Saturday, April 25, 2015

Week 32: April 27th-May 1st (6 1/2 weeks of school)

  • week for duty
  • Habit of the week: Put first things first
  • Upcoming meetings and events for April 27 - May 1 and May 4-8
    • School-wide PLCs: Wednesday from 3:00-4:15 in the Platform
    • May newsletter: Make sure your submissions are in.  They were due April 23rd.
    • mClass EOY window opens: Monday, April 27th (Mrs. Perrell is meeting with grade levels to set the testing schedules/days).
    • Arbor day projects due: Tuesday, April 28th
    • Habit 7 training: Tuesday, April 28th or Thursday, April 30th.  This session is for all staff members who are new to Bullock or any staff members who would like a refresher on "Sharpening the Saw."
    • 3-5 RtI: Tuesday, April 28th
    • KEA webinar (kindergarten only): April 28th, 29th and 30th from 3:30-4:30.
    • Spring portraits (rescheduled): Tuesday, April 28th
    • Leader in Me coaching day (see details below): Wednesday, April 29th
    • EVAAS roster verification meeting: April 29th (15 minutes) at the beginning of PLCs. 
    • Arbor day winners selected:  Thursday, April 30th
    • TOPS folders due (K-2): April 30th
    • K field trip: K to Marbles on Friday, May 1st
    • Special Olympics: Friday, May 1st
    • School lunch lady day: Friday, May 1st
    • Book fair: May 4th-8th
    • Teacher Appreciation: May 4th-8th (You are going to LOVE it!)
    • SIT team meeting: May 4th
    • K-2 RtI: May 5th
    • KEA webinar (kindergarten only): May 6th and 7th from 3:30-4:30
    • Kindergarten instruction meeting: May 7th from 6:00-7:00 in the platform.
    • Kindergarten muffins for mom: May 8th
  • Beginning with the end in mind
    • mClass EOY window: April 27th - May 15th
    • Career week: May 11th-15th
    • 4th quarter assessments (K-2): May 19th-21st
    • EOGs: May 28th-June 3rd
  • Farewell tradition:  We would like to start a new farewell tradition at Bullock.  Please meet in the back lobby on May 1st after car riders are gone (3:05pm) for a send-off for Mr. Garrett.  You will be provided with a note card in your mailbox this week to write well wishes or a story/memory about Mr. Garrett's time at Bullock.  Please return the cards to Mrs. Welch by the end of day on Thursday, April 30th.
  • EVAAS verification time:  The EVAAS verification window opens for teachers on Monday, April 27th.  EVAAS is located at  Helpful resources are located at that link as well.  I will review how to verify your roster on Wednesday at the start of PLCs.  You can access a helpful online tutorial at to get a jump start.  
  • Leader on TRACK:  Please tell your students that we have some very exciting Leader on TRACK celebrations coming up that they will not want to miss.  In the coming weeks, we will have a bounce house and a dunk tank to dunk their teachers and much more.  Remind students that they should continue to "put first things first" with their academics. We continue to strive to fly the Peace Flag as well.
  • Leader in Me coaching day: We will have a Leader in Me coaching day on Wednesday of this week.  Each grade level is scheduled to meet with Dana to ask questions and reflect on the LIM process thus far.  The meetings are brief and we will have a team of substitutes to cover classes throughout the building. The schedule is included below:
    • 7:45-8:15 School tour and getting settled for Dana (our coach)
    • 8:15-8:45 2nd grade, Ross and Sellers
    • 8:45-9:15 5th grade
    • 9:15-9:45 Habit 7 Teachers
    • 9:45-10:15 K (teachers and assistants)
    • 10:15-10:45 1st grade  (teachers and assistants)
    • 10:45-11:15 3rd grade
    • 11:15-11:45 4th grade
    • 11:45-12:15 Lighthouse team lunch
    • 12:15-3:00 Lighthouse team debrief
    •  EC, ESL, custodial staff, dining hall staff, office ladies, Officer Seagroves and tutors should plug into a session that works the best for their schedule.  I would like for every single staff member of our staff to have a voice in this discussion.
  • Arbor Day:  Arbor Day entries are due April 28th.  No late entries will be accepted.  Please give projects to Ms. Dossenbach.  Thank you for allowing time for students to work on their projects and getting students excited about this opportunity.   We will be celebrating Arbor Day at Bullock on May 14th at 1:15pm.
  • PTO requests:  Please complete the Google form located at for items that you would like to see PTO fund next year.  PTO is in the planning process and wants to best serve student needs. They will be selected two "big rocks" for fundraising.  Thanks for your ideas.  
  • Built in snow day "time":  Vote if you would like to add 15 minutes on the instructional day from the beginning of the year to avoid needing to add time later.  Submit your vote by Monday end of day at  
  • Bright Ideas:  Check out the flyer from Central Electric in the workroom offering $2,000 for creative, hands-on projects.  It sounds like a great offer.  
  • Instruction:
    • Academic vocabulary:  Effective academic vocab practice requires systematic practice, review and deep processing. I have attached a PDF from Berkely Unified Schools about academic vocabulary (  It provides clear direction on instructional techniques for teaching academic vocab and super graphic organizers (Learning Focused style!!). This is a must-see resource.  Please see the word lists in the back.  
    • Test taking strategies:  The summary of your brainstorm ideas can be found at  Thanks for the great ideas.  Take time to teach these test taking skills to your students. 
  • SIT goals:
    • What is your student proficiency in reading?  How are you addressing student needs to meet this goal?  (SIT goal: By June 2015, we will increase our reading proficiency from 53% to 60% based on the 3-5 READY EOG in grades 3-5 and from 65% to 72% based on mClass TRC in grades K-3).
    • How many times has your class been a Leader on TRACK?  Are your "high-flyers in RtI or receiving other support from mentors and colleagues?  Have you reflected on your practices and sought advice for troublesome issues?:  (SIT goal:  By June 2015, our discipline referrals will be reduced by 25% from 267 referrals to 200 referrals).
  • Don't forget: Nominate colleagues for staff member of the month.  It feels good to be noticed fro your efforts!  Live our mission..share the love. 

Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten.

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