Sunday, May 3, 2015

33: May 4th-8th (5 1/2 weeks of school)

  • week for duty
  • Habit of the week: Seek first to understand, then to be understood
  • Upcoming meetings and events for May 4-8 and May 11-15
      • School-wide PLCs: Wednesday from 3:00-4:15 in the Platform
      • Share session: Monday, May 4th at 3:00om in the Platform
      • SIT: Monday, May 4th following the share session
      • Book fair: May 4th-8th
      • Teacher Appreciation: May 4th-8th (You are going to LOVE it!)
      • SIT team meeting: May 4th
      • K-2 RtI: May 5th
      • National Nurses Day: May 6th.  This is a great day to show Nancy how much you appreciate her.  
      • KEA webinar (kindergarten only): May 6th and 7th from 3:30-4:30
      • mClass EOY TRC assessment: May 6th-2nd, May 7th-1st and May 8th-3rd.
      • Book fair and art tour: May 7th at 5:00pm in the Platform and around the school
      • Kindergarten introduction meeting: May 7th from 6:00-7:00 in the platform.
      • Kindergarten muffins for mom: May 8th
      • Special Olympics (rescheduled):  May 8th
      • Career Week:
        • Monday the 11th dress-up day-Arts/communication and business/management 
        • Tuesday the 12th dress-up day-Engineering/manufacturing/industrial technology and health sciences
        • Wednesday the 13th dress-up day-Human services and natural resources/agriscience
        • Thursday the 14th dress-up day-College apparel
        • Friday the 15th dress-up day-Future career.  Dress for success. 
      • Staff meeting: May 11th at 3:00 in the Platform
      • Progress reports due: May 11th
      • 3-5 RtI: May 12th
      • KEA webinar (kindergarten only): May 13thand 14th from 3:30-4:30
      • Elementary C&I (C&I rep only): Wednesday, May 13th at Tramway 
      • PTO board meeting: Wednesday, May 13th.  This will be a planning meeting we would like for committee chairs and Habit 7 teachers to attend this meeting so that we can make a master schedule that works for all parties.  
      • Arbor Day celebration: May 14th from 1:15-2:00 in the Depot and outside.  See email send 5/1 for the students who will be attending.  
      • Retirement banquet: May 14th at 5:30 at the Flame
      • 2nd grade performance: May 14th at 6:30 in the Depot 
      • 2nd grade field trip: Friday, May 15th at the Museum of Life and Science
  • Beginning with the end in mind
      • mClass EOY window: April 27th - May 15th
      • Career week: May 11th-15th
      • 4th quarter assessments (K-2): May 19th-21st
      • EOGs: May 28th-June 3rd
  • EVAAS verification time:  The EVAAS verification window is open for teachers.  EVAAS is located at  Helpful resources are located at that link as well. Please verify and submit your rosters as soon as you are able.  The due date Friday, May 22nd.  
  • Teacher appreciation week:
    • Monday, May 4th – Breakfast at Tiffany’s - 
    • Stop in the mail room for pastries, fresh fruit, coffee, 
    • and juice!
    • Tuesday, May 5th - Hope Floats - Walk the Red Carpet and enjoy complimentary popcorn and our fruit and water bar in the mail room. 
    • Wednesday, May 6th  Love Actually - Take a look at all of the LOVE our BTB students have for you!
    •  Thursday, May 7th – Eat, Pray, Love - A special luncheon will be held in your honor – VIP’s only!  Catered in the Art Room.
    •  Friday, May 8th – It’s a Wonderful Life - Take home a BT Bullock “Swag Bag” and enjoy the weekend!
  •  Leader on TRACK:  We will have a "pie in the face" day for teachers on Friday for Leaders on TRACK.  Your leaders will not want to miss it.  
  • iReady support:  A representative from iReady will be available on May 8th to help with troubleshooting.  More details on her schedule that day are forthcoming. 
  • PTO requests:  Please make sure all PTO requests are submitted by Wednesday, May 6th at 
  • IAM set-up:  Please set-up your IAM account.  The LEA code is 530, not the number provided. 
  • Class rosters:  Please submit class rosters as a grade-level in "portrait" view and as a hard copy by May 15th.  We will have self-contained AIG classrooms in 4th and 5th for the upcoming year.  We will be clustering ESL (no more than 50% of a class).  Please see the ESL team with help with ESL student placement and clustering. You can access the roster template at  
      • 1st - 5 classes
      • 2nd - 6 classes
      • 3rd - 6 classes
      • 4th - 5 classes
      • 5th - 5 classes
  • Instruction:
    • Academic vocabulary:  Effective academic vocab practice requires systematic practice, review and deep processing. I have attached a PDF from Berkely Unified Schools about academic vocabulary (  It provides clear direction on instructional techniques for teaching academic vocab and super graphic organizers (Learning Focused style!!). This is a must-see resource.  Please see the word lists in the back.  
    • Test taking strategies:  The summary of your brainstorm ideas can be found at  Thanks for the great ideas.  Take time to teach these test taking skills to your students. 
  • Don't forget: Nominate colleagues for staff member of the month.  It feels good to be noticed fro your efforts!  Live our mission..share the love. 

  • "Children are likely to live up to what you believe of them." - Lady Bird Johnson

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