Saturday, August 29, 2015

Week 2: August 31st-September 4th

 Bullock Brief

  • For folks who are new to Bullock....the Bullock Brief is published weekly and archived in this Google Blog.  The information in the brief is pertinent to our day to day business.  It is a requirement to read the brief no later than Monday by noon. 
  •  I am working to get you the Bullock Brief on Friday afternoon.  I missed the mark this week.  Sorry team.  I will be working toward that for next week.
  • What a great first week!  I saw folks taking such pride in their classrooms, loving our students, problem solving complex situations, infusing the habits into instruction, synergy, and so much more.  Living our mission, “To love. To learn. To lead.” From day 1.  This is going to be an amazing year.  Well done team!
Habit 7 schedule

  • Please remember that the online calendar is the most up-to-date calendar for our school.  The hard copy that was provided provides an overview, but new events have been and will continue to be added all the time. 

Upcoming meetings and events for August 31st-September 4th and September 7th-11th
Start Time
Business staff meeting
August 31st
mClass BOY
September 1st thru September 22nd

K-2 RtI/mClass
September 1st
AVID site team meeting (maybe)
September 1st
Schlott’s caboose
PLCs (Brandon Morehouse sharing new math resource for 3-5):
September 2nd
BOG training (3rd grade only): 
September 2nd
Hall’s room
LCS AVID site team meeting
September 3rd
West Lee Middle School Media Center
Beginning of year checklist due
September 4th

Place in box in the workroom. 
Holiday-No School
September 7th

Wherever you want to be J
3-5 RtI meeting
September 8th
Stone’s room
3rd grade BOG
September 9th
Win-Win Way and First Things First Freeway (3rd and 4th grade hall)
September 9th
Beginning of year cumulative folder check due
September 11th

The Leader in Me Structured calendar: Week 2 of the “quick start” guide located at at Classes should also be exploring leadership roles for their students.  Resources are located at

Every staff member should be using the plethora of resources and lessons located at the Leader in Me.  If you have not accessed the website, please do so no later than September 4th.  Please see your Lighthouse Team—Christian Chaney, Sarah McHugh, Joy Velasco, Valerie Long, Myra Cole—with questions.   

  • Go to  
  •  Click on the Green "Leader in Me Online" butto.  
  • Click on Register.  Then enter your registration code below in order to set up your profile and begin using the site.  Registration Code: 7042029
I would like to draw your attention to the Leadership and Quality Tools located at  These are great tools to embed in your lesson. 

All AVID team members (4th and 5th) should be working to set-up their notebooks.  Please see your site team leadsCharlene Schlott and Katherine Gillettewith questions.

AVID BOY assessment for organization:  August 31st thru September 4th

AVID goals should be set by September 4th

  •  IMPORTANT Data notebooks:  Our classroom data lead, Scott Hurdt, will be distributing information about data notebooks on Monday during our staff meeting.  He will also be providing information on how to set-up your data notebooks so that the process is consistent and not overwhelming.  He has reviewed and consolidated the information that you’ll need for your data notebooks.  Thank Scott and the AVID team.  So hold tight on getting those notebooks set-up.  We will do it together. 
  • Open House Sign-In:  Please make sure the office has a copy of your Open House sign-in no later than Wednesday of this week. 
  • Fire Marshal Report:  The following items were listed in the most recent fire marshal report.  Please address the issues noted below so we remain compliant with fire code.
    • Remove all metal door kicks, wooden wedges, or other obstructions holding open any self closing doors throughout the building.
    • Remove combustibles hanging from the ceilings, light fixtures, pipes and beams in classrooms throughout the building. 
  • Need your feedback: Please add your thoughts (Plus/Delta) about the beginning of the year events at Bullock at
  •  Safety:  Please do not prop open the outside doors.  Please also remind students that doors cannot be propped open.  Please also remind students not to open the front doors for visitors.  They need to be checked-in through the front office.
  • Warren Williams joining PLCs: Two teachers from Warren Williams will be joining our PLCs on Wednesday so they can stay on pace with grade levels in the county and hear/share creative ideas.  Please give them a warm Bullock welcome. 
  • Y Learning:  You will be asked to submit the names of students who would benefit from FREE after-school tutoring by September 14th.  Start collecting the names of those students.  More information to come.   The program will start on September 28th
  •  Mops in the Dining Hall:  Mops will no longer be available to students in the Dining Hall.  If there is a spill, students should ask a custodial team member. 
  • Environment:  Please remind students that they should be at least one block from the wall at all times and checking those 4-Hs.  Our students are leaning on our Dining Hall walls which will eventually hurt the beautiful art work.  L  Could you assign a conscience student to be the PRIDE leader to help keep the school beautiful?  Perhaps the students could define the role and how they can lead in that capacity.  
  • Instruction:  Please refer to the instructional non-negotiables shared at the Opening Meeting and placed in our handbook at  Please make sure your upcoming plans (starting no later than September 8th) include the elements noted.  
  • School Social Worker:  Our school social worker, Kim Richardson, will be at Bullock on Monday and Tuesday each week.  You can contact Kim at

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