Sunday, February 14, 2016

Week 24: February 15-19

Bullock Brief

week for duty.

Habit 7 Schedule

Upcoming meetings and events for February 15-19, February 22-26.  
The most up-to-date calendar is located online in Google calendar. 

I have created a Padlet--a digital cork board--to capture all the celebrations here at Bullock. I do hope you'll take a few seconds to celebrate the great things happening at B.T. Bullock.

Stop by Celebration Station.

The focus this month: Public victories

Don't forget to check-out the 7x7 contract to delve deeper into the habits. 

Our first Leadership Day will take place on March 23rd. Parent day is March 22nd.    Please be sure to sign-up for an area you can assist with Leadership Day on the document Ms. Water's shared.  

More resources are located at the Leader in Me website.
You can also follow Sarah Ann's blog at or email her at  


Our AVID Elementary site visit will be held on Thursday, February 18th.  

We will have a notebook check on Monday, February 15th in the Depot at 1:00 for 4th grade and 1:45 for 5th grade. Students should bring their Leadership Notebooks and AVID notebooks.  


WIG progress:  We are still missing a few classrooms for our midyear WIG assessment.  We are currently at 33.6% of students showing growth based on mClass and quarterly scores.  That total will certainly change as the final scores are placed in the spreadsheet.

  • Our WIG:  Every child will increase reading skills based on their individual academic ability by the middle of the year mClass and/or Q2 quarterly assessments.

Bookroom:  Please remember to put books in the tub on the table rather than in the book tubs on the shelf.  Book bags will soon be available to make it easier for you to take materials back to your room.  Please make sure there is no food or drink in the book room.

Dress Code:  Due to several new employee joining us and very cold temperatures, I wanted to send a reminder and clarification about our dress code.  The full dress code can be found in our handbook.  

  • Jeans can be worn on Friday with a Bullock or college shirt.  Jeans should not be worn with sweatshirts/tee shirts on Fridays.
  • Leggings are not part of the Bullock dress code.  However, due to cold weather leggings may be worn if they are worn as your would tights/hose with a dress or skirt that is an appropriate length.  
Interview Team:  It is time to "begin with the end in mind" as we start looking ahead to the 2016-17 school year. It you would like to be on the Bullock interview team please send me an email. 

Retention....reminder:  It is the time of year to start thinking about retention.  If you are considering retention for a child, please follow the following steps.  I will not consider retention for students in May/June.  We need to have conversations about retention early.
  1. Notify me in writing that you are considering retention.  Download the form located here to document. 
  2. Set a meeting with the parents to discuss retention.  Document the meeting on this form (download and update dates). 
  3. Meet with principal and specialists (EC/ESL) to discuss.
  4. Discuss the final determination with the parent. 

Druthers:  I will place the Bullock druthers form in your mailbox on Monday. The form is located here.   The druthers form is the place to let me know if you would like to teach another grade level, move rooms, explore blocking, partner with a specific teacher/TA, etc.The druthers are confidential.  They are important to planning as I "seek to understand" before heading into next year.  Please complete by Monday, February 22nd.   

ACCESS testing:  ACCESS testing this week from February 15th-19th.  

AXA Advisor:  He will be on campus on Tuesday, February 16th in the back lobby.

Picture day: Class picture day is February 18th.  The schedule is located here.

Read-a-thon: Will be held February 19th

Career day:  Will be held on February 26th

Instruction at Bullock: I continue to hear rich conversations about improving students growth. An emerging theme in data conversations on grade levels, data team meetings and post-conferences is a need for more writing. Please revisit those Learning Focused strategies to infuse writing in the lessons you have planned.  A mini PD session can be found here.  If you are still seeking more direction on how to include more open-ended writing in your lessons, please schedule some time to meet with Cinderella, Lisa, Wendy or myself.  We would love to "talk shop" to help include more writing throughout the instructional day. 

Professional Development:  Some professional development opportunities have been gathered together for you to delve into areas of teaching that would most benefit you.  The Bullock Spring PD menu is located here

Visit to schedule time to meet with me. 

The instructional non-negotiables at Bullock are located at this link.

Should have recently completed (check that it's complete):

  • Renaissance U - 'Welcome to STAR," "Essentials of STAR," and "First Data Conversation" - due January 29th (Grade 3-5 literacy teachers only)
  • Update mClass data on the data wall - February 12th
  • Enter class WIG percentage - February 12th

Due this week:
  • Picture day - February 18th
  • Read-a-thon - February 19th
  • Renaissance U - 'Having Data Conversations" and "Using the Learning Progressions to Inform Instruction" - due February 15th (Grade 3-5 literacy teachers only)
Upcoming due dates:
  • Druthers form - February 22nd
  • AR Spring testing window - Starts February 22nd
  • Club day - February 24th
Please sign-off on reading the brief here.  

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