Sunday, October 4, 2015

Week 7: October 5th-9th

Bullock Brief
  • Please remember that the Brief is intended to summarize information in one central location to help keep us on track.  If you have questions about any of the information in the brief, please do not hesitate to contact me or Wendy.  We would be happy to help. 
Habit 7 schedule

Upcoming meetings and events for October 5th-9th and October 12th-16th
The most up-to-date calendar is located online in Google calendar.

Start Time
Business Staff Meeting
October 5th
Platform 9 ¾
MNN starts in grades 1st and 2nd
October 5th
1st grade bookroom
K-2 RtI
October 6th
Stone’s room
AVID Site team meeting
October 6th or 8th
(team leads please confirm date)
Platform 9 ¾
Classrooms vote on Mr. and Mrs. Leave a Legacy
October 7th
Vote for Mr. and Mrs. Leave a Legacy
October 7th thru October 16th
October 7th
Platform 9 ¾
EC Year 1&2 meeting
October 7th

K field trip
October 7th
All day
Gross Farm
Walk at School Day

October 7th-9th
Schedule forthcoming
The Depot
PTO Open Meeting
October 8th
The Depot
4th Grade Performance
October 8th
The Depot
3rd grade field trip
October 9th
All day
Flint Rock Farm
AVID training
October 10th

Southern Lee High School
SIT meeting
October 12th
Platform 9 ¾
3-5 RtI
October 13th
Stone’s room
BT 1 Meeting
October 13th
LCS Board meeting
October 13th
Lee County High School
October 14th
Platform 9 ¾
BT 2 session
October 15th
AVID district meeting
October 15th
Lee County High school
McTeacher Night
October 15th
McDonald’s on Spring Lane
Top 12 for the Leave –a-legacy announced
October 16th
** Please note:  The Curriculum and Instruction night has been rescheduled for October 22nd starting at 6:00pm.  Please start communicating that information in your class newsletters.  Title 1 information will be provided at 5:30pm prior to the event. 

Let's celebrate...
  • New Bullock team members: Maria Lazcano working as a 1:1 aide for one of our students; Lisa Foushee working as a lead teacher with our 3-5 teachers; Melissa Palmer working as a K-3 AIG nurturing specialist; and Cinderella Lyon who returns to us as a lead teacher assisting K-3.   Please show all our new support staff a warm Bullock welcome.  
  • Committees and their hard work. I am excited about the wonderful events and initiatives that are planned for our deserving students.  Excellent work teams.
  • SIT team and their investment of time in writing the SIT plan for 2015-16.
  • Mrs. Ashworth and her leadership on the Bengal Broadcast.  The newscast is engaging and celebrates so many of our leaders.  Amazing job Mrs. Ashworth!
  • Mr. Martin for celebrating student talents on the news and managing the school wide leadership opportunities  What a way to celebrate individual strengths Mr. Martin!
  • Mrs. Dossenbach and Mrs. McMchugh for stepping-in to assist with the Lighthouse boards, and student leadership.  Way to synergize!  
  • Mrs. Kennedy for being able to "make things happen" and managing so many different processes.
  • Mrs. Welch for being pulled in a million directions, but still getting things done so efficiently.
  • Mrs. Babb for managing our monster database and helping in the front office with such ease.

The Leader in Me Structured calendar: Please use week 7 of the “quick start” guide located at at The deadline school wide leadership roles is Tuesday, October 6th. The school-wide leadership roles are
  • Safety Patrol (already interviewed and "hired")
  • Junior Safety Patrol
  • Patriots (already interviewed and "hired")
  • Tour Guides
  • Greeters
  • Breakfast Buddies
  • Tutors
  • Office Helpers
  • Lobby Leaders
  • Clothing Corral
  • Pod Squad
  • Language Leaders
  • Welcome Wagon
  • Grounds Crew
  • Letter Leaders
 As noted in a previous email, we are going to pause where we are with Leadership Notebooks for a bit.  Please continue to work with your students on the Leadership notebook elements that have been introduced.
  • At this point, students should be working on...
    • Creating an organized leadership notebook
    • Tracking literacy assessment and coloring in their ATBs.
    • Writing a Wildly Important Goal (WIG) that is from x to y by when. 
    • Determining two strategies per child 
    • Score boarding their use of strategies
We will be taking our accountability partner pictures in our staff meeting on Monday.  We'll have paper and markers ready to write down our goals at the meeting.  We will take our accountability pictures then. Please do make sure that you have set a time to connect with your accountability partner in a way that is meaningful.
We will be starting our 7x7 personal journey together soon.  Details to come from the Lighthouse Team.  

   Monthly focus for October:  Be Proactive

Have you taught your student to use two-column notes yet?  It a great "go to" strategy to organize information.

  • Paper emergency!!:  We only have two boxes of paper left.  Aghhhh!  Mrs. Kennedy ordered the same amount of paper she has always ordered in years past.  We are going through it far more quickly that normal.  We do not want to spend a disproportionate amount of our school funds on paper.  It is imperative that we dial back our copies.  
  • Safety Plan:  We will be reviewing and approving the safety plan in our upcoming business staff meeting.  The safety plan will be shared soon.  
  • SIT plan We will be reviewing and approving the SIT plan in our upcoming business staff meeting.  The SIT plan will be shared soon.
  • New tardy policy at Bullock: In an effort to get more of our students here on time, we be instituting a new tardy policy starting 2nd quarter.  Students who have 5 or more unexcused tardies will be required to stay after school for a Learning Lab to make-up lost academic time.  The details are located at  We have also started displaying a board outside that tells parents how many students were on time or late.  Accountability for all!
  • NCDPI visit in the Dining Hall: NCDPI will be here on Tuesday (we had the wrong day when  notified you earlier).  Our Dining Hall ladies will do a fabulous job as always.  Let's help them out.  Please remember to bring your money if you a buying lunch.  You cannot leave the lunch room with an unpaid lunch.  Please also make sure no "competitive foods" (fast food, cupcakes, etc.) are brought into the Dining Hall. Our school will be fined if those foods are in the Dining Hall prior to 1:00pm.  Those items are sometimes sneaked by our office.  
  • Calendar rep: I need a calendar rep to attend monthly meetings to create our 2016-17 calendar.  Can you believe we are already planning for 2016-17?  It is a interesting process and a minimal time commitment.  We do want out Bullock voice heard in creating the calendar for the county.
  • PTO: We have not had any teachers at our recent meetings.  We want your feedback and great ideas.  The PTO is there for you (and our kiddos of course)  The next meeting is November 8th at 5:30pm prior to the 4th grade performance.  Our next board meeting is October 22nd at 5:30pm.
  • NCEES training:  I am noticing that many teacher have not yet signed-off on the NCEES training in the evaluation tool.  Please make sure to sign-off on the NCESS training.  The training was held together on August 31st. 
  • Sport coat/blazer for the news crew:  We are in need of a male and female blazer for our broadcasters.  If you have a sport coat/blazer, that would fit a 4th/5th grade student that you would be willing to allow us to borrow, please let Mrs. Ashworth know.  
  • Instruction....reminders:  Literacy remains a "big rock" for us at Bullock.  Please remember to provide time (it can be chunked) for students to read at school.  We just want to make sure we are providing plenty of "time in text" for our reader leaders. Don't forget about the informative PPT about reading instruction by Joy Velasco located at  Be be sure to protect your reading block to ensure 90 minutes of instruction.  

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