Monday, September 5, 2016

Week 2: September 5th-9th

Bullock Brief

week for duty.  

Habit 7 Schedule

Labor Day Holiday





Upcoming meetings and events for September 6th-13th. 
The most up-to-date calendar is located online on the Bullock Google calendar. 


Stop by the Affirmation Station in the front office to give someone a shout-out for a "lollipop moment."

The focus this month: Paradigms

The paradigm of leadership is that EVERYONE is a leader.  What unique skills and talents do you possess?  How can you lead using your gifts?  As you reflect, remember that leadership does not need to be earth shattering.  "Lollipop moments" matter.  Share with your accountability partner.

K-2 RtI Kick Off:  The K-2 RtI Kick-Off will take place tomorrow, September 6th at 2:45 for all K, 1st and 2nd grade teachers.  The meeting will be held in room 412.  Please bring your yellow folders. The 3-5 RtI meeting will be held next Monday.  

PLCs:  PLCs start this week.  K-2 will meet on Wednesday and 3-5 will meet on Thursday.  Please meet in the Platform.  With only three grade levels in there, you can spread-out.  You can see the meeting schedule here.  We will start with week 1.  The template for PLCs is located here.  

Beginning of Year Checklist: Please continue to work through the Beginning of Year Checklist.  The checklist items are due September 12th.  

Parent meeting:  We will hold a parent meeting for all 4th and 5th grade parents on September 13th at 6:00pm.  We will discuss the new LCS AIG plan and its implication for all students.  

Leader on TRACK:  Each class should vote on the '"leader of the week" and place the student's name on the board outside the Dining Hall.  Students should select a classmate who has been a role model and leader for the week.  The leader of the week should visit the office on Friday from 2:00-2:25 to visit the principal's prize bin and celebrate success.  Please chat with your grade level or see me with questions.  

Engineer tickets:  We have distributed Engineer tickets.  Let me know if you need more tickets.  Remember that any staff member can award an engineer ticket.  Engineers are student leaders who go above and beyond to show leadership at our school.  Engineers for the week should report to the library on Wednesday at 7:50am to be featured on the Thursday news and get their picture taken for the Engineer Wall of Fame in the Dining Hall.  

PDPs:  PDP conferences will begin this week.  Please make sure you have completed the self-assessment (with a green check) and entered your three goals (one related to literacy). Please also have your computer ready for the PDP meeting.  We will meet in your classroom/learning space.  Wendy and I will send a schedule soon to individual staff members.  

STAR testing:  The STAR testing window for AR is open.  Students can complete the STAR test during library.  Please let Tiffany know in advance if you would like students to complete the STAR test in library so she can plan accordingly.  

Lighthouse meeting:  September 9th in the Platform.  The first 5-10 minutes will be dedicated to a touch base session with our new Bullock staff members.  

Security:  Please remind students that they cannot open locked doors for guests even at our side doors.  All guests must enter through the front door and report to the office for security purposes.  

Jean Friday:  Please remember that you need to pay your EBA dues and get a bracelet to wear jeans on Friday.  I hope you'll support our wonderful Environment Committee who are committed to supporting our staff every day.  

Instruction: As instruction starts to ramp-up, don't forget to include the focused five every day.  

Visit to schedule time to meet with me. 

Should have recently completed (check that it's complete):
  • Staff handbook sign-off - September 2nd
  • NCEES training sign-off - August 31st
  • PDP - September 2nd
Due this week:
  • Webpage updates - September 9th
  • NCEES self-eval - September 5th
  • PDP conferences set - Week of September 5th
  • mClass BOY window opens - September 6th-26th
  • STAR testing window opens - September 6th-26th
Upcoming due dates:
  • See checklist of upcoming items from the BOY checklist - Due September 12th
  • 3rd grade BOG - September 13th
  • Class mission due - September 16th
  • Class WIGS (check out news for guidance) - September 23rd

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