Sunday, November 15, 2015

Week 13: November 16th-20th

Bullock Brief

week for duty.   The duty schedule is located at

93% read brief on time last week.  That is an ATB!  Aiming for 100% this week.  Please read brief by Tuesday morning at 8:00am (since I was late in sending this evening).  It will normally be due at 12pm on Monday.  

Essential questions to guide your work this week...What changes have been made to your lesson plans over the next few weeks based on recent quarterly data? How will you know when students "get it?"
Habit 7 schedule

Upcoming meetings and events for November 16th-20th and November 23rd-24th.  
The most up-to-date calendar is located online in Google calendar.

Start Time
Leader on TRACK Assembly
November 16th
1:05-1:30 (K-2)
1:45-2:10 (3-5)
The Depot
Staff meeting (professional development)
November 16th
Platform 9 ¾
3-5 RtI
November 17th
Stone’s room
AVID site visit
November 18th
Various rooms
November 18th
Platform 9 ¾
PTO Board Meeting
November 18th
Conference room
3rd grade performance
November 19th
The Depot
Lighthouse/Discipline meeting
November 19th
Platform 9 ¾
PTO meeting/3rd grade performance
November 19th
The Depot
Committee Meetings
November 23rd
Platform 9 ¾
Club day!!!
November 24th
Various locations
K-2 RtI
November 24th
Stone’s room

Let's celebrate...
  • Our bus drivers for the incredible job they do every day to transport our children to and from school.
  • Mrs. McVey, Ms. Johnson, Mr. Chaney, Ms. Dossenbach, Mrs. Schlott, Ms. Lewis, Ms. Asper, Ms. O'Shaughnessy, Ms. McHugh, and Ms. Chesney for their great ideas at the discipline/Lighthouse refresh meeting.  I so hope I did not leave anyone out.  Let me know if I did.  
  • Ms. Ashworth for arranging a great author visit. 
  • Mr. Hurdt for coordinating the G.R.E.A.T event at Bullock.
  • Officer Bridges and her work with our 4th grade students.
  • Officer Seagroves for her help keeping Bullock safe every day.
  • The Lee County Sheriff's department for their commitment to our students.  
  • K team for a great McDonald's night. 

The Leader in Me monthly focus: Begin with the End in Mind.  Wonderful lesson plans can be found on that are specific to our monthly focus AND grade level.  

Mr. Hurdt has provided the next round of materials to track literacy progress.  Please continue to set goals and track student progress.

Check-out this video on goal and data tracking.

Let's break apart WICOR a little further.  The "W" stands for writing.  Writing is a pivotal component of AVID and a balanced literacy program. We have been using two-column notes at Bullock.  A few simple ways to infuse more writing into your instruction is:  ask students to respond to the essential question in writing, exit tickets, and quick writes about topics.

If you would like further information, see Ms. Gillette, Ms. Schlott or a 4th/5th grade teacher.  
     Our school WIGS
- Every child will increase reading skills based on their individual academic ability by middle of year mClass and/or Q2 quarterly assessments.
- We will reduce discipline to 21 or fewer referrals per month by June 2016.
     Current projected proficiency in ELA in 3-5 (based on Case21) is 48%.  (3rd = 35.2, 4th = 59, and 5th = 51.5).  That is 7 points away from our literacy goal of 55%.  
                     - K-3 is at 39% proficient based on the BOY. 
                            - We are adjusting our SIT plan percentage (an error was found).  Current plan shows
                               a moved from 68% to 73%.  
                     - In 13-15 our students moved 15 points from 50% BOY to 65% EOY.
                     - In 14-15, our students moved 9 points from 44%BOY to 53% EOY.
      With our students starting 5 points lower than last year and 11 points lower than 13-14, we going to need to think outside the box to move ALL our students.  

      Discipline...reminder #2:  Please remember the school-wide discipline plan located here.  Please follow the discipline plan to redirect undesired student discipline.  Students must be sent to a buddy room before BIP reflection.  You can borrow the book, Rational Discipline, from me at any time.  

