Sunday, April 12, 2015

Week 30: April 13-17 (8 1/2 more weeks of school)

  • week for duty
  • Upcoming meetings and events for April 13-17 and April 20-24
    • Staff meeting: April 13th at 3:00 at Platform 9 3/4.
    • 3-5 RtI meeting: Tuesday, April 14th.
    • Science Fair: Tuesday, April 14th and 15th in the Depot.
      • Community viewing: Wednesday from 5:30-6:30pm.  
    • 4th grade field trip: Shrek at Lee County High on Wednesday, April 15th.
    • Habit 5 Training: Tuesday, April 14th or Thursday, April 16th.  This session is for all staff members who are new to Bullock or any staff members who would like a refresher on "Seek first to understand and then to be understood."
    • Secretary's day: Wednesday, April 15th.  
    • PTO meeting: Thursday, April 16th at 5:00pm in the front conference room.
    • Bus driver banquet (bus drivers and admin): Thursday, April 16th at 6:30pm.  
    • East Lee Band visit (5th grade only): 1:15 in the Depot on April 17th.  
    • 2nd grade field trip: Shrek at Lee County High on Friday, April 17th
    • 1st grade field trip: Visiting the zoo on Monday, April 20th.
    • AIG meeting:  Monday, April 20th at 3:00pm.
    • Lighthouse Team Meeting: Monday, April 20th at 3:00pm at the Platform.
    • AdvancED observations: Tuesday, April 21st.  
    • Habit 6 Training: Tuesday, April 21st or Thursday, April 23rd.  This session is for all staff members who are new to Bullock or any staff members who would like a refresher on "Synergizing."
    • Lee County Reading Association: Thursday, April 23rd at the Platform at 4pm.  
    • McTeacher Night for 3rd grade: Thursday, April 23rd from 5:00-8:00.
    • Jump Rope for Heart: Friday, April 24th.  
  • IMPORTANT AdvancED visit:  The AdvancED observation will take place on Tuesday, April 21st.  
    • Please try to be here on that day unless there is a major unexpected emergency.  
    • Please make sure that all bulletin boards are updated, complete and feature rigorous student work by Monday, April 20th at 8:00am.  
    • K/1 teachers: Please make sure to clean the area outside your classrooms by the playground including taking items to lost and found, straightening rugs, cleaning-up blocks, etc.  Please notify the custodial team if there are broken items that need to be discarded.  Our environment is an important component of our school.
    • Wendy and I will continue informal walk-throughs for AdvancED this week.
    • Continue to reflect on these questions and reference the materials provided in regards to high-quality instruction.
      • Equitable learning environment: How are you providing differentiated learning opportunities for your students?
      • High expectations: Where have you incorporated higher-order thinking and rigorous coursework in your instructional day?
      • Supportive learning environment: How do you ensure that your learning environment is positive and safe for students to take academic risks? 
      • Active learning environment: How will an outside observer be able to see that ALL students in your class are actively engaged?
      • Progress monitoring and feedback environment: What process or systems are used to provide ongoing feedback about student learning in all subjects?
      • Well-managed learning environment:  What classroom routines are implemented to protect instructional time and set behavioral expectations?
      • Digital learning environment: How are you using digital tools to research, solve problems, communicate, collaborate, and create original student work?
  • Arbor Day:  We will be celebrating Arbor Day at Bullock on May 14th at 1:15pm. Our city mayor, county commissioners, Dr. Bryan, other district leaders and the Sanford Herald will be here with us that day.  The Arbor Foundation will be donating trees to Bullock again.  Yay!  Students will be receiving the details of the Arbor Day writing competition on Monday, April 13th.  The competition is not mandatory for our students, but it allows our little naturalists choice and voice to be leaders in our school.  Submissions are due April 25th.  
  • Paper requests: Please do not interrupt art class for materials and supplies in the closet.  Please see the custodial staff if you need paper or supplies from the art storage area.  Thanks for help with this.  
  • K-2 TOPS:  TOPS folders are due April 30th for K-2 teachers.  Please see Mrs. Romines, Mrs. Stone, or Mrs. Schlott with questions.  
  • Instructional time reminder:  We have 6 weeks before EOGs and 2 weeks before the EOY for mClass.  Please continue to focus on the "big rock" of academics.  
  • NC READY: Please make sure that you are using the NC READY books for math (and literacy if you can). Wendy and I will be checking lesson plans to ensure that this is being used for instruction.  
  • Modeling reminder #2: Please remember that we should have quiet hallways.  Please make sure to keep you voice quiet in the halls as well.  Loudly redirecting student behavior in our common areas can be more disruptive than the undesired behavior itself.  
  • PM for RtI: Classroom teachers should continue to progress monitor their RtI students.  Mrs. Straub and Mrs. Williams are providing interventions, but can not manage progress monitoring as well.  Also please make sure to clearly communicate what students should be working on during their intervention sessions.  
  • Safety reminder: Our county maintenance department has asked that we not use plug-in air fresheners.  :( Air fresheners are still fine to have, but please do not use the plug-in type.  Thank you for your help with this.  It's all about safety.  

The paradigm of change....change starts with you.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.  Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead

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