Sunday, June 7, 2015

Week 37: June 8th-12th (2 1/2 days of school)

  • week for duty
  • Upcoming meetings and events for June 8-12
      • Read to Achieve testing (3rd grade only):  June 8th
      • Survivor (5th grade only)June 8th from 8:45-11:00am in the Depot
      • SIT Team meeting: June 8th at 3:00 in the Platform (planning for summer)
      • Awards(in the Depot):
        • June 8th from 11:45-12:30 - 4th grade
        • June 9th from 10:30-11:30 - Graduation for 5th grade
      • 4th grade to museum in Raleigh: June 9th
      • Last day of school:  June 10th at 12:00
      • Last day lunch from First Baptist Church: June 10th at 12:30pm in the Platform
      • Staff lunch and End-of-Year Celebration: June 11th from 12:30-2:00 in the Platform
      • Work days:  Required June 11th/optional June 12th
  • Important testing reminders:
    • Please see the testing plan from Mrs. Perrell for the testing plan for Read to Achieve which will occur on Monday, June 5th.  
    • Win Win Way (3rd grade hall) will be off limits for testing. 

  • EVAAS:  Our EVAAS rosters have been submitted to the district.  I tweaked some rosters to resolve over/underclaiming of students and to resolve conflicts.  If your received an email from the EVAAS system, please make sure the changes noted are acceptable.  If there is an issue, we can address.  
  • Early release lunch schedule:  The early release schedule is located at  
  • Committees:  We are getting close with our committees, but still have some "big rocks" with too many leads.  There should only be one certified and/classified staff member on each big rock.  The document located at summarizes the committees for the coming year.  I still need bus drivers to decide where they would like to serve.   Thank you all for deciding where you will lead. 
  • Retention paperwork:  Last call for retention paperwork.  If I do not have the retention form, I will not be considering that student for retention.  
  • Videos:  Please remember that all videos need to be approved.  This is a wonderful time for exciting and engaging learning activities.  I have loved seeing and hearing about some of the fun learning activities and projects that you have provided for our students.  
  • Textbook inventory:  Please be sure to complete the text book inventory that Mrs. Perrell shared by June 10th.  
  • iReady diagnostic:  All students should complete the iReady diagnostic prior to leaving on June 10th.  It has been assigned to all students at this point.  
  • Year end checklist:  You can find the year end checklist at  Please complete the year end checklist before leaving for the summer (hard copy was also placed in your box).  Please make sure an administrator checks your room before you head-out for the summer.  We also want to make sure we say goodbye to folks.  :)   
  • Staff supply list: Please make sure your supply list requests have been submitted to Ms. Kennedy (
  • End of year Celebration:  We will be having our End of Year celebration following lunch on June 11th.  All are invited to attend.  Like last year, we would like grade levels/teams to prepare a little skit, song, poem, etc. to celebrate members of our Bullock family who will be leaving.  Anyone is welcome to prepare a special story to share with the group about anyone who is leaving.  This will be a time for us to celebrate together.  

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