Sunday, February 19, 2017

Week 24: February 20-24

Bullock Brief

week for duty [link here].  

Habit 7 Schedule.  The full schedule is here [link here].







All events can be found on the shared Master Bullock calendar.


Lighthouse Meeting: We will have a Lighthouse meeting from 2:45-4:00 in the front conference room.  Agenda to be provided to team members by Mr. Chaney.

Homework Huddle meeting:  We will be meeting with our Homework Huddle tutors on Thursday, February 23rd at 2:45pm.  I will send a separate email to the tutors.  We will gather in the Depot. 

Homework Huddle students:  3-5 teachers please call, email and DoJo all nominated students for the Homework Huddle [List link here].  We have 66 slots (11 mamas) in the program and we want all the slots filled with eager learners.  We are still aiming to start Monday, February 28th.  It's a very tight turn-around. 

PTO meeting:  Please join us for our monthly PTO meeting at 3:30 on February 23rd in the front conference room.

Leader of the Week: I noticed that our Leader of the Week board is missing many of our student names.  Please make sure to list the Leader of the Week on the board for our whole school to celebrate. 

YMCA Pick-Up Policy:  The YMCA clarified their student pick-up policy this week in regards to the YMCA after-school and Y Learning programs.  Once students have checked-in at the YMCA, no staff members are allowed to "check-out" or "borrow" a child from the YMCA unless the parent has provided prior written permission. Please let me know if you have any questions about that process.

IMPORTANT...RtI: The RtI process can be confusing and overwhelming at times.  Our Bullock RtI team convened last week to discuss how to make the process a little less daunting. Some steps to help are included below.
  • Step 1: Reacclimate yourself with the pink RtI manual provided by the county.  It provides the step by step process for RtI. 
  • Step 2:  Check out the RtI resource resources gathered together on Drive [link here].
  • Step 3  Ask questions and create goals with your RtI rep (Battle-K, Slate-1st, Roberts-2nd, Johnson-3rd, Douglas-4th, Stone-5th).  That is what they are there for.  They should be able to provide guidance, answer questions, create goals and direct you to other resources for interventions (If/Then resources,, FCRR, etc.).If you still have questions, you can see admin, O'Shaughnessy, Spivey, Matteson or Stone.  We are all happy to help. 
  • Step 4:  If you would like an individual or group training, please indicate your needs on the upcoming RtI survey that Mrs. Matteson will be sending. Training is on the way.

PLCs: During PLCs, we have been asking teams, "What should we look for when we come into your classrooms?"  You have provided some excellent feedback.  With so many demands and expectations placed upon you, we want to be saliently clear on what we are looking for and what the "big rocks" in instruction should be. The "look fors" are included below.  A rubric to further explain those "look fors" will be distributed early this week. 

  • Writing
  • Rigor
  • Time on task/student engagement
  • Student engagement
  • Writing
  • Immediate and effective feedback


RtI:  K-2  RtI this week in Ms. Stone's room February 21st starting at 2:45pm. 

ACCESS testing: Testing continues.  Please remember to look for testing signs on doors and remain silent in our hallways to maintain a quiet testing environment for our students.

AVID:  There is an AVID training session being held on Saturday, March 11th. Teachers will get a $100 stipend.   Please register on SchoolLink. 

Behavior management:  These are some good tips and resources for behavior management.  Go to  See the “Resources Locator” for information and training on how to support behavior and classroom management.   

Quick links:  PLC schedule [link here].  Lunch schedule [link here].  PLC template [link here].  Retention forms [link here].

Visit to schedule time to meet with me


Monthly focus:  Public Victories (Habits 4-6)

Leadership day will be April 7th. 
  • Applications:
    • Feb. 27th Need to have all interviews completed.
    • Feb. 28th Announce who will be helping.

All teachers should be greeting students at the door each morning.  It is such an important part of a child's day.  And ,it's so much fun! 

We will have our Leader in Me coach, SarahAnn Taylor, here on March 2nd for a coaching day.  Sarah Ann will be meeting with grade levels throughout the day and will close-out the afternoon by debriefing with our Lighthouse Team.  Please mark your calendar for exciting day of date ahead. 

Can you imagine a world without Teachers? [Link here] You all matter in the lives of our students.  Thanks for all you do. 

Should have recently completed (check that it's complete):
  • Leadership day application - February 10th
  • Midterm - February 17th
  • CUOC food drive - Through February 17th
  • Item analysis and error correction on quarterlies - February 17th

Due this week:

  • Living museum in 3rd grade - February 23rd
  • PTO meeting - February 23rd at 3:30pm
  • Read-a-thon - February 24th
  • Jean day - February 20th for folks who read the brief  (shhh!)
Upcoming dates:
  • Action team meetings - February 27th
  • The Leader in Me Coaching Day - March 2nd
  • Peer observations - March 15th
  • Student transfer -forms due -  March 31st

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