      Clubs:  Please remind students that they will not be able to attend clubs if they have had a referral in the month prior to our club meetings (10/24-11/24).  Clubs are going to be a blast.  We want our students to work hard for this special event.  

 Car pool:  Please help us during afternoon car pool by avoiding the front lobby as you head back to your classroom.  If you are in front lobby/Proactive Parkway/Win Win Way, please model the behavior we desire from our students and remain silent in that area.  Thanks for your help.  

      Tech:  Please call Ms. Frausto before sending students down to the tech room for repairs to be sure Ms. Frausto is in the office and available.  

      Thanksgiving:  Sharon Spence would love to know about Thanksgiving activities and projects.  Please let us know if you have exciting projects to share in the spirit of thanksgiving.  

      Evacuation maps:  Evacuation maps must be posted in every room.  Please make sure the map is posted on the wall and not on the back of your door.  

      Environment:  Please make sure that students do not use sidewalk chalk on the brick walls.  It is very difficult to remove from the bricks.  We do, however, love sidewalk chart art on the cement walkways.  :) 

      Custodial reminders:  Please be cognizant that stickers awarded to students are very difficult to remove from our floors. Make sure you have a recycling holder in your classroom.  Also please make sure no food items are left in trash cans in the rooms; you should use the large Dining Hall bins.  Finally, please make sure to check the bathrooms before and after every visit.  We are having quite an issue with students not using the proper receptacle to urinate and leaving trash all over the bathrooms.  Yuck!  We will need every one's vigilance to "nip this in the bud."  

Sharpen the Saw:  I would like to invite you all to join me and my family for the Reindeer Run in Aberdeen, NC on December 5th.  The run consists of a 5K, 12K and Egg Nog jog for kids.  Santa will be there!  The Reindeer Run is a great family event and a Clarke family tradition. We would love to see you there!  Find out more at the Reindeer Run website. 

      Timeliness: Please make sure to arrive at Habit 7/lunch classes on time.  Folks are being so proactive that they are arriving early.  Please use your cell phone time to make sure it is synced up. 

      IMPORTANT Open enrollment:  All LCS employees must sign and date that they have reviewed their health insurance package.  This must be completed no later than November 20th or you could lose your state health insurance. The directions are located here.  Please see Gail with any questions. 

Discipline Updates:  We will kick-off the Leaders on TRACK plan on Monday afternoon with two student assemblies.  We will have a K-2 assembly 1:05-1:30 and a 3-5 from 1:45-2:10 in the Depot.  

      Leaders on TRACK
Each week students will vote on their class Leader on TRACK.  It should be one student who has been a leader in some way.  That student's name will be placed on the Leader board.  There will be a laminated page for each class to write down the Leader names on the leader board (the one outside the Dining Hall).  Leaders on TRACK students should visit the Principal's prize bin on Friday afternoon from 2:00-2:25 to be celebrated for their success..  The students name should also be written on a Bengal paw and placed in the grade level buckets which will be located in the mail room.  Every three weeks, admin will select two students (at random) from each grade for Pizza with the Principal.  All students in the leader buckets will also get to dance onstage for the school-wide quarterly dance party (see below).

Quarterly Leader on TRACK party
Each quarter, we will have a school-wide dance party (with treats) for all students who have not gone to reflection in BIP or had a write-up.  Please start you count as of November 17th for second quarter.  The next celebration will be on January 22nd at 1:30pm.  

Spotlight on Engineers
We are upping the pizazz for our Engineer tickets.  Tickets should still be earned for going ABOVE AND BEYOND.  Any staff member can award a ticket for exemplary leadership.  Being an engineer, should be an huge honor at Bullock.  Our current and future Engineers will have their picture taken (with a white board explaining why) and posted on the Dining Hall for all to see.  We will be honoring all past engineers and taking their picture at the upcoming assembly.  All future engineers should be given an engineer ticket when it is earned and then notify Ashley/Tiffany.  Ashley will take the student's picture and Tiffany can let the News Crew know so that the student can appear on the news to explain how they earned the ticket through their leadership.  

      Brief sign-off:  Once you have read the Bullock Brief please sign-off here.  

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