Sunday, September 13, 2015

Week 4: September 14-18

 Bullock Brief
  • Thank you all for your tireless hard work to get the year up and running.It has been quite busy around here.  I know you are working so hard.  I hope that this gorgeous weekend is leaving you feeling refreshed and ready to change the world one child at a time.  
Habit 7 schedule

Upcoming meetings and events for September 14th-18th and September 21st-25th.  
The most up-to-date calendar is located online in Google calendar.

Start Time
mClass BOY continues
September 1st -22nd
3rd grade sub for mClass
September 14th
All day
Outside classes
SIT meeting
September 14th
Work Day – Year 2 Leader in Me training
September 15th
Lunch will be served
AVID Site Team Meeting (site team only)
September 15th
3:00pm (after implementation)
PLCs (+ mini session on data notebooks)
September 16th
Platform (all grades)
Elementary C&I meeting (Bullock C&I rep and Clarke)
September 16th
J. Glen Edwards
LCS AVID Meeting (Team leads only)
September 17th
PTO board meeting and Open Meeting
September 17th
4:30 Board
5:30 Open Meeting
Front conference room
LEP Parent Night
September 17th
Class Mission Statement due
September 18th
Professional Development Staff Meeting
September 21st
2:45pm (munchies provided)
Fall portraits
September 21st
All day.  See schedule
K-2 RtI
September 22nd
Stone’s room
All K Immunizations due
September 22nd
PEPI starts in 2nd grade
September 22nd
PLCs (+ mini session on data notebooks)
September 23rd
Platform (all grades)
Curriculum and Instruction and Title I night
September 24th
All classes
Class and student WIGS due
September 25th
All classes
September 25th
All day
Buddy classes and accountability partners

The Leader in Me Structured calendar: Please use week 4 of the “quick start” guide located at at Classes should also be exploring leadership roles for their students.  By this week, all students should be tracking a weekly literacy assessment and students should have started to set their Wildly Important Goals (WIGS) in their Leadership Notebooks.  From X to Y by when.  This week, we will be talking about adding strategies to help work toward our goals. 

 “Nothing on earth speaks clearer than consistent actions.”   ― Edmond Mbiaka

Monthly focus:  Private victories
  • Go to  
  •  Click on the Green "Leader in Me Online" button.
  • Click on Register.  Then enter your registration code below in order to set up your profile and begin using the site.  Registration Code: 7042029

How are you using the TLIM time from 8:00-8:20 (with your support staff member...see last weeks Bullock Brief) to make sure your students are ready? 

                                     AVID site team meeting is set for September 15th at 3:00pm.

  • mClass:  mClass window is open until Sept. 22nd 
  • Dress code:  Bullock staff please remember that the only acceptable tee shirts on Friday are Bullock or college shirts.  We wear those shorts to show pride in our school or the college we attended.  It is not intended as a dress down day.  Professional dress is an expectation every day.  
  • 10 point grade scale:  The North Carolina 10 Pt Grading Scale has been placed in at all your schools and in the grade books. If you have not entered grades yet this school year, you can now and there is nothing that you have to do. If you have entered grades, then you must recalculate final scores from the tools menu in the grade book for each class. The instructions are located at 
  • Safe School Modules:  The first round of Safe School modules are due.  Please have them completed no later that September 25th. Login in at  
  • Calling all TAs:  Do I have any K or 1st grade classes who are finished with mClass who would be willing to help the 2nd grade team? Please email me if your class is finished with testing so we can synergize to help others complete their testing as well.  Our 2nd grade team is working with a reduced TA team and limited tutor support.  They are working very hard, but need the support of the team.  
  • Communication with non-biological parents: State law provides biological parents full access to educational records of their children UNLESS a court order states otherwise.  Please be aware of all court documents for the chidlren in your care.  Be sure to only share information with guadians with full legal rights to the child's information.  In the event of joint custody, you should communicate with the biological parents.  If a biological parent wishes to have a stepmother/father or other designee communicate with you in regards to the education of the child, please ask that the biologocal parent with custidial rights put that request in writing BEFORE communicating with non-biolgical caregiver.  See me with specific questions. 
  • Sign-off Sheets:  The BOY checklist (certified staff) and the handbook sign-off were due on Friday.  I sent an email to the folks who were missing a form.  Please make sure to get those forms into Jennifer Welch ASAP.  Thanks team.
  • Need a sponsor:  The Patriot Crew and Safety Patrol need a sponsor.  The teams are set-up and initial training has been handled.  These leaders are ready to rock!  We just need a passionate adult leader to help guide these students.  Please let me know if you are interested. 
  • PDP and self-assessment in NCEES: Your self reflection and PDP goals should be completed by Monday, September 14th.  Please make sure your PDP goals are SMART goals (more simply...from X to Y by when). You will need three goals with at least one goal focused on literacy.  Wendy and I have set PDP meetings with the folks on our lists.  If you do not have a meeting set, please contact Wendy and me. 
  • REMINDER....Mentors and peer observers: All mentors and peer observers have been paired in NCEES.  Mentors, please make sure to work with your mentee to complete and review your mentee's PDP.  I will send an email to all peer observers so they can "begin with the end in mind" to set observations during the year. 
  • Incredible Years nominations:  K-2 grade teachers, after consideration, please turn-in the names of students you would like to nominate for this program by Tuesday end of day. 
  •  RtI:  All RtI paperwork, spreadsheets, and parent conferences are due by September 30th.
  • Y Learning:  Please submit the names of students who you think would benefit from FREE after-school tutoring today.  I only have 5 students on the list.  We have space for 50.   at by September 14th.  The program will start on September 28th.   This is a great opportunity for our children. 
  • iReady:  You can create your classes in iReady. Please make plans for your students to complete the diagnostic.  You can work with Ms. Dossenbach to complete the diagnostic during your computer time as well.  
  • Reminder....Instruction:  Please refer to the instructional non-negotiables shared at the Opening Meeting and placed in our handbook at  Please make sure your upcoming plans (starting no later than September 8th) include the elements noted.  
    • All students are required to read for homework every night and an accountability system (i.e. reading log, reading response, journal) should be in place and monitored by the classroom teacher. Teachers must ensure that all students have a level appropriate book to read at home.  
      • Kindergarten/1st = 15 minutes (75 minutes a week)
      • 2nd/3rd = 20 minutes (100 minutes a week)
      • 4th/5th = 20-30 minutes (100-150 minutes a week)
    • Research-and evidence-based practices outlined in Learning Focused lessons, AVID, Rational Discipline, The Leader in Me etc. should be utilized in all classrooms.  
      • Graphic organizers, authentic writing exercises, collaborative activities and other researched bases strategies should be used.
    • Instruction must be differentiated.  It is not appropriate to create “high,” “medium,” and “low” groups that stay static for ELA and math throughout the year.  

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