Saturday, April 18, 2015

Week 31: April 20-24 (7 1/2 weeks left of school)

  • week for duty
  • Upcoming meetings and events for April 20-24 and April 27 - May 1
    • 1st grade field trip: Visiting the zoo on Monday, April 20th (weather permitting)
    • AIG meeting:  Monday, April 20th at 3:00pm.
    • Lighthouse Team Meeting: Monday, April 20th at 3:00pm at the Platform.
    • AdvancED visit: Tuesday, April 21st.  
    • K-2 RtI: Tuesday, April 21st
    • Habit 6 training: Tuesday, April 21st or Thursday, April 23rd.  This session is for all staff members who are new to Bullock or any staff members who would like a refresher on "Synergizing."
    • Admin professionals day: Wednesday, April 22nd.
    • Lee County Reading Association: Thursday, April 23rd at the Platform at 4pm.  
    • McTeacher Night for 3rd grade: Thursday, April 23rd from 5:00-8:00.
    • May newsletter: Submissions due April 23rd
    • Jump Rope for Heart: Friday, April 24th.  
    • mClass EOY window opens: Monday, April 27th
    • Arbor day projects due: Tuesday, April 28th
    • Habit 7 training: Tuesday, April 28th or Thursday, April 30th.  This session is for all staff members who are new to Bullock or any staff members who would like a refresher on "Sharpening the Saw."
    • 3-5 RtI: Tuesday, April 28th
    • Spring portraits (rescheduled): Tuesday, April 28th
    • Arbor day winners selected:  Wednesday, April 29th
    • K field trip: K to Marbles on Friday, May 1st
    • Special Olympics: Friday, May 1st
    • School lunch lady day: Friday, May 1st
  • Beginning with the end in mind
    • mClass EOY window: April 27th - May 15th
    • Teacher appreciation/book fair:  May 4th-9th
    • Career week: May 11th-15th
    • 4th quarter assessments (K-2): May 19th-21st
    • EOGs: May 28th-June 3rd
  • IMPORTANT AdvancED visit:  The AdvancED observation will take place on Tuesday, April 21st.  I am proud to show these folks teaching and learning at B.T. Bullock.  Thank you for all your hard work.  
    • Tutors, TAs, ESL, EC, etc. should continue with business as usual during the visit.
    • Please make sure that all bulletin boards are updated by Monday morning.
    • Please make sure your classrooms and the common areas of our school are clean and organized so our observers can focus on what matters...learning. 
    • Observers will be looking for the following components: 
      • Equitable learning environment
      • High expectations
      • Supportive learning environment
      • Active learning environment
      • Progress monitoring and feedback environment
      • Well-managed learning environment
      • Digital learning environment
  • Building hours:  The building will be open from 10-3 tomorrow, April 19th.  The building is also unlocked every day at 6:00am and open until 8:00pm.  
  • Arbor Day:  Arbor Day submissions are due April 28th.  It is an optional project.  It is a fun opportunity for our students to celebrate nature and exhibit leadership. Please remind your students about this opportunity. You can carve out time to work on the projects if you are able.  Some students will be selected to present their writing during the event.  We will be celebrating Arbor Day at Bullock on May 14th at 1:15pm.
  • K-2 TOPS reminder:  TOPS folders are due April 30th for K-2 teachers.  Please see Mrs. Romines, Mrs. Stone, or Mrs. Schlott with questions. 
  • Field trip changes:  Please be sure to alert Ms. Baker if you are considering changing the date of scheduled field trip.  
  • Instruction:
    • Academic vocabulary:  Make sure you are explicitly teaching academic vocabulary.  Use the learning focused graphic organizers to help students acquire new vocabulary.  
    • Analyze data: As a grade level team...
      • Review your recent quarterly scores, and other formative assessments given in class, to determine standards that are not yet mastered.
      • Analyze 'why' students are not mastering a given standard.
      • Determine who is the most effective at teaching that standard (based on data).  Have the resident expert share strategies.
      • Use data to determine student groups who need support .  
      • Structure your time and teaching decisions around those needs.  Use the tutors, each other and other external resources to meet student needs.  
      • In summary, pre-test---teach----group (differentiate)---assess---analyze.  
    • NC READY: Please make sure that you are using the NC READY books for math (and literacy if you can). 
    • Test taking strategies:  The summary of your brainstorm ideas can be found at  Thanks for the great ideas.  Take time to teach these test taking skills to your students. 
  • SIT goals:
    • By June 2015, we will increase our reading proficiency from 53% to 60% based on the 3-5 READY EOG in grades 3-5 and from 65% to 72% based on mClass TRC in grades K-3
    • By June 2015, our discipline referrals will be reduced by 25% from 267 referrals to 200 referrals.
    • By June 2015, we will reduce our teacher turn-over rate from 29% to the state average of 13%.
    • By June 2015, we will reduce our bus discipline rate by 20% from 129 referrals to 103 referrals.
  • Tech changes:  We are sad to say goodbye to Mr. Garrett starting May 1st.  I hope that you'll give Will a warm Bullock send off.  Ana, who currently works at Broadway, will be joining the Bullock family on May 1st.  
  • Retention: Please make sure you are completing the retention paperwork and following all the steps for retention if you would like to consider retaining a child.  Please make me a copy of the paperwork and place it in my mailbox no later than April 22nd if you would like to retain a child.  I will not consider retention for students who have not followed the process.  The retention form is located at  
  • Don't forget: Nominate colleagues for staff member of the month.
  • Seeking first to understand....: I thought this was a neat idea to connect with students.  It's a relevant way to practice writing as well.  Go to
Every child deserves a champion--an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists they become the best they can possibly be.  - Rita Pierson

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