Sunday, November 8, 2015

Week 12: November 9-13

Bullock Brief

Make this week AMAZING!  

week for duty.   The duty schedule is located at

Our school WIGS
- Every child will increase reading skills based on their individual academic ability by middle of year mClass and/or Q2 quarterly assessments.
- We will reduce discipline to 21 or fewer referrals per month by June 2016.

An essential question to guide your work this week... How are your ensuring student growth for ALL your students this week?
Habit 7 schedule
No school

Upcoming meetings and events for November 9th-13th, November 16th-20th and November 23rd-24th.  
The most up-to-date calendar is located online in Google calendar.

Start Time
Parks and Rec starts using Bullock facilities
November 9th
November 9th
Platform 9 ¾
mClass progress monitoring: Green
November 9th
All day
CogAt test (3rd and 5th only)
November 10th
K-2 RtI
November 10th
Stone’s room
AVID site team meeting
November 10th
Gillette’s room
BT 1 meeting
November 10th
LCS Board Meeting
November 10th
Lee County High School
Holiday/No school
November 11th
All day
Wherever you want to be
CogAt test (3rd and 5th only)
November 12th
BT 2 meeting
November 12th
 Lee County Reading Association Meeting
November 12th
Platform 9 ¾
McTeacher Night: Kindergarten
November 12th
McDonald’s Spring Lane
Chorus tryouts
November 12th
Music room
 Author visit during Habit 7
November 13th
Habit 7 class time
Platform 9 ¾
Staff meeting (professional development)
November 16th
Platform 9 ¾
3-5 RtI
November 17th
Stone’s room
November 18th
Platform 9 ¾
PTO Board Meeting
November 18th
Conference room
3rd grade performance
November 19th
Lighthouse/Discipline meeting
November 19th
Platform 9 ¾
PTO meeting/3rd grade performance
November 19th
Committee Meetings
November 23rd
Platform 9 ¾
Club day!!!
November 24th
Various locations
K-2 RtI
November 24th
Stone’s room

Let's celebrate...
  • Our new intervention teachers, Ms. Gooch and Ms. Watson, who will be working with our Read to Achieve students. We are excited to have them on board. Please give them a warm Bullock welcome.
  • Ms. Davis for cleaning the K pod and making it such an inviting place.
  • Ms. Ross for a acknowledging a co-worker's hard work publicly.
  • Ms. Chaney for creating the awesome WIGs board to remind us of our Wildly Important Goals.
  • Ms. Woodell for helping to update the committee board.  
  • Ms. Stone and Ms. O'Shaughnessy's leadership with RtI.  They do a phenomenal job.  

The Leader in Me monthly focus: Begin with the End in Mind.  Wonderful lesson plans can be found on that are specific to our monthly focus AND grade level.  

Please remember that data tracking and ATBs should continue.  We are holding off on scoreboarding, but the process of tracking data and tracking growth is important and helps us accomplish our WIGs.  Also please be sure to discuss progress with your students.  If students are not getting ATBs, talk to them about 'why'  and determine solutions.

Check out this excerpt from 50 Ways to Improve Student Behavior (I have several copies of this resource if you would like to borrow) in regards to greeting our students.  I am including this again since many did not read last week's brief.  This is important.  

Have you heard the term WICOR and wondered what in the world it means?  WICOR lies at the heart of AVID instruction and provides a framework for balanced and rigorous instruction.  

Think about ways you can WICORize your lesson. If you would like further information, see Ms. Gillette, Ms. Schlott or a 4th/5th grade teacher.  

      Data meetings:  I will be meeting with all grade level in regards to data this week.  Please be sure to bring your own data reflection to the data meeting.  You should review: quarterly scores, mClass, iReady and weekly common assessments.  A class ATB summary would also be excellent data to review.  A guide to analyzing data can be found here.  A template to gather your thoughts and reflections can be found here.  Please complete this reflection form to prepare for our meeting. 

      Discipline:  Please remember the school-wide discipline plane located here.  Please follow the discipline plan to redirect undesired student discipline.  You can borrow the book, Rational Discipline, from me at any time.  

      CogAt testing:  CogAt testing will occur this week in grades 3 and 5.  Ms. Perrell has shared the plan.  It can be accessed here.
Friday, Nov. 6th: Practice test (no proctors needed)
Monday, Nov. 9th: Makeup Practice Test
Tuesday, Nov. 10th: CogAt testing (Day 1, sections 1-5)
Thursday, Nov. 12th: CogAt Testing (Day 2, sections 6-9)
Friday, Nov. 13th- Monday, Nov. 16th: Make up testing

      Cultural Day at Bullock:  Cultural Day in December has been cancelled at this time as we continue to focus on maximizing instructional time.  There is an ongoing discussion about still including  global themes in lessons to showcase cultures around the world.  More to come on this.  

     Clubs:  Please remind students that they will not be able to attend clubs if they have had a referral in the month prior to our club meetings (10/24-11/24).  Clubs are going to be a blast.  We want our students to work hard for this special event.  

     Calendar for 2016-17:  Please review the proposed 2016-17 calendar located here.  Please provide suggestions to Kim Slate. 

     Calendar for 2015-16:  There has been change to our current school calendar.  the May 3rd teacher workday has moved to March 15th.  
     General reminders:  Please do not lock classroom doors. Don't forget to nominate your colleagues and celebrate the ways people "love, learn and lead" at Bullock.  Celebrate our student leaders with Engineer tickets.  Please provide an opportunity for students to submit a written piece for Young Author's.  Please make sure you are up-to-date on fire code specs (wee last week's brief).  

      IMPORTANT Open enrollment:  All LCS employees must sign and date that they have reviewed their health insurance package.  This must be completed no later than November 20th or you could lose your state health insurance. The directions are located at  Please see Gail with any questions. 

     Instruction:  Please make sure that EVERY child has a level appropriate book to read EVERY night.  This is of the utmost importance.  Our students will not grow their reading skills unless they are reading.  Research indicates that students who are below grade-level must read 2-4 times more than their on-grade-level peers.   I know time is tight, but please work to make your guided reading groups 25-30 minutes.  Make sure you are allowing ample time for students to read with guidance and independently.  We will talk more about carving out more time for literacy during our upcoming data meetings.  

      Brief sign-off:  Once you have read the Bullock Brief please sign-off here.  

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