Sunday, April 17, 2016

Week 32: April 18-22

Bullock Brief
Please make sure every second counts as we continue our journey. You are excellent conductors!  Stay focused on GROWTH for ALL using data to drive your instruction. Let Wendy and me know if we can assist in any way. 

  • 2 weeks until the EOY mClass window opens
  • 24 day until Q4 assessments (1st-2nd)
  • 27 days until the science EOG (5th grade)
  • 30 days until the reading EOG (3rd-5th)
  • 36 1/2 days until the last day of school (8 weeks)

week for duty.  

Habit 7 Schedule

Club Day: 9-10am
2nd resource:


Upcoming meetings and events for April 18-22, April 25-29 and May 2-6. 
The most up-to-date calendar is located online in Google calendar. 



New celebrations have been posted.  We have so much to celebrate among our great staff.  
Stop by Celebration Station.

The focus this month: Seek first to understand and then to be understood

The "I" in WICOR stands from inquiry.   We have explored the Costa's levels of questionning throughout the year.  Inquiry is the asking and answering of high-level questionning.  Please review your lesson plans for verbs such as the ones listed below on the 2nd and 3rd level (Costa's 2 and 3).  These questions can be used verbally or as writing prompts.  


Staff Meeting tomorrow: We will have a staff meeting tomorrow starting at 2:45pm.  During the meeting, we will be brainstorming test taking strategies.  Please bring ideas to share with the group to help prepare our students to perform their best on the upcoming end of year tests (K-5).  This should include engaging review strategies and resources. We will also celebrate the teacher and teacher assistant of the year.  It will be a great meeting.   The agenda for the meeting is located here.

Paper supply is low again:  Our paper supply is low again.  We had spend nearly double what we normally spend on paper by January of this year.  We are again running low.  We cannot order more paper. Please be conservative.  

Summer Achievement Academy (SAA):  Thank you to all the staff members who chose to submit an application for camp.  Your help is grealty appreciated.  We will start working on a tentative staffing plan in the next couple of weeks.  More information to come.  

Warren Williams visit:  April 19th in Kindergarten

3rd grade wax museum:  Come check-out the hard work of our third graders at the living museum on April 21st.  The living musuem is such a wonderful learning experience.  There will be a living museum parade on April 21st at 11:00am.  

Summative reviews and PDPs: Wendy and I will be setting-up summative and PDP final reviews in the coming weeks.  This will include teachers and TAs.  Please make sure to update your PDP for the final review.  We will conduct the summative review and PDP at the same time.  

Safe School modules:  The last three safe school modules are due at Bullock on April 22nd.  

EVAAS verification:  The teacher verification window is April 23-May 20.

REMINDER..Master calendar meeting with PTO:  We will be holding a master calendar meeting with PTO on April 19th at 4:00pm.  We need one representative from every grade level at the meeting as well as all folks who would like to have a fundraiser, arrange pictures, hold events, etc.  In order to avoid events being too close together, we need all representatives present.  If you cannot attend, please send someone in your absence.  Once the calendar is set we will avoid revisions or additions so that we have a more balanced workload and spread-out community events.  We also want to avoid overlapping money requests for our parents.  This calendar will include ALL fundraising events for the entire year.  We will also decide on dates for all staff, committee, SIT, Lighthouse, RtI and PLCs.  No complaints about the calendar if your not there. ;)

PTO...reminder:  Please continue to encourage your students' family and friends to volunteer at the PTO Thrift Shop.  Each class that works 10 hours will get a popcorn party.  We need 150 hours to get our PTO check each year.  This is the money the PTO uses to give you money to spend in your classrooms.  It's really important we get that check. 

Visit to schedule time to meet with me. 

Should have recently completed (check that it's complete):
  • Report cards go home - April 13th
  • Read-a-Thon - April 15th
Due this week:
  • PDP updated by April 18th
  • Summative and final PDP review starting April 18th (individual dates to come)
  • Safe school modules - April 22nd
Upcoming due dates:
  • TOPs folders due - April 25th
  • Committee meetings - April 25th
  • EVAAS teacher verification - April 23rd-May 20th
  • Arbor Day - April 29th

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