Sunday, March 22, 2015

Week 28: March 23-27

  • Breakfast for you:  Come to work hungry tomorrow morning (March 23rd) for a delicious breakfast provided by Grace Chapel Children's ministry and our Bullock PTO.  Thank you for all that you do Bullock family!  Thank you also to our community and parents for their generous gift.    
    • Assorted fruit tray
    • Assorted pastries tray
    • Assorted muffins tray
    • Hash brown Sausage Casserole
    • Biscuit & Sausage Gravy Casserole
    • 21 Day Fix Fruity Oatmeal Bake
    • Scrambled eggs with sautéed onions & peppers
    • Orange Juice
    • Coffee
  • Leaders on TRACK celebration: Twenty-one classes celebrated learning in the Depot on Friday (up from 15 last week).   The children showed such pride and excitement over their accomplishment.  At 21 classes, we were only 4 classes away from flying the Peace Flag and celebrating as a school.  That is exciting!  We had a marked decrease in discipline referrals this week.  That is progress and it is awesome!  Keep up the great work. 
  • week for duty
  • Upcoming meetings and events for March 23-27 and April 6-10
    • Staff Meeting (mandatory): Monday, March 23rd in Platform 9 3/4 from 3:00-3:15pm.  Committees will meet afterward
    • Committee Meetings: Monday, March 23 at 3:15pm
    • 3-5 RtI meeting: Tuesday, March 24th
    • 3rd Quarter ends: Wednesday, March 25th
    • SchoolNet Training:  Please select a date to attend on March 25th (in lieu of PLCs) or March 26th.  It is a requirement to attend one training session.  
    • March Madness: Thursday, March 26th at 6:00pm.
    • Read-a-Thon: Friday, March 27th.
    • Grade cards due: Monday, April 6th
    • SIT meeting: Monday, April 6th in Platform 9 3/4. 
    • K-2 RtI meeting: Tuesday, April 7th.
    • Science Fair:  Turn-in projects no later than Wednesday, April 8th
    • School-wide PLCs: Wednesday, April 8th. 
    • Habit 4 Training: Tuesday, April 7th or Thursday, April 9th.  This session is for teachers who are new to Bullock or any staff members who would like a refresher on "Think Win-Win." 
    • School-wide habit quiz:  Friday, April 10th.  We were at 67% for students in December.  
  • Spring Break: March 30th-April 3rd.
  • April Newsletter: Information due Monday, March 23rd.
  • Safety Videos: Safety videos are due Friday, April 10th.  
  • Instructional time:  Quarterlies are this week.  We have 8 weeks before EOGs and when we return from Spring Break we have 3 weeks before the EOY for mClass.  Giddy up!!!
  • Quarterly testing: 
    • Testing will begin on Monday with 5th grade testing grammar/science.  
    • Habit 7 classes will be on a normal schedule on Monday and Tuesday.  Classes will be on hold until testing is over on Wednesday and Thursday.  Thanks for making that happen Mrs. Perrell!!
    • The testing plan has been shared and may be found at the following link:  
    • Please be mindful of testing as you move throughout the building.  Remember to keep the hallways silent so we can maintain a quiet testing environment. 
    • On March 26th, 2nd and 3rd will be switching lunch times. Please discuss within your grade level to ensure everyone is aware of the changes.  
  • Staff member of the month:  Don't forget to celebrate your colleagues by submitting nominations for staff member of the month.  
  • 4H posters: New 4H posters have been posted throughout the building.  Please use that language when redirecting student behavior.  Thank you Lighthouse Team.  The posters look great. 
  • Punctuality:  It is imperative that you are punctual when arriving to and leaving the Dining Hall.  All classes should be leaving the Dining Hall no later than 1:08, as noted on the lunch schedule,  so our Dining Hall and custodial staff can wrap-up clean-up each day.  
  • Engineers:  We would like to start featuring our engineers on the news each morning. At this stage in the game, an engineer ticket should only be awarded to a child who has gone above-and-beyond to exhibit leadership not just doing what is expected.  It should be a great honor to be awarded a ticket.  If you spot a Engineer, please write the student's name, grade, teacher and quick summary of what they did to earn the ticket. Give the ticket to Mrs. Clarke or place it in my mailbox. Please tell the child to report to the news room with their ticket at 7:50am the following morning for a shout-out. 
  • Reflection: Please follow the school-wide process of allowing students to reflect in your room first, then move to a buddy room, and then onto Behavior Junction.  Once moved to Behavior Junction, it causes the class to loss the opportunity to move on the Leader Board.  Students should not complete work in Behavior Junction (unless assigned ISS time).  Please use the new reflection format for K-1 and 2-5 only. You can revist the reflection blog posted previously on the Bullock process for reflection.  
  • Leaders on TRACK:  We will pull the names of the classes who earned the reward at 3:00pm on Thursday.  If your train is not moved at that time, the class will not be able to participate in the celebration.  We need an accurate count at that time to plan ahead for the reward on Friday.  We are also using that data to determine the greatest areas of need.  We want it to be accurate.   Thanks for your help with this.  Managing the class's Leader on TRACK progress would be a great leadership role within your class. 
  • Golden Ticket: Please return the any earned Golden Tickets to the teacher who gave it it to you for the week ahead.  Remember the Golden Ticket should be earned in all settings, all the time, by the entire class (minus the 1-2 students who may have derailed the class on the Leader Board).  It is good to work elicit the help of your colleagues if you need a Golden Ticket, but please continue to be discerning and fair when awarding the Golden Ticket.  If students earn a Golden Ticket for a medicore or off-track week, it will diminish the value of the reward.  Please work together to make this reward a true honor and something that requires the students to work together.  
  • Tour guide comments:  Valerie Rodarte, Bailey Hunter, Logan Jordan, Emily Willis, Stephanie Cabrera, Elijah McLean, Rebecca Valasquez, Caleb Waters and Alex Riojas were tour guides on Friday.  The Community Group complimented the excellent job that the students did.  Such leaders!!!! Please send these students to the news room on Monday morning at 7:50am for a quick shout-out.  
  • Detention:  Starting last week, students can now be assigned detention as a consequence.  Students may also be assigned detention if they are not on TRACK in Behavior Junction.  Please remind your students that we will continue to "put first things first" as we focus on academics here at Bullock.  

“Treat a man [child] as he is and he will remain as he is. Treat a man [child] as he can and should be and he will become as he can and should be.” 

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