Sunday, November 13, 2016

Week 13: November 14-18

Bullock Brief

week for duty.  

Habit 7 Schedule






Upcoming meetings and events for November 14th-18th.
The most up-to-date calendar is located online on the Bullock Google calendar. 


Monthly focus:  Be Proactive
Between the stimulus and the responses lies the freedom to choose.  This space allows us to use our unique human gifts to respond.  Those gifts include: self-awareness, imagination, conscience and independent will.  We can choose to be proactive vs. reactive.  Check out the list below and look for opportunities to trade a reactive thought/response with proactive language this week.  #habitlife

Action teams:  Tomorrow, November 14th at 2:45. Action team chairs should prepare an agenda and share it with our school community.  Super work teams!

Lighthouse meeting:  Friday, November 18th at 2:45pm.

CogAt make-ups:  CogAt make-up testing will take place on Monday.  Please be cognizant that students will be testing in various areas as you move throughout the building.  

Counselor Led Training:  Please see the email sent by Megan to complete the counselor led training by November 18th.  

PLCs:  Purpose:  Review the data from Q1 assessments. 3-5 PLCs will dig into data on Thursday.  4th grade-1:00 with Perrell, 5th grade-2:45 with Perrell and 3rd grade-2:45 with Clarke.  

This week before PLCs independently review your data asking yourself. 
  1. In looking at this data, what pops out at you? 
  2. Why is this data important?
  3. If this data remains constant, what might be the possible consequences for our students?
  4. What are your hunches about what might need to happen next to impact this data?
  5. What further questions do you have, and what additional data is needed?

During PLCs, teams can share their reflections to note.  We will provide a template to guide our discussion. 
  • Here’s What! filled with specific facts (Ex: 30% of Grade 2 students did X?
  • So What? is an interpretation of the data
  • Now What? can be action steps.
DPI coaching visit: Claudia Lanier will be visiting our K-3 teachers for an informative session on how to use mClass data to drive instruction and provide targeted intervention. The first session is on November 15th from 12:00-3:00 in the front conference room for 2nd and 3rd grade.  Please note coverage below.  Team Bullock, thanks in advance for synergizing to provide the time for our grade level teams to collaborate. 

DATA DEEP DIVE W/ DPI for 2-3 - November 15th
12:00-3:00pm K-TAs to cover in 2nd grade and 1st-TAs to cover in 3rd

DATA DEEP DIVE W/ DPI for K-1 - November 28th
12:00-3:00pm K-TAs to cover in K and 1st-TAs to cover in 1st

Learning A-Z Training:  Learning A-Z training will take place this week on Wednesday for K-2.  The training schedule is included below.  The training will take place in the front conference room.  

LEARNING A-Z training for K-2 - November 16th 

12:30-1:30 K with K-TA coverage
1:30-2:30 1st with 1st-TA coverage
2:30-3:30 2nd with K-TA coverage to help get the kids to buses

Black Friday Raffle:  The Black Friday Raffle is underway.  The directions are simple.  Each ticket is $1 or 5 for $6.  Each ticket provides a chance to win $1,000.  Anyone can win! WooHoo!   Encourage your students to sell tickets. You can sell tickets as well.  More tickets are available in the office. I mentioned that we needed to raise money to provide teachers with the $200.  That is for NEXT YEAR.  We are covered for this year and you can certainly spend your $200 already given to you by the PTO for the 2016-17 school year.  

Leadership teams:  Mr. Bradian has the school-wide leadership teams ready to roll.  Please see his email (titled "Leadership Teams!") in regards to sending the student leaders to their sponsor on Monday morning, November 14th, at 8:10am.  

Assembly:  Our 2nd graders will perform for the school at 1:00 on November 17th.  Come see our second graders sing about Wacky Weather.  

New 1st grade teacher:  As we say goodbye to Ms. Nemeth to head overseas to Germany, we welcome Tanya Harrington onto the 1st grade team. Ms. Harrington has experience as a teacher and nurse and she is eager to get back into the classroom.  She will be starting after the Thanksgiving break.  I hope you'll show her a warm Bullock welcome.  

Instruction:  Vocabulary instruction is one of our focused five.  Ms. Lyon and Ms. Grace have some excellent tools provided by DPI for academic vocabulary review.  They have graciously offered to prepare those materials for our teachers.  Please be sure to use and teach academic terms every day.  Another element of our focused five is spiral review.  Please provide time daily to review skills that have been previously taught as well as providing time for drills on foundational skills (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division).  

Visit to schedule time to meet with me. 

Should have recently completed (check that it's complete):
  • Grade cards go home - November 9th
  • ESL training - November 11th
Due this week:
  • Counselor training video - November 18th
  • 2nd grade performance - November 17th at 1:00pm (in-school) and 6:00pm
Upcoming due dates:
  • Thanksgiving holiday - November 23rd
  • Wonders training for 4th - Tuesday, November 29 from 2:00-4:00 
  • Wonders training for 3rd - Tuesday, Dec. 6 from 2:00-4:00 
  • Wonders training for 2nd- Tuesday, Dec. 13 from 2:00-4:00  

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