Sunday, March 13, 2016

Week 28: March 14-18

Bullock Brief

 Stay on that train to Charleston!!!
Stay focused on the core belief that ALL our students can and will grow. You are doing great things.

week for duty.

Habit 7 Schedule
Complete schedule here
Work day
K-2 1/2 day resource
K - 12:15-12:55
1st - 1:00-1:40
2nd - 1:45-2:25
3-5 1/2 day resource
Regular schedule

3-5 1/2 day resource

Regular schedule

Upcoming meetings and events for March 14-18, March 21-25 and April 4-8.  
The most up-to-date calendar is located online in Google calendar. 

I do hope you'll take a few seconds to celebrate the great things happening at B.T. Bullock.  Please remember that you too can add events.  

Stop by Celebration Station.

The focus this month: Think win-win

7 days to Leadership Day!  Community day - March 23rd. Parent day - March 22nd.   

Please make sure your bulletin boards are updated as we approach Leadership Day.  There are some blank boards in the building.  Please use the bulletin boards to showcase rigorous and exemplary student work.  Please make sure all bulletin boards are updated no later than March 16th.  

Also please start planning and practicing your Leadership Day rotations. This is a wonderful opportunity to showcase learning at Bullock.  We want every child to have their chance to shine.  Please see a member of the Traditions team or Ally Roberts with questions.  I know the team has shared resources to help make the centers easy to set-up.

More resources are located at the Leader in Me website.
You can also follow Sarah Ann's blog at or email her at  


Committees:  Committees will be meeting tomorrow.  This will be a big planning day for several of our committees to prepare for the upcoming Leadership Day. Super job synergizing to make Bullock such a special learning environment for our students. It takes every person working toward a common goal.

Optional teacher workday March 15: We will hold an election on our campus on the 15th Teachers can do a provisional out-of-precinct vote at Bullock.  You will need to show your ID. Please do not park in the front two quadrants of the parking lot (directly in front of the front walk-way nearest the gym) on election day.  

DonorsChoose:  Congratulations to Sara McHugh for getting her Chromebooks for K project fully funded.  That is so exciting!  The shipment of new computers for her classroom are on the way.  

New staff/SMARTboard laptops:  I am thrilled to announce that 15 new laptops for teachers to use with their SMARTboards have arrived.  Ms. Frausto created a list of the rooms/teachers with the greatest need for a technology refresh.  She will continue distributing those computers on Monday.  

Staff meeting, March 21st:  The staff meeting on March 21st is cancelled.  Please do reserve that time to assist our Traditions Committee on last minute preparations for Leadership Day.  It will be a fun afternoon of synergizing.  

PTO:  Please continue to encourage your student's family and friends to volunteer at the PTO Thrift Shop.  Each class that works 10 hours will get a popcorn party.  We need 150 hours to get our PTO check each year.  Also, please encourage raffle ticket sales.  The more we sell the more money for our PTO to support our wonderful school!  Our next PTO board meeting is March 17th.  

Accident report:  Please remember to complete accident reports if a student is injured.  The forms are available in the office.  Please be sure to document your contact with the parent.  Each completed form is signed by the principal and kept on file. 

Discipline refresh: The Lighthouse Team convened to discuss some ways to help with student discipline within the TLIM culture.  Please remember that reflection should be used for minor in-class offenses.  Offenses that break the Lee County of Conduct, or offenses related to student safety, need to be written-up.  For high-flyers, please chose an appropriate buddy room that can help to redirect inappropriate student behavior. Consider selecting a prior teacher, club leader or someone else who has a connection with the student rather than the regular buddy room.  You want that individual to be authoritative, yet committed to helping the student change their behavior.  If you need help finding the right buddy, please contact a member of the Lighthouse Team, Ms. OShaughnessy or admin. We will be using behavior essays and vocabulary expander exercises in BIP to change the reflection process and challenge our students.  

Bullock clean-up day:  We will have a Bullock clean-up day on March 18th from 1:00-2:00. I am so excited.  This is school is going to sparkle from top the bottom.  The assigned areas are noted below. 

  • Kindergarten: Clean K-Station, book room & organize outside classroom areas(if needed)
  • 1st Grade: Clean 1st grade station, MNN room & organize outside classroom areas(if needed)
  • 2nd Grade: Staff/bus entry way (back entrance to the school), Pick up trash.
  • 3rd Grade: Work on garden outside of Ms. McHugh's room and clean trash in the landscaping in the front of the school. 
  • 4th Grade: Work on the garden by Mrs. Schlott's trailer. Pull up the weeds.
  • 5th Grade: Work on the garden area by Mrs. Rockwell's trailer. 
  • Specialists: Work on cleaning the room behind the gym, steam clean the carpet on the stage. Pull out bleachers and clean. 

Prevent blindness K screening:  The screening will take place on March 17th.  

Title 1 visit:  The title 1 visit has been postponed.  Thank you to everyone who provided copies of their parent communication.  Well done team. 

Peer observations continue:  Please connect with Wendy or I for the post-conference.  Please let us know if you need assistance arranging coverage. 

Lock-down drill:  The drill will occur this week.

Reminder about Platform 9 3/4:  It's a whisper zone.  Please see last week's blog. 

Quarterly Tests:  We will have quarterly testing this week.  The complete testing plan can be found here.  Please carefully review the plan as there have been changes since it was first shared with the staff. Thank you for all your hard work preparing for testing.  

Visit to schedule time to meet with me. 

The instructional non-negotiables at Bullock are located at this link.

Should have recently completed (check that it's complete):

Due this week:
  • Committees - March 14th
  • Optional workday - March 15th
  • Quarterly tests - March 16th-18th
  • Bulletin boards update - March 16th
  • School wide clean-up - March 18th
  • PTO Raffle tickets go on sale - March 9th
Upcoming due dates:
  • Leadership Day - March 22nd and March 23rd
  • Raffle tickets due - March 21st (drawing March 21st)
  • End of Q3 - March 23rd
  • Clubs - March 24th
  • Spring break - March 25th - April 1st
Please sign-off on reading the brief here.  

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