wide habit quiz on January 15th.  Mr. Chaney will be sending the Google form this week.

The Leader in Me monthly focus: Put First Things First

More resources located at  
Follow Sarah Ann's blog at or email her at 

I would like to revisit Costa's levels of questioning again this week.  Costa's is a simplified Revised Blooms Taxonomy.  In order to use consistent language, we will use Costa's levels to refer to higher-level questioning which is a hallmark of effective teaching.  Costa's level 1 are where I see most questions falling.  Worksheets, including passages and questions, often fall in this range.  Costa's level 2 and 3 require students to synthesis knowledge and extend their thinking.  Notice how many components of the NCEES evaluation are included in that level of teaching activities.  Discuss how you can increase the rigor of your learning activities within your PLCs. 

We will be bringing samples of 3-column notes at our next staff meeting on February 1st.  See Ms. Gillette's bulletin board for samples.  

The county is hosting a parent night on January 28th at the Civic Center from 6:00-8:00pm.  Students who are interested in presenting should prepare a 1 minute speech about what they have learned through AVID.  The auditions will be held on January 15th at 1:05pm,  

4th and 5th grade teachers, should give students the organization and note-taking assessments no later than January 15th.  All 4th and 5th grade students should be working with their accountability partners.  

- Every child will increase reading skills based on their individual academic ability by middle of year mClass and/or Q2 quarterly assessments.
- We will reduce discipline to 21 or fewer referrals per month by June 2016.

WIGs assessment:  We are nearly at the middle of the academic year.  As you start to gather mClass and quarterly data please take note of the the number of students who accomplished this school-wide WIG of growth for all.  I will be asking for a class-by-class report of the percentage of students showing growth.  

Accountability partners:  Accountability partners, please ask your partner what they have determined to be their class WIG.  Please make sure the WIG is posted so we can all see how we are "beginning with the end in mind."  Help support each other in accomplishing our wildly important goals.

After-school tutoring program:  The after-school tutoring program begins on Tuesday, January 12th.  We will be serving approx. 95 students at that time.  Students attending after-school should report to the Platform at dismissal.  The tutoring session will last from 2:45-3:45.  Feel free to send extra practice materials with those students attending the program.  Also please include assignments that the student did not master so that the tutor can work with the student one-on-one.  

We are looking to add more teachers to the program to serve more students.  If you are interested, please let Ms. Perrell know.  Please pass the word to tutors or other folks who would be interested in helping.

Y Learning:  Y Learning is seeking a teacher to replace Ms. Ashworth when she goes on maternity leave. Please contact Mr. Chaney if you are interested.  Y Learning is 4 days a week from 3:30-4:30.  

Rodents: We have some new UNWELCOME visitors at Bullock.    We have seen many mice over the past week.  Ms. Kennedy is keeping them at bay with a yard stick.  Please make sure all candy and food is placed in plastic/metal containers (not bags) and is tightly sealed.  Also please make sure that no food in left in classroom trash cans.

Assembly:  We will have an assembly, The NED Show, on January 12th at 1:15pm.  I hope you took a few moments to view the video that was sent out last week.  

Technology:  Joy Thompson will be available on January 21st in the front conference room for technology support during your planning time.  Please make sure you have updated your web page prior to that meeting.  You will need to sign-off that your web page has been updated even if you opt not to stay for the support session.  Ms. Thompson will be available to assist with your webpage as needed.  She will also offer support and answer questions about RazKids and SMARTSync.  Please send her your questions in advance so she can be sure to be prepared.  

Testing:  Q2 testing begins on January 12th. Ms. Perrell has sent a detailed schedule.  Please be sure to carefully review.  Thanks for working together to make sure testing is as smooth as possible.  

Upcoming professional development:  Please reserve the morning on January 19th from 8-12 for professional development on Balanced Literacy instruction.  

PLC agenda and minutes:  I only received notes from two grade levels this week:  kindergarten and 2nd grade.  Thank you Ms. Roberts and Ms. Hamel.  Please make sure to send Ms. Perrell and I your agenda and minutes each week.  

Final reminder about staff absences:  Please make sure Ms. Kennedy, Ms. Perrell and I know you will be absent.  You can email, call or text. Clarke cell phone # 919-935-7408, Perrell cell phone #919-352-2575, and Kennedy cell phone#910-690-4273.  

Safe Schools:  Safe School videos are due this Friday by January 15th

NCEES:  Mrs. Perrell and I will continue conducting our 2nd round of unannounced observations  and holding PDP conferences which are due this week.  Please remember to bring artifacts, lesson plans, evidence of completion of the standards to the post-conference.  Also please bring a 1-2 student data notebooks to the meeting to review.  This is not a "gotcha," but rather a way that we can see our progress and determine how we can help.  We will include questions in the observation tool to prompt discussion when we meet.  The post-conference must occur within 10 days of the observation.    You can find NCEES materials from DPI at

AR Professional Development:  "Welcome the STAR," "Essentials of STAR," and "First Data Conversation" modules within the Renaissance online learning portal are due on January 29th.  Please let me know if you have trouble accessing the PD.  "Planning for Assessments" and "Administering the Test" should be accessed and utilized as needed.  All STAR tests must be given by January 15th.  I set-up the first benchmarks in two parts before and after the break to accommodate all classrooms.  

  • The second round of modules "Having data conversations" and "Using the Learning Progressions to Inform Instruction" are due February 15th.  

Instruction:  For the past few Bullock Briefs, I posted information about anchor charts.  Please make sure we are using anchor charts to document the skills that have been taught and provide a way for students to access that information as they a cementing their learning.  

Essential Question:  As Ms. Perrell and I move around the school we are seeing EQs posted in every room. That is fantastic.  Please remember the 'why' behind posting that EQ.  Students should be explicitly told the goal of the learning activity AND asked to answer the EQ during and after the lesson.  Exit slips are a great way to informally assess student's understanding.  Also see your Learning Focused manual for more ideas.  

Brief sign-off:  Once you have read the Bullock Brief please sign-off here.  

....and our world needs peace!  

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