Sunday, September 25, 2016

Week 5: September 26th-30th

Bullock Brief

week for duty.  

Habit 7 Schedule






Upcoming meetings and events for September 26th-October 6th.
The most up-to-date calendar is located online on the Bullock Google calendar. 


Stop by the Affirmation Station in the front office to give someone a shout-out for a "lollipop moment."  

The focus this month: Paradigms

 This week we explore the paradigm of motivation The paradigm of motivation is not that, "Educators control and direct student learning."  It is..."Educators empower students to lead their own learning."  There are so many creative ways to engage students in relevant learning experiences. What are some examples of student-led experiences you are using or would like to use in your classroom?  Take some time this week to discuss those strategies with your colleagues.  
SIT:  The SIT team will meet tomorrow in the Platform, September 26th at 2:45pm.  The SIT team has created a SIT a form to use when submitting items to the team (in the SIT drawer). Remember that if there is a challenge, please propose a solution so we can better "seek to understand."  

Lead Teachers:  Susie Grace will start visiting Bullock to support our 3-5 teachers on Tuesday, September 27th.  She is here to provide feedback and support.  She will also be visiting our Thursday PLCs.  Cinderella Lyon will be returning to support our K-2 teachers starting October 3rd.  We are fortunate to have these lovely ladies working with us. 

AIG:  The county is offering the local AIG certification course starting on October 13th.  The course is a requirement for our 4th and 5th grade teachers teaching AIG clusters.  It is highly recommended for teachers teaching clusters in K-3.  Please register on SchoolLink.  The course is called ACAD2903: Curriculum Differentiation for the Gifted Learner in Lee County .

New Bookkeeper:  I am thrilled to announce that we have found a new bookkeeper.  Alexandra Dowdy will be taking over as our new bookkeeper.  We all know that Alexandra is friendly, professional and great with kids, but she also has a degree in Business Administration/Finance from UNC-Wilmington and experience in the banking industry.  She is a perfect fit.  She will officially begin in her new position starting October 3rd.  I hope you will celebrate her hew positio.  She will continue regular science classes this week while transitioning to her new position.  We are interviewing for the open TA position and hope to fill the position as soon as possible.  We are planning to keep our Science Habit 7 and will be announcing who will be taking over that position in the near future.  We are hoping for minimal interruptions to the instructional program.  If you have TA candidates who are interested in working with the great staff at Bullock, please let me know. 

Brief and Bengal Broadcast:  Please be sure to read the brief each week and watch the Bengal Broadcast (and provided videos).  The morning news is how we provide consistency in our Leader in Me structured calendar.  It is a part of our culture and message.  I try to make the brief a one-stop-shop (to reduce email) and consolidate information into one central source. It's important to read.  

Spare clothes:  We have asked our parents to send spare clothes with their kiddos.   Please include a reminder to our parents about providing those spare clothes.  The clothes should be stored in the classroom in a freezer bag. 

Bathroom cleanliness:  Please work with our student leaders in synergize to help keep our bathrooms free of trash and clean.  

Spelling Bee:  We will have a Lee County Spelling Bee this year.  More information to come. 

SafeSchools:  Modules are due September 30th.   

Action Teams Kuddos:  Great job to our action teams.  It was great reading the minutes and seeing all the great projects and experiences that lie ahead to develop the whole child.  

C&I Night Kuddos We learned an important lesson.  Pizza is important.  :) The turn-out was small, but the presentations were informative and high-quality.  Well done teachers.  I never cease to be amazed by you all.  

Instruction: The mClass and STAR window has ended and I feel like we can finally get into our instructional stride...and it feels good!!  Please remember to ensure rigor in your instruction.  Our students should be completing open-ended writing exercises, beyond 1-2 sentence responses.  We should be building toward a well-constructed paragraph per grade (1st = 1 paragraph, 2nd = 2 paragraphs, 3rd = 3 paragraphs, etc.).  Also remember that the three most important factors in growing our readers is reading, reading, reading.  All students should have a book within there ZPD to read every night.  There are lots of resources and demands.  Keep it simple with the FOCUSED FIVE. 

Visit to schedule time to meet with me. 

Should have recently completed (check that it's complete):
  • Class mission due and posted - September 16th
  • mClass  and STAR BOY - September 26th
  • Class WIGS (check out news for guidance) - September 23rd
Due this week:
  • SIT Team meeting - September 26th
  • Midterm - September 27th
  • Positive calls home completed - September 29th
  • Sharpen the Saw Night - September 30th
  • Announcing "Leave and Legacy" - September 30th
  • Read-a-Thon - September 30th
Upcoming due dates:
  • AVID site visit (4th and 5th) - October 3rd
  • Staff meeting - October 3rd
  • K-2 Field day - October 6th
  • 3-5 Field day - October 7th
What if we breathed words of affirmation into our kiddos like this daddy.  SO simple, yet powerful!  Enjoy. #beinspired

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