Saturday, April 2, 2016

Week 30: April 4th-8th

Bullock Brief

Stay on that train to Charleston!!!
Stay focused on the core belief that ALL our students can and will grow. We have 47 1/2 days until the last day of school.  
week for duty.  Please notice changes to the duty schedule.  Our start time to the day continues to be 7:30am. If you are going to be out, please secure coverage. It puts everyone in a pinch if your position is not covered in the AM.  Thanks for your help with a smooth, orderly and happy morning arrival process.  

Habit 7 Schedule
Complete schedule here

Upcoming meetings and events for April 4-8, April 11-15, and April 18-22. 
The most up-to-date calendar is located online in Google calendar. 



Please do not skip by this section.  It's too good to miss. Heading to celebration station is a "happy place" where we can celebrate all the great people and things happening at Bullock.  Please do not forget YOU too can post celebrations in this area.

Stop by Celebration Station.

The focus this month: Seek first to understand and then to be understood

My oh my, did our leaders shine on Leadership Day!!  Remember that those skills and strategies are real and relevant every single day.  Continue living our mission daily:  loving, learning and leading.  

AVID uses WICOR.  We delved into WICOR at the beginning of the year.  As we enter review time, I wanted to review WICOR again.  The "C" in WICOR stands for Collaboration.  AVID acknowledges that learners learn through meaningful collaboration.  Ms. Gaines, our interventionist, shared some wonderful strategies for think-pair-share before the break.  I wanted to reshare those strategies as you as planning for the next 9 1/2 weeks.

IMPORTANT...NCEES Housekeeping: Over the break I did some housekeeping on our NCEES system, there are some loose ends to tie-up.  Please carefully check the spreadsheet located here to see you have outstanding items in the NCEES system to complete the observation cycle.  Check column A and E as some items need peer/mentor assistance to complete.  Please complete these odds and ends no later than April 8th

Teacher and Teacher Assistant of the Year:  Certified staff members and our teacher assistant's should cast their vote for the teacher and the teacher assistant (respectively) of the year on the form shared on April 1st.  Votes are due Tuesday, April 5th at 3:00pm.  

Reminder...Million minute challenge: It is a requirement to enter your class's minutes read on the Million Minute Challenge spreadsheet.  Please make sure you are updating the spreadsheet weekly.  

IAM password change:  Starting April 4th, employees Service to access Homebase will need to change thei password every 90 days.  The NCEdCloud IAM service has been upgraded to enforce the expiration of employee passwords for improved security.  

Award and graduation schedule:  I have elicited the feedback of our Habit 7 team and grade level chairs in regards to the timing of our awards and graduation events at the end of the year.  All dates have been tentatively placed on the Bullock master calendar.  Please review and provide feedback to the aforementioned folks on the proposed timeline.  Can you believe we are planning for the end of the year?  

Grades due:  Grades are due no later than Wednesday April 6th.  Please turn-in your teacher comment verification no later than the 6th as well.  Please place comments on quarter 3.  

Staff meetings in April:  We will not have a staff meeting on April 4th when we return.  We will have a staff meeting on April 18th where we will acknowledge our new teacher and teacher assistant of the year.  

IMPORTANT...Master calendar meeting with PTO:  We will be holding a master calendar meeting with PTO on April 19th at 5:00pm.  We need one representative from every grade level at the meeting as well as all folks who would like to have a fundraiser, arrange pictures, hold events, etc.  In order to avoid events being too close together, we need all representatives present.  If you cannot attend, please send someone in your absence.  Once the calendar is set we will avoid revisions or additions so that we have a more balanced workload and spread-out community events.  We also want to avoid overlapping money requests for our parents.  This calendar will include ALL fundraising events for the entire year.  We will also decide on dates for all staff, committee, SIT, Lighthouse, RtI and PLCs.  No complaints about the calendar if your not there. ;)

PTO Thrift Shop Nominations:  I need to submit the names for nominees to serve on the PTO Thrift Shop Board.  If you are interested, please let me know via email.  Serving on the board earns us hours at the thrift shop.  Kim Slate has served for several years.  We are so thankful for her service and involvement with the PTO Thrift Shop.  

PTO...reminder:  Please continue to encourage your students' family and friends to volunteer at the PTO Thrift Shop.  Each class that works 10 hours will get a popcorn party.  We need 150 hours to get our PTO check each year.  This is the money the PTO uses to give you money to spend in your classrooms.  It's really important we get that check. 

Behavior reminder:  Please remind students that clubs, specials events, celebrations, etc are contingent on good behavior.  We have a lot of wonderful things to look forward to.  We want our students "putting first things first" as we enter crunch time.  

Water bottle supply:  Please double-check that you have two water bottles per student in your room in storage.  If not, please notify me via email.  Please complete this by April 8th. 

Library check-in:  Please send students to Platform 9 3/4 on the day you have library so that Ms. Davis can work with her volunteers to get the books checked-in before the students arrive for class.  It will save time and make check-out more efficient.  

Kindergarten registration:  Starts April 4th and runs through April 29th.

Sharpen the Saw Event:  April 5th at 6:00pm for VFW Line Dancing.  Dinner will be at Hawkins Grill at 5:00pm.  

Visit to schedule time to meet with me. 

Should have recently completed (check that it's complete):
  • Relaxation
  • Rejuvenation
  • Time with friends and family
  • Fun!
Due this week:
  • NCEES housekeeping - Due April 8
  • Teacher and Teacher Assistant of the Year - Due April 5th at 3:00pm
  • Grades due - April 6th
  • TENTATIVE Leader on Track school-wide celebration - April 8th
  • Check water bottle supply - April 8th
Upcoming due dates:
  • Report cards go home - April 13th
  • Read-a-Thon - April 15th

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