Monday, May 25, 2015

Week 36: May 25-29 (11 1/2 days left of school)

  • week for duty
  • Habit of the week: Be proactive
  • Upcoming meetings and events for May 25-29 and June 1-5
      • Lighthouse meetings: Tuesday, May 26th at 3:00pm in the Platform
      • 3-5 RtI: Tuesday, May 26th at 3:00pm
      • School-wide PLCs: Wednesday, May 27th from 3:00-4:15 in the Platform
      • AVID meeting (for 4th-5th grade going on AVID trip): Wednesday, May 27th at 3:45pm at Southern Lee High School
      • EOGs: 
        • May 28th-Science (5th only).  Computers will not be accessible K-4 on this day.  


      • Committee Meetings (if needed): June 1st from 3:00-4:00.
      • EOGs: 
        • June 2nd-Reading (3-5)
        • June 3rd-Math (3-5)
        • June 4th-June 10th - Make-ups
      • Awards(in the Depot):
        • June 4th from 10:30-11:15 - 2nd grade
        • June 5th from 8:30-9:15 - 3rd grade
        • June 5th from 9:30-10:15 -  1st grade
        • June 5th from 11:30-12:15 -  Kindergarten
      • Dine with dad (K only): June 5th during K lunch time 
      • Bengalicious Bee (4th and 5th only):  June 5th starting at 1:15 in the Depot
  • Beginning with the end in mind
      • Read to Achieve:  June 8th (3rd grade only)
      • Survivor (5th grade only): June 8th from 8:45-11:00am
      •  Staff meeting:  June 8th from 3:00 in the Platform
      • SIT Team meeting: June 9th at 3:00 in the Platform (planning for summer)
      • Awards(in the Depot):
        • June 8th from 11:45-12:30 - 4th grade
        • June 9th from 10:30-11:30 - Graduation for 5th grade
      • 4th grade to museum in Raleigh: June 9th
      • Last day of school:  June 10th at 12:00
      • Last day lunch from First Baptist Church: June 10th at 12:30pm in the Platform
      • Staff lunch and End-of-Year Celebration: June 11th at 12:00-2:00
      • Work days:  Required June 11th/optional June 12t
  • Awards and events:  Please remember to find leadership opportunities for your upcoming awards.  Think outside the box.  Allow students voice and choice.  This is a perfect place to showcase student talent and the impact the Leader in Me is having on our school culture.  The less the adults are "in charge" the better.  
  • o    Some ideas:
    §  Greeters/escort
    §  Parent sign-in leader
    §  Introduction to the event by students (this is possible at all grade levels down to kindergarten)
    §  Students reading pieces they have written reflecting on the year 
    §  Students singing
    §  Student made invitation to awards
  • iReady diagnostic:  Students in K-2 should complete there iReady diagnostic as soon as possible, or no later than June 1st.  It has been assigned to students in grades K-2.  Please let me know if you experience any issues.  
    • I will assign the 3-5 diagnostic on iReady once EOG testing is complete. If you would like to get started sooner, please let me know. 
  • Year end checklist:  You can find the year end checklist at  Please complete the year end checklist before leaving for the summer (hard copy was also placed in your box).  Please make sure an administrator checks your room before you head-out for the summer.  We also want to make sure we say goodbye to folks.  :)
  • AIG materials collection:  Please return all AIG materials to the Platform by Wednesday, May 27th end of day.  
  • Lead mentor:  I am in need of a lead mentor.  This is such an important role for our school.  Please let me know if you are interested as soon as possible. 
  • Mentors needed:  We are in need of more mentors to work with our wonderful BT teachers.  The training is online and takes approproximately 6 hours to complete.  Please let me now ASAP if you are interested. We need more folks at Bullock to support our BTs.   
  • Painting this summer:  We are so fortunate that the county will be painting our classrooms this summer.  Our school will shine from top to bottom.  In order to prepare, please complete the following:
    •  Remove all items taped to the walls.
    • Remove all adhesive materials from walls.
    • Clear off all storage above the cubbies.
    • Move all furniture and items to the center of the room.
    •  Please store all computers left in the classroom in safe location (they cannot be left out).
  • Library schedule:  
    • All books were due last week.
    • Library is closed from June 1st until the EOY.
    • Laptops will be collected on June 8th and 9th.
  • Supply list:  It is time to create our student supply list for the 2015-16 school year.  I am emailing a template to our grade chairs to use so that our supply lists have consistent fonts/format.  Open house information is also included at the bottom. 
  • Schedule feedback:  Last call for feedback on the schedule for the 2015-16 school year.  I did make a small change in 1st grade.  The modified schedule is located at  

  • Water:  Please make sure your kiddos have access to water throughout the day.  It is OK to have water bottles on desks, in cubbies or book bags for students to access.  Please make sure that all students are hydrating after recess especially as the temperature increases outside.  It is dangerous for our students to exert physical energy and be in the heat with hydration. 

  • Pledge:  Please make sure you are saying the pledge each day immediately after the bell rings.  We will have a new plan for the pledge and morning annoucements next year, but for now please continue to use the current process.
  •  Leaders on TRACK:  We will have a dunk tank for Leaders on TRACK this week.  It's our last big celebration!!!!  You do not have to participate, but the invitation is out there if you would like to get dunked.  Please carefully follow the process for the "Leaders on TRACK" to make sure we are being fair and equitable AND that the focus remains on LEARNING to earn the reward.
  • End of year Celebration:  We will be having our End of Year celebration following lunch on June 11th.  Like last year, we would like grade levels/teams to prepare a little skit, song, poem, etc. to celebrate members of our Bullock family who will be leaving (i.e. Mr. Buriss's translation skit by ESL.  So funny!).  Anyone is welcome to prepare a special story to share with the group about anyone who is leaving.  This will be a time for us to celebrate together.  

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