Sunday, February 1, 2015

Week 21: February 2-6

Week 21

  • Meeting on Monday:  We will be having a very brief introductory meeting with PJ Gaye at 3:00pm on Monday, February 2nd at Platform 9 3/4 (media center).  
  • ACCESS:  We will be conducting ACCESS testing this week.  Please carefully read communication from Mrs. Perrell in regards to the plan. 
  • Reflection:  Please do not send students to reflection to complete work or catch-up on homework. Reflection should be used only be used only in cases where students are substantially impacting learning or if safety is at risk.  Students should not remain in BIP without administrative approval.
  • Peace Flag: Mrs. Perrell and I are challenging our entire student body to synergize to fly the Peace Flag.  On Wednesday, we will announce the target number of referrals/reflections.  If we can reduce referrals, we will "fly the Peace Flag" and our entire school will celebrate together.  The incentives will get better and better the more the Peace Flag is flown.  Please remind your students of this goal frequently. 
  • SIT: Our SIT meeting will follow at 3:15pm.  Please make sure you have provided input to your SIT rep in regards to discipline and schedules.  
  • New AIG position:  I will be introducing our new K-3 AIG Nurturing Specialist, Jeanine Romines at the beginning of the meeting.  She will be assisting with TOPS folders and teaching PETS lessons in grades K-3. Her first official day is Monday.  I am thrilled to have the extra support for academically gifted students in grades K-3.   
  • PTO meeting: We will be having a PTO Board meeting on Monday, February 2nd at 4:30pm in the media center.  
  • Safety Patrol:  We will be having a Safety Patrol meeting at 2:00pm on Monday, February 2nd.  Please send safety patrol members to Platform 9 3/4 at that time.  
  • 100th day of school:  The kindergarten team will be celebrating the 100th day of school this week.  Shouldn't we all be celebrating?  Please feel free to join in the fun sporting 100 items of something or looking like you are 100 years old.  Our K friends will love it.  
  • The PD:  Please remind students that only our Polite Department should be helping in our lobbies.  We have many, many helpers in the morning.  We have talked to our students about helping, but it would be helpful to reiterate in the classroom.  
  • Community Forum: Dr. Bryan will be holding a community forum at Bullock on February 9th at 5:30 at Platform 9 3/4.  Please mention that meeting in your parent communication.  We will also be sending school-wide communication as well.  
  • Habit quiz: We will be conducting another school-wide habits quiz on April 10th.  We were at 66% proficient on our last quiz.  Let's aim for 100%.  
  • Instruction: Make sure that you are utilizing the Ready NC workbook for math.  iReady should be used in your computer centers. 
  • Data driven instruction:  Mrs, Chaney and I will be providing your mClass correlation reports this week.  Please make sure you are using that data to create groups and provide remediation. Please continue to allow students to correct their errors on formative and summative assessments.  Use your instructional assistants, tutors and volunteers to help.  Please also collaborate with specialists (ESL, EC, RtI Interventionists, Lead Teacher-Mrs. Lyon)
  • Modeling:  Please remember that we are modeling the behavior we desire in our students all the time.  Please make sure we are not redirecting student behavior publicity or using a demeaning approach.  Please reference the great classroom management article that Ms. McHugh shared with us for some pointers ( Number 2 offers an alternative to public redirection.   

  • Maintenance: Maintenance has discovered that the toilets are clogging up due to baby wipes.  They do not dissolve.  Please place baby wipes in the trash.    
  • Safety: The systems committee will be conducting a reverse drill in the coming weeks.  The directions can be found at  If you are on the playground, when we call  a lock-down or reverse drill you should enter the woods by the field or go down the evacuation route located behind the buses.  Staff and students should seek cover.  
  • Retention:  I have a parent letter to give to parents if you are considering retention.  Please come see me for the letter.  The checklist is located at  
Upcoming Dates 

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