Saturday, September 19, 2015

Week 5: September 21-25

Bullock Brief
Habit 7 schedule

Upcoming meetings and events for September 21st-25th and September 28th-October 2nd.  
The most up-to-date calendar is located online in Google calendar.

Start Time
Professional Development Staff Meeting
September 21st
2:45pm (munchies provided)
Fall portraits
September 21st
All day.  See schedule
K-2 RtI
September 22nd
Stone’s room
All K Immunizations due
September 22nd
PEPI starts in 2nd grade
September 22nd
PLCs (+ mini session on data notebooks)
September 23rd
Platform (all grades)
PTO Board Meeting (part 2)
September 24th
Front conference room
Class and student WIGS due
September 25th
All classes
September 25th
All day
Buddy classes and accountability partners
SIT planning meeting
September 25th
Front conference room
September 28th
All day
Committee Meetings
September 28th
Send me the where your committee will meet
3-5 RtI
September 29th
Stone’s room
PLCs (+ mini session on data notebooks)
September 30th
Platform (all grades)
Mr. and Mrs. Leave a Legacy to begin (more info to come from PTO)
October 1st
SIOP Training (for those who signed-up)
October 2nd
Accountability partner set (with picture/goal)
October 2nd

  • The staff sacrificing a work day to grow personally and professionally.  100% engagement!
  • EC team sorting through an increased case load and demanding student needs.
  • K team acclimating our new K students. 
  • ESL team hosting an excellent ESL parent night on Thursday.  
  • BTs for tackling a new school year, classroom management, The Leader in Me, AVID and all the other demands AT THE SAME TIME.  You are doing a great job.  

 Please remember that The Leader in Me is evidenced in ALL that we do and say.  It is the way we greet each other in the morning; it's waving in car line; it's how we engage students in leadership; it's how we handle discipline, and it's how we instruct our students using rigorous and relevant material..  Everyone has genius.  Remember that as you embrace each new day.

The Leader in Me Structured calendar: Please use week 5 of the “quick start” guide located at at Classes should also be exploring leadership roles for their students.  Please remember that leadership ROLES require choice and voice from our students.

The Leader in Me session at Bullock on September 15th is on School Link.  Please register online to get CEUs for your time.

    Leadership notebook check:  

  • At this point, all students should have...
    • A leadership notebook
    • A WIG and data section.
    • Tracked three weeks of literacy assessment and colored in their ATBs.
    • A Wildly Important Goal (WIG) that is from x to y by when.  
       Everyone should have an accountability partner after our wonderful Leader in Me
       implementation meeting on Sept. 15th.  Please lock-in a weekly 3 minute meeting time by
       Sept.  25th.  Set a personal or professional goal with your partner by October 2nd.  Take a
       picture or selfie with your partner displaying your goal.  All staff goal pictures will be
       displayed on the bulletin board on Win-Win Way.  Let the accountability begin!!!  Woo Hoo!
       We will be starting our 7x7 personal journey together on October 5th.  We need to be sure our
        accountability partners are set to work together as we grow and extend our roots of
        effectiveness as a staff. 

   Monthly focus:  Private victories
  • Go to  
  •  Click on the Green "Leader in Me Online" button.
  • Click on Register.  Then enter your registration code below in order to set up your profile and begin using the site.  Registration Code: 7042029.  Christian is in the process of getting more codes.  

All 4th and 5th grade teachers should have completed their beginning of year assessment on organization.  Data should be recorded on the chart provided by Katherine.  Please record 0 for the two-column notes.  Students will be assessed on two-column notes and organization mid year and end of year.

     AVID site team members will be introducing two-column notes in your next PLC.  All
     teachers should trial the note taking strategies in their classroom. 

    How can your encourage career and college readiness in your classroom this week?  

