Sunday, February 7, 2016

Week 23: February 8-12

Bullock Brief

Our Wildly Important Goals

  • Every child will increase reading skills based on their individual academic ability by the middle of the year mClass and/or Q2 quarterly assessments.
  • We will reduce discipline to 21 or fewer referrals per month.
week for duty.

Habit 7 Schedule

Upcoming meetings and events for February 8-12, February 15-19 and February 22-26.  
The most up-to-date calendar is located online in Google calendar. 

I have created a Padlet--a digital cork board--to capture all the celebrations here at Bullock. I do hope you'll take a few seconds to celebrate the great things happening at B.T. Bullock.

Stop by Celebration Station.

The focus this month: Public victories

Our 7x7 journey continues. Mr. Chaney will be sending the guide soon, or you can access the 7x7 app.  

Our first Leadership Day will take place on March 23rd. Parent day is March 22nd.    Please be sure to sign-up for an area you can assist with Leadership Day on the document Ms. Water's shared.  

More resources are located at the Leader in Me website.
You can also follow Sarah Ann's blog at or email her at  


AVID elementary site visits February 16th through 19th.  

The "STAR" strategy in AVID refers to note taking. We have focused largely on the "ST" which refers to "setting up" and "taking notes."  The "AR" is adding to the notes and using them for review.  

This week we'll explore the "Review Notes" component.  After students have completed their notes, and added additional information, they can use their notes to review.

  • Review notes regularly: weekly and before an assessment.  We want our students really using their notes.  
  • Cover the notes then either rewrite the notes from memory or review aloud.
  • Reflect.  Summarize the notes; relate the subject to yourself and your personal experience. 
  • Work with a Study Buddy whenever possible.
  • Recopy notes foe neatness and readability, if necessary.  

Page 178 of the AVID Elementary Foundations manual has some great ideas.

Ms. Gillette:  It is with a heavy heart that I share that Ms. Gillette will be leaving B.T. Bullock to pursue other endeavors on February 19th.  Mrs. Gillette's wisdom, wonderful personality and sweet smile will most certainly be missed.  We do wish her the best of luck.

New 5th grade teacher:  Ms. Dean will be taking Ms. Gillette's as a 5th grade teacher at Bullock.  Ms. Dean has worked in the pharmacy industry, the ministry, and has previous teaching experience.  She will no doubt do a fantastic job filling the "big shoes" left in Ms. Gillette's absence.

ESL TA:  I am thrilled to announce that Mr. Lopez will be joining us soon as the new ESL TA.  Mr. Lopez comes to us from Bogota, Columbia where he taught English.  His experience will complete the ESL dream team.  

ScheduleOnce:  I have found a new and simple way to schedule time with me using our Google Calendar and Schedule Once.  Simply visit  Pick the date you would like to meet and select an open time.  We can use this for setting post-conferences, summatives or just time to get together.  The app syncs with my Google calendar.  It's quick and easy!  

Intent Forms:  Please be sure to have intent forms turned-in by February 8th. The forms are used for planning purposes and are not binding.  

Bookroom:  Ms. Lyon and others are in the process of overhauling the book room.  Please excuse the mess as folks work in that area.  Please put returned books in tubs on the table so that it does not throw-off the count of books that has already been complete.  The non-fiction list is forthcoming.  

Learning Lab:  We are changing the process of Learning Lab slightly.  Once a week on Monday, Patrick will email the list of students required to attend after-school Learning Lab on Tuesday or Thursday.  Patrick will also notify the parents.  It is imperative that teachers carefully review the list each week to ensure that students report to the proper location.  Thanks for your help.  

Retention:  It is the time of year to start thinking about retention.  If you are considering retention for a child, please follow the following steps.

  1. Notify me in writing that you are considering retention.  Download the form located here to document. 
  2. Set a meeting with the parents to discuss retention.  Document the meeting on this form (download and update dates). 
  3. Meet with principal and specialists (EC/ESL) to discuss.
  4. Discuss the final determination with the parent. 

100th Day parade:  1:30pm on February 9th

Jump Rope for Heart Kick-off:  1:00 K-2 and 1:30 3-5

College:  If you brought in your college gear for the college picture, I hope you will consider leaving it on display.  We want to build that college going atmosphere.

WIGs update:  Please input the percentage of students that grew according to mClass or quarterly assessments.  They can show growth in either to be considered as a 'yes' for growth.  To calculate, # of 'yes' for growth students / total students in class = X * 100.  Enter the percentage here by February 12th. 

Data Wall:  Team Bullock is "rocking out" use of the data wall.  What a great experience for our students to see their growth.   If you have not already done so, please take a moment to update the data wall by February 12th.  The Data team has suggested a few options: 1) Bring students in small groups to help move their magnets and celebrate success, 2) The teacher/TA move the class w/o students, 3) Contact Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. Gaines, Mrs Chaney or Mr. Hurdt to help move your data if you need assistance.  

Love the Bus:  Love the Bus week is February 8-12.  More details to come. 

ACCESS testing:  ACCESS testing begins on February 15th-19th.  

Instruction at Bullock: The instructional non-negotiables at Bullock are located at this link.

Should have recently completed (check that it's complete):

  • Renaissance U - 'Welcome to STAR," "Essentials of STAR," and "First Data Conversation" - due January 29th (Grade 3-5 literacy teachers only)
  • Grade cards complete - February 3rd
  • mClass window closed - February 1st
  • 3 column note examples - February 1st
  • Read to Achieve letters to go home - February 5th.

Due this week:

  • Use this a a catch-up week

Upcoming due dates:
  • Renaissance U - 'Having Data Conversations" and "Using the Learning Progressions to Inform Instruction" - due February 15th (Grade 3-5 literacy teachers only)
  • Update mClass data on the data wall - February 12th
  • Enter class WIG percentage - February 12th
Please sign-off on reading the brief here.  

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