Monday, December 28, 2015

Week 18: January 4th-8th

Bullock Brief

Happy New Year (early)! I hope you all are enjoying the much deserved break.  

week for duty.   The duty schedule is located at  Please take note of the changes.  Please help guide and "train" our new staff members in the morning.  Ms. Perrell and I are on duty every morning which makes it difficult for us to assist.  

Teams on Duty
Duty Position
Team A
Team B
Bus greeter
Dining Hall Line Server 1/Music
Dining Hall Line Server 2
Dining Hall Monitor
Frausto (temporary)
Dining Hall Monitor (upon arrival)
Davis, Sellers, Hairston**
Linkous, Ross, Alston**
Car Line 1
Car Line 2
Car Line 3
Gaines (not until Jan. 15)
1st/Dining Hall Entrance
Phillips (nurse)
K/1 Hall Monitor
J. Chaney
2nd/3rd Hall Monitor (student monitor)
Back Lobby (admin)
Front Lobby (admin)

Habit 7 schedule

Upcoming meetings and events for December January 4th-8th and January 11th-15th.  
The most up-to-date calendar is located online in Google calendar.


Let's celebrate...
  • A two week Holiday break and time with our friends and family.
  • A new year full of hope and possibilities.  

Remember the 'why' behind The Leader in Me movement and Leadership Notebooks.  Stay true to our vision "To foster a community of leaders with purpose."  We want to our students to be self-motivated, accountable and contribute to society using their unique talents and skills.

Please read the paradigms noted below and reflect on which paradigm you feel you are the most developed and the paradigm that you feel you have the most room to grow.

Goal Setting
We ended the year with a refresher on goal setting.  Please be sure to start the new year by determining your class's Wildly Important Goals.  Display your class WIGs in a prominent spot and revisit those goals daily.  Sarah Ann--our TLIM coach--suggested using the class WIG as a way to model data tracking and scoreboarding for your class as it relates to Leadership Notebooks.  That is a wonderful strategy.

We have already paused on the Leadership Notebook process in October-November to reflect and practice goal setting and data collection/tracking.  As we start the new year assess where you and your class are now, and determine how you can reconnect the students with the 'why.'  Our data guy, Mr. Hurdt, has shared some great resources and strategies, but if you still have questions about how proceed or need additional resources, please contact a Lighthouse team member, Ms. Perrell/Ms. Clarke or Sarah Ann at  We would all be happy to help. 

The Leader in Me monthly focus: Put First Things First

More resources located at  
Follow Sarah Ann's blog at  

Before the break, I shared a resource on anchor charts and asked that you read the provided article.  As the new year is now upon us, I would like to see anchor charts in use to build the "culture of literacy in the classroom."  During your next PLC, please share how you are using anchor charts in your upcoming lessons. 

This week's AVID strategy is called a "One Pager." A one-pager is a great way for students to express comprehension in writing. Look for ways to include this strategy in your lesson plans.  Please let Ms. Perrell and I know when you are using these great strategies so we can come see these researched-based practices in action.

4th and 5th grade teachers, don't forget to check-out resources at for your lesson planning.  You should also use AVID Weekly.  The code is included below.  Name of School: B.T. Bullock Elementary School - Add Code: 600347  

If you would like further information, see Ms. Gillette, Ms. Schlott or a 4th/5th grade teacher.  

- Every child will increase reading skills based on their individual academic ability by middle of year mClass and/or Q2 quarterly assessments.
- We will reduce discipline to 21 or fewer referrals per month by June 2016.

Staff meeting: The staff meeting for January 4th has been cancelled.  I am guessing you will all need that time to get back in the swing of things.  

Assembly:  We will have an assembly, The NED Show, on January 12th at 1:15pm.  

Testing:  Q2 testing begins on January 12th. The first week back will be a big review week.  

PLC agenda and minutes:  Please be sure you share your PLC agenda/minutes with Ms. Perrell and I each week.  

New interventionist:  I am pleased to announce that Heather Gaines will be joining the Bullock family as a K-5 interventionist.  Heather will be working with our data team to determine groups of students needing additional assistance.  She will also be visiting PLCs to provide additional support.

Reminder about staff absences:  Please make sure Ms. Kennedy, Ms. Perrell and I know you will be absent.  You can email, call or text. Clarke cell phone # 919-935-7408, Perrell cell phone #919-352-2575, and Kennedy cell phone#910-690-4273.  

Safe Schools:  Please work on completing the next round of Safe School videos by January 15th.  

Lesson plan...reminder for the new year:  Please make sure your lesson plans are visible (on your desk or hung on the white board).  Mrs. Perrell and I do not want to disrupt instruction to take a look at your lessons.  Please make sure they are easily accessible. If lesson plans cannot be accessed, we will have to go back to submitting lesson plans digitally.  

 Student perception surveys:  NCDPI is including a new component to our teacher evaluation tool.  It is a student perception survey.  They survey will be given to students in grades 3-5 online.  There will be more info to come.

NCEES:  Mrs. Perrell and I will continue conducting our 2nd round of unannounced observations.  We know that mClass testing will begin upon our return, but instruction has to continue as we work around our testing requirements.  Please remember to bring artifacts, lesson plans, evidence of completion of the standards to the post-conference.  Also please bring a 1-2 student data notebooks to the meeting to review.  This is not a "gotcha," but rather a way that we can see our progress and determine how we can help.  We will include questions in the observation tool to prompt discussion when we meet.  The post-conference must occur within 10 days of the observation.    You can find NCEES materials from DPI at

Instruction:  Don't forget about the excellent reading resources pulled together by Phyllis Farren at her Weebly.  The new math books need to be used starting on January 4th.  We had a couple weeks before the break to wrap our head around the new resources.  We will have 1/2 day planning sessions to deep dive into the resources available, but we need to get those materials in use right away.  

Brief sign-off:  Once you have read the Bullock Brief please sign-off here.  

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