Sunday, September 27, 2015

Week 6: September 28th-October 2

Bullock Brief
Habit 7 schedule

Upcoming meetings and events for September 28th-October 2nd and October 5th-9th.  
The most up-to-date calendar is located online in Google calendar.

Start Time
September 28th
All day
Discipline meeting with 5th grade
September 28t
The Depot
Committee Meetings
September 28th
Send me the where your committee will meet
SIT planning meeting
September 29th
Front conference room
3-5 RtI
September 29th
Stone’s room
RtI paperwork, spreadsheet and conferences due
September 30th
PLCs (+ mini session on data notebooks)
September 30th
Platform (all grades)
Mr. and Mrs. Leave a Legacy to begin (more info to come from PTO)
October 1st
SIOP Training (for those who signed-up)
October 2nd
Accountability partner set (with picture/goal)
October 2nd
Business Staff Meeting
October 5th
Platform 9 ¾
MNN starts in grades 1st and 2nd
October 5th
1st grade bookroom
K-2 RtI
October 6th
Stone’s room
K field trip
October 7th
All day
Gross Farm
Walk at School Day
October 7th
Recess time
Lower field
October 7th-9th
Schedule forthcoming
The Depot
4th grade in-school performance WILL BE RESCHDULED
PTO Open Meeting
October 8th
The Depot
4th Grade Performance
October 8th
The Depot
AVID Site team meeting
October 8th
The Platform
3rd grade field trip
October 9th
All day
Flint Rock Farm
** Please note:  The Curriculum and Instruction night has been rescheduled for October 22nd starting at 6:00pm.  Please start communicating that information in your class newsletters.  Title 1 information will be provided at 5:30pm prior to the event. 

  • The BOY mCLass testing window has closed and our classrooms can settle into their routines to teach reading.  WooHoo!
  • 100% staff attendance on September 24th.
  • Mrs. Stone for creating an awesome B.T. Bullock welcome video for Classroom Champions.
  • 3rd grade team using a great written reading log format for reading accountability.
  • 1st grade working with the 2nd grade team to infuse more writing into their reading accountability in 1st grade.  Way to synergize!

The Leader in Me Structured calendar: Please use week 6 of the “quick start” guide located at at All students in our school should be plugged into a leadership role (not a job) of some sort.  I see so many incredible examples here are Bullock.  Super job team!  We will be recruiting and hiring school-wide positions over the next couple weeks.  Mr. Martin (the school leadership liaison) will be featuring the jobs on the morning news. 
The school-wide leadership roles are
  • Safety Patrol (already interviewed and "hired")
  • Junior Safety Patrol
  • Patriots (already interviewed and "hired")
  • Tour Guides
  • Greeters
  • Breakfast Buddies
  • Tutors
  • Office Helpers
  • Lobby Leaders
  • Clothing Corral
  • Pod Squad
  • Language Leaders
  • Welcome Wagon
  • Grounds Crew
  • Letter Leaders

We are seeking a sponsor for each group. The sponsor will help "train" the students on their roles.  After that, the students should be training the next group of leaders as the adults "get out of the way" as our students lead.  The time commitment is minimal.  The sponsor will just ensure the students have a point of contact.  

Don't forget: The Leader in Me session at Bullock on September 15th is on School Link.  Please register online to get CEUs for your time.

    Leadership notebook check:  
  • At this point, all students should have...
    • A leadership notebook
    • A WIG and data section.
    • Tracked three weeks of literacy assessment and colored in their ATBs.
    • A Wildly Important Goal (WIG) that is from x to y by when. 
    • Two strategies per child 
       Accountability partner check:

  • Do you have an accountability partner?
  • Have you set a 3 minute weekly meeting?
  • Have you set a goal and shared it with your partner?
  • Have you taken a picture of your with your goal and have given the picture to Ms. Dossenbach or Ms. McHugh to hang. 

       All staff goal pictures will be displayed on the bulletin board on Win-Win Way.  
       We will be starting our 7x7 personal journey together on October 5th.  

   Monthly focus for October:  Be Proactive

AVID site team members have been trained on two-column notes.  The team members should have taught their grade levels how to take two-column notes.  Teachers should utilize the note taking strategy in their instruction.  We will be bringing samples of note taking to an upcoming staff meeting to review and discuss.

