Sunday, May 15, 2016

Week 36: May 16th-20th

Bullock Brief
Please maximum instructional time and stay the course team!
  • Last week for EOY mClass!
  • 6 days until Q4 assessments (1st-2nd)
  • 8 days until the science EOG (5th grade)
  • 11 days until the reading EOG (3rd-5th)
  • 17 1/2 days until the last day of school (4 1/2 weeks)

week for duty.  

Habit 7 Schedule

Upcoming meetings and events for May 16-20, May 23-27, May 30-June 3rd, and June 6-10
The most up-to-date calendar is located online in Google calendar. 





We have so much to celebrate.  Stop by Celebration Station.

The focus this month: Synergize!

You can access an interactive PDF called "Critical Thinking and Engagement: A Schoolwide Approach" by clicking on the provided link. This resource includes some excellent ideas and resources to engage students in reflective activities and encourage critical thinking.  Please conduct the EOY organizational and note-taking assessments (grades 4-5) the week of June 6th.  

End of Year Checklist: It's that time of year to start working through the End of Year Checklist.  Can you believe?!

SIT: Monday, May 16th at 2:45pm (please note earlier start time) in the Platform.  

SIT vote: Thank you all for voting and for supporting our school in so many ways. Please congratulate the following individuals for being voted on our SIT team for a two year term. Please let me know if you are unable or unwilling to serve in this capacity. 

  • Specialist: Shani Whilby
  • TA: Ashley Dossenbach, Suzanne Mills
  • 1st: Joy Velasco
  • 3rd: Katie Hall

AR:  Please plan on completing the final AR STAR test after the reading and math EOGs are complete.  The testing window is May 31st - June 9th.  

RtI turn-in:  RtI turn-in will be from June 1st-3rd.  Please schedule a time for turn-in with Christina Stone.  

Paper supply is low:  Just a reminder to be conservative.  

Action teams:  Please submit the names of the staff members who will be serving on the AIG/RtI, data and C&I teams. 

  1. Review the updated and scrubbed action team list.  Consider where your talents and gifts would best be put to use.  
  2. Vote for SIT for EC, TA (x2), 1st and 3rd.  Please be reminded that SIT team members are also grade level facilitators. 
  3. Choose grade level rep for AIG/RtI.  Enter name here.
  4. Choose grade level rep for data team. Enter name here.
  5. Choose grade level rep. for curriculum and instruction. Enter name here.
  6. Folks who are not on a committee will choose their big rock  

Student supply lists...reminder:  Please start working on student supply lists.  The formatted supply lists from 2015-16 have been shared with you.  Please update and email the complete list back to me.  Please include copy paper.  Please do not alter the formatting so the lists are consistent.  I will change the open house information at the bottom.  

EVAAS verification:  This is the last week for teacher verification in EVAAS.  All rosters are due May 20th. 

Silence in car pool....reminder #2:  Please make sure to remain silent while moving through the area where our car riders are waiting for their cars.  It is hard to keep the students quiet if the adults are talking.  Thanks for your help with this matter.  

Absences...reminder:  Please remember it is a requirement to let Melissa, Wendy and I know if you will be out.   We must know who is out to ensure there is adequate coverage for classrooms as the students arrive. If at all possible, please prearrange your substitute.    

Instructional reminder:  In grades 3-5, we are using NC Ready or Coach JumpStart for review matching the rigor and length of the EOG.  The Performance Coach for ELA is also an option.  In math, we should be using NC Ready, stretch math and TenMarks (not FrontRow).  The released EOGs should be used for practice.  

We will be getting new calculators from the county.  Lisa Foushee will be visiting PLCs on May 11th for a mini training.  Please include calculator practice in your instructional plan.  

Visit to schedule time to meet with me. 

Should have recently completed (check that it's complete):
  • Last week to check-out books - May 9th-13th
  • Last day of media - May 13th
  • All leave requests submitted - May 9th
Due this week:
  • mClass EOY window opens - May 2nd - 20th
  • Turn-in library books - May 16th-20th
  • 3rd grade only: Send home R2A letter - May 17th
  • TA eval meetings - May 9th-20th
  • EVAAS roster verification - May 20th
  • Submitt the names of RtI/AIG, data and C&I members:  May 20th
Upcoming due dates:
  • Quarterly tests 1st-2nd - May 24th-26th
  • EXTEND 1 testing - May 25th
  • 5th grade science EOG - May 26th
  • 3-5 ELA/Math EOG - June 1st-2nd
  • Plan for awards (make sure they are leaderized :) - June 3rd, 6th and 8th
  • End of year checklist items - due on June 10th (some due dates start May 27th)

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