Saturday, March 14, 2015

Week 27:March 16-20

  • Compliments: The students behaved fabulously in the assembly on Friday due to your collective efforts and synergy.  The actors commented on the fact that the children were so well behaved....the BESTthey have seen. They also said that the students' behavior "saved the show" since the microphones were not working; the children were so silent and attentive it did not matter.  Kuddos to you all!  Mrs. Perrell and I would also like to compliment you all on the Dining Hall environment.  Every time we have visited the Dining Hall over the past couple weeks, it has been orderly and pleasant.  Well done team!!! 
  • Instructional time:  We only have 12 more instructional weeks ahead (can you believe).  We have 9 weeks before EOGs.  We have 1 week of instruction before quarterlies and after we return from Spring Break we have 4 weeks before the EOY for mClass and 7 1/2 weeks to EOGs.  Thank you for continuing to maximize the instructional/learning time in your classrooms. 
  • week for duty
  • Habit of the week:  Sharpen the Saw
  • Staff Meeting: Monday, March 16th in Platform 9 3/4.  Snack and munchies at 3:00.  The meeting will start 3:15pm.
  • K-2 RtI meeting: Tuesday, March 17th
  • PLCs:  Wednesday, March 18th in Platform 9 3/4 at 3:00pm
  • Committee Meetings: Monday, March 23 at 3:15pm
  • BT3 Meeting: Tuesday, March 24
  • SchoolNet Training:  Please select a date to attend on March 25th or March 26th.
  • March Madness: Thursday, March 26th at 6:00pm
  • Spring Break: March 30th-April 3rd
  • 4th Grade McTeacher Night:  Thursday, March 19th from 5:00-8:00.  The 4th grade team has arranged for balloon animals and face painting.  It is sure to be a fun night for all our Bullock families.  
  • McDonald's money:  Please spend your money.  See Gail for details. 
  • My schedule this week:  I will be out of town for a career fair in Boone on Wednesday and will be in a all day TLIM community day meeting on March 20th.  Please see the ladies in the office or Mrs. Perrell in my absence.  
  • Community Day:  We will be hosting a Leader in Me Community Day in Platform 9 3/4 on Friday, March 20th.  Mrs. Ashworth will be visiting you classroom for class that day.  Thanks for being flexible.  
  • Accident reports:  Please give accident reports to Jennifer Babb.  
  • Bengal Broadcast:  Please watch the Bengal Broadcast every day.  The news is part of our culture and it also has updates and reminders that are important for all students/staff hear. 
  • 5th Grade Habit 7: Fifth grade will have Habit 7 class from 1:30-2:15 instead of 2:15-2:00 effective on Monday, March 16th.  
  • Red bags: Please make sure your class roster is updated in your red bag.  
  • Tour guide update:  The following students will be my tour guides on March 20th:  Valerie Rodarte, Bailey Hunter, Logan Jordan, Emily Willis, Stephanie Cabrera, Elijah McLean, Rebecca Valasquez, Caleb Waters (let me know if I missed someone).  I would like to have a lunch meeting with these students at 12:30 on March 17th.  Students should report to the front conference room.
  • New Behavior Junction specialists:  Mr. Gilmore and Mr. Gray will be starting in behavior junction this week on Monday.  Mr. Gilmore is a retired teacher and Mr. Gray retired from the banking industry.  They will be a wonderful addition to the Bullock family.  Ms. Hairston will be supporting classroom teachers to ensure that the instructional environment is maintained.  
  • Leader on TRACK details
    • Every class has been provided with a Golden Ticket. A Golden Ticket can be awarded to another class to allow them a bonus jump ahead on the Leader on TRACK board.  The idea behind this is to give the class an incentive to work toward if a classmate(s) has dereailed the class.  A golden Ticket is a BIG DEAL.  Please confer with the teacher and specialists to be sure the class has earned it.  Please let Mrs. Ashworth know so it can be announced on the news.  Please return the Golden Ticket to the teacher the following week so it can be awarded again.  
    • Mrs. Stone is creating a list of “high-flyers” to be paired with mentors.
    • If 25 classes are "Leaders on TRACK" (80%), then we fly the Peace Flag. When we celebrate (and I KNOW we will), the children who were responsible for the write-up/reflection CAN NOT participate (go to Behavior Junction).  
    • Leaders on TRACK runs from Monday-Thursday at 3:00pm.  The Friday can be pulled at teacher’s discretion if the class does not remain on T.R.A.C.K.
  • Dining Hall reminders for our students (at breakfast)
    1. Be proactive and remain silent in the breakfast line.  
    2. Be careful to not knock off trays and plasticware when you go through the line.  If you do accidentally cause an avalanche, pick up the fallen things. 
    3. Sit in the required seating--
      • K-2--fill in where directed 
      • 4/5 cabooses--two to a table on the far side of the table facing the 2nd grade hall  
    4. Remember Only 4/5 cabooses eat in.
    5. If you spill, clean up.
    6. If you forget something, don't get up--ask an adult.
    7. Use a whisper voice, so we can still hear the lovely music.
    8. Eat quickly and head to class for a day of great learning.  (Many are staying 20 to 30 minutes--especially our older students.)
    9. Use your best manners by not talking with food in your mouth nor playing with your food.
    10. If an adult needs to help you get back on track because you are not being proactive, then be respectful and check your head, your heals, and your heart.  It's never too late to get on T.R.A.C.K.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” 
― Nelson Mandella

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