Sunday, November 29, 2015

Week 15: November 30th-December 4th

Bullock Brief

Over the Thanksgiving break, I was certainly able to pause to reflect on the many blessings in my life.  YOU are certainly one of my greatest blessings.  I am proud to work along side such a passionate and dedicated group of educators.  Your compassion, grit, humor and student-centric focus are noted and appreciated.  I am so thankful for you!  
week for duty.   The duty schedule is located at

Habit 7 schedule

Upcoming meetings and events for November 30th-December 4th and December 7th-11th.  
The most up-to-date calendar is located online in Google calendar.

Start Time
Book fair
November 30th-December 4th
All day
Platform 9 ¾
Business staff meeting
November 30th
Platform 9 ¾
3-5 RtI
December 1st 
Stone’s room
AVID Site Team Meeting
December 1st 
Schlott’s room
December 2nd  
All day
December 2nd  
Platform 9 ¾
BT 3 meeting
December 2nd  
EC year 1 and 2 meeting
December 2nd  
Lighthouse + Discipline meeting
December 3rd
Platform 9 ¾
Book fair family night
December 3rd   
Platform 9 ¾
SIT meeting
December 7th
Platform 9 ¾
Sanford Christmas Parade
December 7th
Meet at 5:30pm / parade at 7:00pm
Platform 9 ¾
K-2 RtI
December 8th
Platform 9 ¾
AVID District meeting
December 8th
Platform 9 ¾
BT 1 Meeting
December 8th
ESL Parent Night
December 8th  
Platform 9 ¾
LCS Board Meeting
December 8th  
Lee County High School
K field trip to Marbles
December 9th
All day
December 9th
Platform 9 ¾
BT 2 meeting
December 10th

Let's celebrate...
  • Clubs...what a huge success! 
  • The Thanksgiving break with time to savor the friends and family we love.

The Leader in Me monthly focus: Goals
My goal for us this month, "Working with all staff members, ensure that 100% of students have an organized leadership notebook with section 1 up-to-date (at a minimum)."

We must inspect what we expect.  We have given this process time, so hopefully everyone is ready to continue to move forward in a way that holds our students accountable while making students aware of their growth.  That is the ever important 'why' behind this endeavour.  Fifteen weeks into the school year, we can most certainly hold our students accountable for their leadership notebooks.   Please take time this week for students to review their leadership notebooks.
  • At this point, all students at Bullock should have a Leadership Notebook with the following components....
    • Section 1: Wildly Important Goal = Includes the a WIG related to literacy at a minimum.  It is time to start adding personal, behavioral or other subjects to our WIG section.  In that section, students should be tracking literacy assessment and coloring in their ATBs.  For those that are ready, go ahead and move forward with setting strategies and score boarding.  
    • Section 2: Additional data = This section should include other data such a quarterly exam results, mClass summaries, or other subjects not tracked as WIGS.
    • Section 3: Leadership roles = This section is a work-in-progress.  This is where students should record their Leadership role.  Every child should have a Leadership role.  
    • Section 4: Victories = This should be a spot to display victories and reflections on growth and success:  an engineer ticket, a note from the teacher, an award earned over the past quarter (every one should have been acknowledged at least once), etc. 
    • Section 5: Student-led conferencesThis section is a work-in-progress. 
There are numerous other great resources (in addition to the ones Mr. Hurdt provided to you) at  

What is WICOR?  I hope by now all staff members can share what is stands for....writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization and reading to learn.  The past couple weeks we explored writing the "w" of WICOR. This week, let's deep dive into inquiry.  Inquiry, in a nutshell, is questioning. AVID simplified the Revised Blooms Taxonomy into 3 levels.  They are referred to as Costa's level of questioning.  The Common Core requires that students think and process at levels 2 and 3.  Take a look at the levels and trigger words/phrases.  In your upcoming plans, determine if you have developed tasks that include those trigger words and require students to debate, infer, investigate, discuss, compose, create, write an original piece, evaluate, etc.  

How can you move your instruction from level 1 (restate, explain, describe, locate, define) to level 2 and 3 on Costa's?  Two engaging AVID lessons on lunar eclipses and vision skills for sports are available at the provided links.  Using AVID weekly is a great way to get started.  

4th and 5th grade teachers, don't forget to check-out resources at for your lesson planning.  You should also use AVID Weekly.  The code is included below.   
Name of School: B.T. Bullock Elementary School - Add Code: 600347  

If you would like further information, see Ms. Gillette, Ms. Schlott or a 4th/5th grade teacher.  

- Every child will increase reading skills based on their individual academic ability by middle of year mClass and/or Q2 quarterly assessments.
- We will reduce discipline to 21 or fewer referrals per month by June 2016.

Nightly reading: Team, I am encountering many students that claim they do not have a book to read in their backpacks. It is a REQUIREMENT that all students have a level appropriate book to read at home every night. We cannot assume that they have reading material at home. This is a school-wide WIG and of the utmost importance.

      EVAAS:  As I am sure you have discovered, EVAAS scores for individual teachers have been posted.  Yay!  EVAAS provides rich data on students growth which is our school-wide WIG....growth.  Please take some time to review your EVAAS profile carefully.  Administration will be setting EVAAS review sessions over the next few weeks to discuss student growth with individual teachers.    

      Business staff meeting:  The agenda for Monday's business staff meeting is located here.

      Clean slate:  Monday marks the start of a new cycle for students to attend clubs (November 30th-December 17th).  Highlight what an awesome experience clubs were and work with students to "begin with the end in mind" this month so that they can attend clubs as well. Please also remember that students must follow the school-wide process for reflection and write-ups.  It is not fair for a students to miss clubs if the process has not been followed.  

      Christmas Parade:  We will have two groups in the Sanford Christmas parade this year:  the chorus and the Mr. and Ms. Leave a Legacy candidates (all of them).  If you would like to help with the parade, we would love to have you.

     Tech Tracker:  Please make sure to put all technical request on Tech Tracker.  Ms. Frausto is not supposed to work on requests that have not been placed on tech Tracker.

Instruction: Please carefully read the AVID information above.  Consider how you can include Costa level 2 or 3 questioning in your instruction.  Please also watch this short video on classroom management during Guided Reading located on the Teaching Channel.  Developing clear processes are imperative to maximizing instructional time.

      Brief sign-off:  Once you have read the Bullock Brief please sign-off here.  

Happy teaching!  

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