Sunday, November 1, 2015

Week 11: November 2-6

Bullock Brief
  • Our school WIGs
    • Every child will increase reading skills based on their individual academic ability by middle of year mClass and/or Q2 quarterly assessments.
    • We will reduce discipline to 21 or fewer referrals per month by June 2016.
Habit 7 schedule
Optional workday

Upcoming meetings and events for November 2nd-5th and November 9th-13th.  
The most up-to-date calendar is located online in Google calendar.

Start Time
Staff meeting (business)
November 2nd
Platform 9 ¾
Optional Teacher work day
November 3rd
November 4th
Platform 9 ¾
Learning A-Z Training (K-2 teachers only)
November 4th
2:45 – 3:45pm
McHugh’s room
Elementary C&I Meeting (C&I rep only)
November 4th
1st grade field trip to LCHS (1st and 2nd switch lunch times)
November 5th
AIG Committee meeting
November 5th
Schlott’s trailer
2nd  grade field trip to LCHS
November 6th
Fall portrait retakes
November 6th
Sharpen the Saw Night
November 6th
Bubba’s Sub/Painted Petal
mClass progress monitoring: Green
November 6th
All day
November 9th
CogAt  Practice test (3rd and 5th only)
November 9th
mClass progress monitoring: Green
November 9th
All day
CogAt test (3rd and 5th only)
November 10th
K-2 RtI
November 10th
Stone’s room
AVID site team meeting
November 10th
Gillette’s room
BT 1 meeting
November 10th
LCS Board Meeting
November 10th
Lee County High School
Holiday/No school
November 11th
All day
Wherever you want to be
CogAt test (3rd and 5th only)
November 12th
BT 2 meeting
November 12th
 Lee County Reading Association Meeting
November 12th
McTeacher Night: Kindergarten
November 12th
McDonald’s Spring Lane
 Author visit during Habit 7
November 12th
Habit 7 class time

Let's celebrate...
  • Fall Festival and a wonderful evening for our students, our families and US!  Thank you again to Ms. Mills, Ms. Ashworth, Ms. Lewis, Ms. Hamilton and the Traditions committee for their hard work. 
  • Ms. Hamel and her hard work in preparing the wonderful Munch and Mentor session on Friday.  
  • Our mentors for helping to support our new Bullock family members.  

The Leader in Me monthly focus: Begin with the End in Mind.  Wonderful lesson plans can be found on that are specific to our monthly focus AND grade level.  

Don't forget that "habit" instruction should be embedded in all that we do. We teach the habits all day, every day.  It's doesn't need to be another "thing," but rather the thread that binds all that we do together.  We are "fostering a community of leaders with purpose."  We do that through living our mission every day, "To love. To learn. To lead."

Check out this excerpt from 50 Ways to Improve Student Behavior (I have several copies of this resource if you would like to borrow) in regards to greeting our students.

Please bring student exemplars of two column notes to the staff meeting on November 2nd and laptops for a kahoot quiz. 

  • Grades:  Grades need to be recorded by Tuesday, November 3rd.  
  • Staff meeting agenda:  Agenda located at  
  • Environment at Bullock:  I continue to hear wonderful compliments about the welcoming and cheerful environment at Bullock.  Our environment sets the tone for all the other important things we do to help students learn and lead.  It takes every member of the team to make that "feeling" come to be.  Please remember to keep hallway redirection positive, yet firm.  Remember to stay consistent with redirection using the 4Hs (see posters for expectations) and Leaders on TRACK.  Please remember that parents and other visitors are in our Dining Halls, pods, and classrooms.  We want them to see the best version of our wonderful school  
  • Tardies:  Students should not be marked tardy unless they have a white tardy slip from the office.  If they do not have a white slip, it means they were in our building before the bell  If you have a student that is purposefully arriving late, please address those students individually.  
  • Fire code:  The following items have been provided by the fire marshall.  Please do not prop open the pod, gym or library doors; they are supposed to stay closed in the case of a fire.  Also please make sure that no more than 20% of your walls are covered in paper.  Doors should not be covered in paper at any time.  Surge  protectors should not be plugged into each other.  Please do not hang items from the ceiling.  
  • IMPORTANT Attendance:  Please make sure you have submitted your attendance no later than 9am.  Please alert Jennifer Babb if students who are absent due to out of school suspension.  She will have to enter their attendance.  
  • Classroom doors:  Please do not lock classroom doors.  It is fine to close your door, but it is not necessary to have the doors locked unless there is an emergency.  
  • Learning A-Z (K-2 only):  Please watch the video Joy provided prior to your November 4th PLC/training session.  
  • Field trip to the Raleigh Executive Jetport:  I received a call from a parent of two of our Bullock students reminding me that the Sanford airport does field trips.  Please keep that in mind when considering field trips to accentuate learning.  
  • Staff member of the month reminder:  Don't forget to nominate your colleagues and celebrate the ways people "love, learn and lead" at Bullock.  
  • IMPORTANT Open enrollment:  All LCS employees must sign and date that they have reviewed their health insurance package.  This must be completed no later than November 20th or you could lose your state health insurance.  Yikes.  The directions are located at  Please see Gail with any questions. 
  • Engineer tickets:  Don't forget to celebrate our student leaders with Engineer tickets.  Keep adding to our board.  
  • Lee County Health and Benefits Fair: The LCS Health and benefits fair will be held on November 3rd from 10am-2:30pm.  There will be 85 exhibitors with lots of goodies, information, and screening for all staff members.  
  • Young Authors:  Don't forget about that opportunity.  See last week's blog for more details. 
  • Committees: Please make sure you share your committee minutes with whole school so we can stay apprised of the great work being done at Bullock.  Also, please place post-its on your big rock with your current projects.  Thank you to the Fall Festival team, Megan O'Shaughnessy, Kayla Gross and Kathy Davis for posting your projects.  
  • Error correction: Please make sure that you  make time to check-out your quarterly assessments.  All students should be permitted the time and guidance for error correction.  Please be cognizant of indivudal learners and their needs when correcting the assessments as a whole group since many students will not need to correct the entire test.  

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