  • mClass:  mClass window is open until Sept. 22nd The deadline is set by the state and cannot be moved.  Please see Mrs. Perrell if you for see any issues with hitting that goal.  
  • Stretch Math Stretch math packets provided by the county should be used in all our classrooms.  The stretch math cannot go home. 
  • Safe School Modules:  The first round of Safe School modules are due.  Please have them completed no later that September 25th. Login in at
  •  Breakfast delays:  We are aware there are delays at breakfast.  We are working on solutions.  Ideas are welcome. There are several factors contributing to the delays.  The new software is freezing-up  In addition, the Dining Hall ladies can no longer write down student names to enter later.  Please be patient as we try to improve the process.  
  • Shared leadership:  Our Lighthouse Team will be attending our first committee meetings to on September 28th to provide assistance kick-starting our committees this year.  Some projects might require you to go ahead and get started before that meeting date.  Please do meet/plan as needed to accomplish our goals.  Each project lead has been added to the board outside my office (Thank you Candace..super job).  You will need to place a small post-it(s) on your "big rock" noting what you are working on.  As you complete projects we will move those items to the celebration board.  
  • Office in the afternoon:  Please try to be quiet when entering the office in the afternoon.  Our office staff are often on the phone and the sounds carries out into the lobby where our silent car riders are sitting.  It makes it hard to hear the car pool numbers.  Thanks team. .  
  • Tardies:  Students are not considered tardy if they are in the building when the bell rings. Tardy students will have a tardy slip from the office.  If a student is entering the building before 8am and not making it to your room until after the bell, that student should be specifically addressed.  
  • PDP and self-assessment in NCEES: Your self reflection and PDP goals should be completed by Monday, September 14th.  Please make sure your PDP goals are SMART goals (more simply...from X to Y by when). You will need three goals with at least one goal focused on literacy.  Wendy and I have set PDP meetings with the folks on our lists.  If you do not have a meeting set, please contact Wendy and me. 
  • REMINDER....Mentors and peer observers: All mentors and peer observers have been paired in NCEES.  Mentors, please make sure to work with your mentee to complete and review your mentee's PDP.  We will complete the PDP conferences this week.  Thank you for being prepared.  
  •  RtI:  All RtI paperwork, spreadsheets, and parent conferences are due by September 30th.
  • Y Learning:  There is more space in Y Learning.  Please enter names at,  The program will start on September 28th.   This is a great opportunity for our children. 
  • iReady:  The iReady diagnostic should be completed by the end of this week.  Please send Wendy and I an email to verify completion.  I would encourage you to compare the proficiency data from iReady with your mClass assessments.  
  • Intervention:  We have numerous powerful intervention resources to use here at B.T. Bullock.  Meeting the needs of ALL our students is a critical element of success.  All teachers in grades K-3 should be using the small group advisor materials in mClass.  Those materials are customized to the specific needs of the students in a heterogeneous group.  These materials should also be provided to your TAs and tutors to use with small groups as well.  In iReady, there is an "instructional grouping" feature.  Within that section, the system groups students based on their diagnostic information.  You can see the list of students, the instructional priorities and the specific lessons for instruction.  These resources should be used by all teachers, TAs and tutors to meet specific student needs.  B.T. Bullock also has My Sidewalks reading intervention available. This is a research-based intervention program designed to help struggling readers.  
    • Please submit your TA and tutor lesson plans to me this week by Tuesday morning.  I just need a copy of the plans/lessons you are currently using.  No need to type-up something special for me.  I would like to get a better idea of the materials being used so that we can determine if there are any resource "holes" we need to fill.  
  • Instruction:  Please refer to the instructional non-negotiables shared at the Opening Meeting and placed in our handbook at  With the plethora of resources from AVID, Learning Focused lessons, and Leadership Tools from, worksheets should be sparingly used at Bullock.  Children should be writing frequently and learning exercises should utilize research-based strategies.  
    • Admin will have an instructional meeting with each grade level during your Habit 7 block.  I would like for grade levels to bring samples of the resources they are using for instruction (including TA and tutors) as well as their lesson plans, and we will have an open discussion about the alignment of those materials/instruction with the CCSS and how to maintain rigor. 
      • 10:15, Tuesday, September 22nd - K
      • 10:50, Wednesday, September 23rd - 1st grade
      • 1:00, Wednesday, September 23rd - 4th grade
      • 12:15, Thursday, September 24th - 3rd grade
      • 1:45, Thursday, Septemner 24th - 5th grade
      • 9:30, Friday, September 25th - 2nd grade
Have a wonderful weekend and week ahead!

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