How can your encourage career and college readiness in your classroom this week?  

  • mClass:  The mClass testing window has closed.  We know that testing requires a massive sacrifice of time.  Thank you for helping to complete the BOY testing.  
  • Reminder....Stretch Math Stretch math packets provided by the county should be used in all our classrooms.  The stretch math cannot go home. 
  • Safe School Modules:  The first round of Safe School modules were due on Friday.  Thank you to all of you who completed your modules by the due date.  If your modules were not completed, you should have received an email from me in regards to completing the modules by end of day on Monday.
  • Reminder....Tardies:  Students are not considered tardy if they are in the building when the bell rings. Tardy students will have a tardy slip from the office.  If a student is entering the building before 8am and not making it to your room until after the bell, that student should be specifically addressed.  
  • Attendance: Due to county policies in regards to the hours in a work week for our tutors, it is incredibly difficult to find subs on Friday.  Please be cognizant of that for prearranged absences.  Also please be reminded, that Mrs. Perrell, Mrs. Kennedy and I should be notified of your absence in addition to SubFinder.  
  • PDP and self-assessment in NCEES: Mrs. Perrell and I have nearly completed the PDP process (except for those folks who we had to reschedule).  Mentors, please make sure you have reviewed and signed your mentees PDP.  The PDP bucket needs to be locked this week.
  • First Round Observations: Mrs. Perrell and I will start our first round of observations this week which will extend through the month of October.  The first observation is announced.  It will require a pre-conference.  
  • Peer Observers: The peer observer/BT or probationary pairing list is included below:
    • Erin Asper - J. Chaney
    • Brenda Battle - T. Ashworth
    • Taylor Bradian - S. Hurdt
    • Christian Chaney - D. Shepard
    • Janine Davis - M. Townsend
    • Katie Falk - M. Cole
    • Yolanda Gierbolini - K. Hamel
    • Katherine Gillette - V. Long
    • Kayla Gross - M. Douglas
    • Katie Hall - V. Long
    • Gretchen Hamilton - R. Gatten
    • Kari Jones - S. Lloyd
    • Sharra Lewis - C. Schlott
    • Baine Martin - S. McHugh
    • Andrea McVey - K. Slate
    • Katie Pendley - T. Spaulding
    • Christina Roy - D. Pomeranz
    • Allison Roberts - K. Spivey
    • Jennifer Schiffer - C. Stone
    • Taylor Waters - T. Strickland
    • MaryBeth Wiltshire - J. Velasco
  • Lesson Plans:  Please remember to place lesson plans on your desk or in another accessible spot for us to see when we are in your rooms for informal or formal observations. 
  • iReady:  We should be bringing the iReady diagnostic to a close.  I know we experienced many delays that were out of our control.  If students have not been assessed, please do so as quickly as possible. Thanks for being patient as we work through some of the technical difficulties.  Also please be sure to carefully review your iReady data individually and within PLCs.  Don't forget about those awesome intervention resources available within iReady as well.   
  • Instructional Meetings:  The instructional meetings were very informative this week.  Thank you for the investment of time.  The information provided will help drive our professional development and will inform our review of resources to support student learning.  
  • Self Sustained Reading (SSR):  As you all know, we are focusing heavily on literacy this year.  Thank you for requiring all 700 of our students to read every night and be accountable for their reading through a reading log or reading journal.  I would like to ensure that students are permitted time to read here at school as well.  If you have not already built it in your schedule, please be sure to carve-out time for your students to have 30 minutes of SSR time. This time can be during the student's independent time during reading groups and it can most certainly be integrated with science/social studies.  Struggling readers can be paired with a reading buddy or read with volunteers. 
  • Reading instruction: Have you read the reading instruction PPT prepared by Joy Velasco?  The PPT is full of excellent information about reading instruction.  I would like it to be reviewed by all classrooms teachers.  The PPT is located at  
  • Field trips:  Please be sure to use the 2015-16 version of the field letter when arranging field trips.  The new version includes mention of how left over field money will be used which must now be included in all field trip letters.  The form is located at  You will need to download to edit.  The Spanish version is forthcoming.  
Make this week extraordinary!

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