Sunday, November 27, 2016

Week 15: November 28th-December 2nd

Bullock Brief

week for duty.  

Habit 7 Schedule






For upcoming meetings and events please see the Bullock Master calendar. I reshared the Bullock calendar to be sure everyone has access. 


Monthly focus:  Begin with the end in mind
We have not pushed accountability partners this year, but having an accountability partner keeps you on track and restores your soul.  I meet with my wonderful accountability partners (Ms. Cole and Ms. Rose) every Tuesday because that works for us.  I would suggest you find someone you connect with each week to talk about your life, your goals and how you can support one another.  

The habit focus in December is "begin with the end in mind."  Last week, I challenged you to examine how your paradigms drive your behavior.  I hope that you will share those reflections with a colleague, friend or accountability partner.  To "Begin with the End in Mind" means to begin each day, task, or project with a clear vision of your desired direction and destination, and then continue by flexing your proactive muscles to make things happen.  That direction is your mission. Our school stays focused on our mission every day through every element of operation.  Your class should also have a mission.  I would encourage all of you to also have a personal mission to keep you connected and on track with your goals.  Take some time this week to draft or reconnect with your mission.


SIT:  The SIT team will be meeting on Monday, December 5th  at 2:45pm in Platform. 

PLCs:  Admin visits in 3-5 this week.   
  • 3rd grade (note time change): 8:20-9:00 Stef and/or Wendy
  • 4th grade:  1:00-1:40 Stef and/or Wendy
  • 5th grade:  2:45-3:25 Stef and/or Wendy
Staff meeting:  We will have a staff meeting on Monday, December 12th starting at 2:45pm. 

Lighthouse Meeting:  We will meet on December 9th at 2:45pm. 

ESL Parent Night: Thursday, December 8th.  Details to come 

Holiday Party:  We all that you'll join us for the Annual Staff Christmas Party.  It will be wonderful to spend time together celebrating the season and each other.  SIgn-up by December 5th here
  • Where: Westlake Clubhouse, 1321 Gormly Circle,  Sanford, NC 
  • When: Friday, December 9th, 6:00-8:00 pm
Splitting classes:  Ms. Dossenbach will clearly not be holding science classes this week as she focuses on a precious Bobbi Quinn.   We are working on coverage.  In the interim, the grade facilitator should split their class for Habit 7.  Please make sure to evenly split the classes so that class sizes are equal.  Thanks for being flexible with this change in the our schedule.  

Morning duty:  For all teachers and TAs on duty in the morning, please make sure you report to class immediately after the bell rings in the morning at 8:00am. It is only necessary for one person to stay back in the Dining Hal to usher the last breakfast eaters to class. 

Sanford Christmas Parade:  We hope that you'll come out to enjoy the Sanford Christmas parade on Monday, December 5th starting at 7:00pm.  The Bullock Leave a Legacy candidates and our choir will be riding the parade. 

Lesson plans:  I am having trouble finding lesson plans in classrooms during formal and informal observations. Please start placing your lesson plans in this folder on Friday for the week following.  Please start this process this week on December 9th.

Book fair:  The book fair is underway!  Super job to Ms. Ashworth for coordinating the event and setting-up the Platform for the fair.  It looks incredible. 
  • Dates:  Friday, December 2- Friday, December 9
  • Break down: Friday, Dec. 9 after school. Help to get a free book from wish list.
  • Shopping times: 8:00-8:20 and 9:00-10:00 everyday.  1:40-2:00 Thursday, Dec. 8
  • Family Night: Wednesday, December 7th. Help one hour get one free book. Help both hours and get 2 free books. Please email me to sign-up.
  • Please keep all library books in your classroom during the Boom Fair. I will not have anywhere to put them. *
  • Free books- Any one book under $10.  If the book you want is over $10, you may pay the difference. 
Custodial requests: Please be sensible when requesting custodial assistance during the day.  Our custodians are getting pulled to complete many requests that could be completed by a student or staff member.  They are always willing to help, but please synergize to ensure a smooth flow. 

Wonders training:  We have the final two Wonders training sessions on the December 6th and 13th.  Please see details below.  Let me know if you have any questions.  Please thank our wonderful TAs for being so flexible and helpful. 

  • WONDERS TRAINING for 3rd GRADE - December 6th from 2:00-4:00 at Central Office
  • K-TAs to report to 3rd grade at 1:45pm.  Townsend/McLean, Gallego/Alston, Hurdt/Ross, Hall/Davis, Lloyd/Douglass, Johnson/Swindell
  • WONDERS TRAINING for 2nd  GRADE - December 13th from 2:00-4:00 at Central Office
  • 1st-TAs to report to 2nd grade at 1:45pm.  Shepard/Chesney, Falk/Sellers, Spaulding/Williams, Gross/Hairston, Carter/Woodell, Roberts/Mills.

Instruction:  I will scan and send the Learning Focused lesson refresher in a separate email tomorrow morning.  Check out this article I read this week about 5 ineffective strategies to eliminate in the classroom.  Something to think about. 

A couple reminders...
  • Please do not have students copy down vocabulary words in any subject.  It is a waste of time and does not impact retention.  The Wonders program has provided resources for a quick 10 minute frontload of the vocab. 
  • Students must use calculators every day.  I need to see the calculators out and in use. 

Visit to schedule time to meet with me. 

Should have recently completed (check that it's complete):
  • Midterm - December 1st
Due this week:
  • Wonders training for 3rd - Tuesday, Dec. 6 from 2:00-4:00 
  • Book fair - December 5-9
  • Book fair family night - Wednesday, Dec. 7 from 5:00-7:00
  • ESL parent night - Thursday, Dec, 8 from 5:30-6:30
  • Bullock Christmas party - Friday, Dec. 9 from 6:00-8:00
Upcoming dates:
  • Wonders training for 2nd- Tuesday, Dec. 13 from 2:00-4:00
  • Data Deep Dive K and 1st - TBD

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