Sunday, March 20, 2016

Week 29: March 21-24

Bullock Brief

week for duty.

Habit 7 Schedule
Complete schedule here
K-2 1/2 day resource
K - 12:15-12:55
1st - 1:00-1:40
2nd - 1:45-2:25
K-2 1/2 day resource
K - 12:15-12:55
1st - 1:00-1:40
2nd - 1:45-2:25
3-5 1/2 day resource
Regular schedule
Club day 9-10am
1/2 day - no resource
Spring break!  

Upcoming meetings and events for March 21-25 and April 4-8.  
The most up-to-date calendar is located online in Google calendar. 

I do hope you'll take a few seconds to celebrate the great things happening at B.T. Bullock.  Please remember that you too can add events.  

Stop by Celebration Station.

The focus this month: Think win-win

1 day to Leadership Day!  Community day - March 23rd.. Parent day - March 22nd.   

Please see Taylor's email for specifics about Leadership Day practice on Monday and the logistics of the event on Tuesday and Wednesday. There are many moving parts so please make sure you are aware of the plan.  

Monday, March 21st at 2:45pm:  Please meet in the Depot  briefly to discuss the projects that still need to be completed.  It's time to synergize!

Leadership Day Lunch schedule: Click here for the unique Leadership Day lunch schedule.  All classes (including K and cabooses) will be eating in their classrooms on March 22nd and March 23rd. 

Staff attire: All staff members will be provided with a Leadership Day tee shirt.  Yay!!!  We will NOT be wearing jeans.  Please choose another type of pant/trouser/slack for these special days.  

Shirts: Shirts will be distributed on Monday, March 21st.  Please DO NOT hand-out the shirts to your students on Monday.  You can certainly make sure they fit and make sure all students have a shirt, but please do not spend them home.  We will distribute the shirts on Tuesday morning for the students to wear for parent day.  Immediately after parent day, please have the students hand-in their shirts.  They are NOT to wear their shirts home.  We will pass-out the shirts again on Wednesday morning.  Students can wear the shirts home on Wednesday.  You can let parents know the color so they can plan the students pants.

  • K - Purple
  • 1st - Red
  • 2nd - Orange
  • 3rd - Yellow
  • 4th - Blue
  • 5th - Green
Leader on TRACK board: Must be updated before you leave on Monday, March 21st.  

Leadership day team: I would like to personally thank the team of people that came to school today (Sunday) to help set-up for Leadership Day.  I do not want to miss any names.  What a labor of love!  Everything looks amazing and your sacrifice of time is such a gift.  

More resources are located at the Leader in Me website.
You can also follow Sarah Ann's blog at or email her at  


Early release lunch schedule: Please click here for the early release lunch schedule for Thursday, March 24th.  

Clean-up day success:  The school wide clean-up day was a huge success.  Our school looks amazing.  Nearly 800 people had to work together to help our building to shine and show our pride in B.T. Bullock.  Thank you all!   

Million minute challenge: It is a requirement to enter your class's minutes read on the Million Minute Challenge spreadsheet.  Please make sure you are updating the spreadsheet weekly.  

PTO...reminder:  Please continue to encourage your students' family and friends to volunteer at the PTO Thrift Shop.  Each class that works 10 hours will get a popcorn party.  We need 150 hours to get our PTO check each year.  This is the money the PTO uses to give you money to spend in your classrooms.  It's really important we get that check.  Also, please encourage raffle ticket sales. The winning ticket will be pulled on Tuesday afternoon.  

Visit to schedule time to meet with me. 

The instructional non-negotiables at Bullock are located at this link.

Should have recently completed (check that it's complete):
  • Quarterly tests - March 16th-18th
  • Bulletin boards update - March 16th
  • PTO Raffle tickets go on sale - March 9th

Due this week:
  • Leader on TRACK board updated - March 21st
  • PTO Raffle - March 22nd
  • Leadership Day - March 22nd and March 23rd
  • End of Q3 - March 23rd
  • Clubs - March 24th
  • Spring break - March 25th - April 1st
Upcoming due dates:
  •'s Spring Break!!!  Woohoo!
Please sign-off on reading the brief here.  

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