Sunday, December 6, 2015

Week 16: December 7th-11th

Bullock Brief

week for duty.   The duty schedule is located at

Habit 7 schedule

Upcoming meetings and events for December 7th-11th December 14th-18th.  
The most up-to-date calendar is located online in Google calendar.

Math online training  12/9 and 12/10 for the designated trainers (Gillette and Chaney) only. 

Data wall meeting 12/18 for Data team members only. 

Holiday break December 21 - January 1st.  Return to school January 4th.  

Let's celebrate...
  • Mrs. Ashworth for her work in coordinating and managing the book fair last week.  I know there were MANY volunteers who also helped.  I do not want to leave anyone out.  Thank you for synergizing for making this event happen.  
  • Ms. Davis for coordinating the hat and glove project and Ms. Pendley, Mrs. Whilby, Mrs. Velasco and Mrs. Stone for their help and contributions.  
  • Mr. Hurdt for sharing great resources with the whole staff earlier this week.
  • Mr. McIver for ensuring that ALL the students on his bus have a book as he supports our school-wide WIG of literacy. 

The Leader in Me monthly focus: Goals

REMINDER...Leadership Notebook check:  Please take time this week for students to review their leadership notebooks.
  • At this point, all students at Bullock should have a Leadership Notebook with the following components....
    • Section 1: Wildly Important Goal = Includes the a WIG related to literacy at a minimum.  It is time to start adding personal, behavioral or other subjects to our WIG section.  In that section, students should be tracking literacy assessment and coloring in their ATBs.  For those that are ready, go ahead and move forward with setting strategies and score boarding.  
    • Section 2: Additional data = This section should include other data such a quarterly exam results, mClass summaries, or other subjects not tracked as WIGS.
    • Section 3: Leadership roles = This section is a work-in-progress.  This is where students should record their Leadership role.  Every child should have a Leadership role.  
    • Section 4: Victories = This should be a spot to display victories and reflections on growth and success:  an engineer ticket, a note from the teacher, an award earned over the past quarter (every one should have been acknowledged at least once), etc. 
    • Section 5: Student-led conferences = This section is a work-in-progress. 
There are numerous other great resources (in addition to the ones Mr. Hurdt provided to you) at  

Over the past few weeks we have taken a deep dive into WICOR.  What is WICOR?  It is writing, inquiry, colloboration, organization and reading.  Did you take a look at your levels of questionning last week as we explored inquiry?  I hope that some of you utlized the provided lessons from AVID weekly.  Within your PLCs this week, please bring your lesson plans or student samples to discuss how you included level 2/3 questionning in your instruction.  

We are going to hover here for a another couple weeks as we continue to infuse more writing and higher-level questionning into instructional practice.  Both Learning Focus lesson and AVID indicate that writing is a pivotal component of instruction.  Writing improves reading.  As the holiday's apporach, many teachers use this time of year to teach students about different cultures or create special keepsakes.  Reflect on lessons you have used in the past.  How can take those great lessons and include more writing or higher-level inquiry?

4th and 5th grade teachers, don't forget to check-out resources at for your lesson planning.  You should also use AVID Weekly.  The code is included below.   
Name of School: B.T. Bullock Elementary School - Add Code: 600347  

If you would like further information, see Ms. Gillette, Ms. Schlott or a 4th/5th grade teacher.  

- Every child will increase reading skills based on their individual academic ability by middle of year mClass and/or Q2 quarterly assessments.
- We will reduce discipline to 21 or fewer referrals per month by June 2016.

Reminder.....Nightly reading: Please remember that nightly reading is a REQUIREMENT. All students must have a level appropriate book to read at home every night. We cannot assume that they have reading material at home. This is a school-wide WIG and of the utmost importance.

      Send-off for Anna:  Please gather in the Platform at 3:00pm on December 11th for a send-off for Anna.  

      Safe Schools:  Please work on completing the next round of Safe School videos.  They are do after we return from break. 

      Lesson plans:  Please make sure your lesson plans are visible (on your desk or hung on the white board).  Mrs. Perrell and I do not want to distrupt instruction to take a look at your lessons.  Please make sure they are easily accessible.  

      Tutors: I am searching for additional tutors to serve our students.  If you know someone who is interested in tutoring at Bullock, please let me know via email. 

      Leaders on TRACK:  Please remind students that clubs will take place on December 18th.  Students who have have a write-up cannot participate. Please continue to remind students of the wonderful ways we will celebrate making wise choices at school.    

NCEES:  Mrs. Perrell and I will continue conducting our 2nd round of unannouced observations the next couple weeks (and the first couple weeks of January as well).  Please remember to bring artifacts and evidence of completion of the standards to the post-conference.  Also please bring a 1-2 student data notebooks to the meeting to review.  We will include questions in the observation tool to prompt discussion when we meet.  The post-conference must occur within 10 days of the observation.    You can find NCEES materials from DPI at

     Tardies:  Please call parents/guradians of students who have accrued 3 tardies.  At 5 unexcused tardies, students will be required to stay after-school for a Learning Lab.  We have had our first group of students use the lab and it will continue.  We will need to synergize to get all our students here and on time.

     Absences:  Please also call home if students have missed 2 consecutive days of school.  We want our parents to know that their kiddos are missed!

      Christmas Parade tomorrow:  Please let me know if you would like to join us for the Sanford Parade tomorrow evening at 7pm (we will meet at St. Luke's at 5:30pm).  The more the merrier.  We will have three vehicles in the parade.

Instruction: See AVID notes above.

      Brief sign-off:  Once you have read the Bullock Brief please sign-off here.  

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