Sunday, October 30, 2016

Week 10: October 31st-November 4th

Bullock Brief

week for duty.  

Habit 7 Schedule






Upcoming meetings and events for October 31st-November 9th.
The most up-to-date calendar is located online on the Bullock Google calendar. 

Check out the Celebration Station.  There are many new additions.  

The focus this month: Be Proactive

Habit #1 is be proactive.  Being proactive means that you take control of your reactions and choices.  The central theme of being proactive is that you are not a victim to your circumstance.  Complaining and finding fault in the system or in people is a choice.   It is a choice that we are faced with daily as we navigate deadlines, high expectations, time sensitive tasks, and demanding workloads.  I know it can be difficult. However, the the fact remains that we have a CHOICE to make.  You can choose to find fault, or choose to look for the positive and find solutions.  One thing I know is that we have a beautiful school that is focused on three important pillars...loving, learning and leading.  You have a chance to change lives which is something very few people can claim on a daily basis.  I look that this incredible group of people and feel blessed to do this work with you each and every day.  

I hope that you will work within your teams to celebrate positive and solution based discussions.  Complaining never produces results.  Positive people produce positive results.  It's the law of attraction.  Remember that the things that frustrate you are just a solution away. 
K-2 RtI:  November 1 at 2:45pm in Stone's room.  

Q1 Testing Make-Ups:  Ms. Perrell is busy arranging make-up testing for 30 students.  Please stay tuned for locations and details.  

PLCs:  Wendy and I were unable to hit 3-5 PLCs last week with the overlap.  On Thursday, Wendy will visit 5th at 2:45.  I will visit 4th at 1:00 and 3rd at 2:45.   Please bring student writing samples and testing data (if available) for discussion.  The following week on November 9th, Wendy will visit 1st at 12:10 and K at 2:45.  I will visit 2nd at 2:45.  We will discuss patterns and the item analysis from Q1 data in our meeting. 

Wonders: The county is providing additional Wonders training for our teachers. The sessions are schedule from 2:00-4:00pm.  We will be arranging coverage internally (no subs).  More info to come. 

  • Tuesday, Nov. 1 for 5th grade
  • Tuesday, November 29 for 4th grade
  • Tuesday, Dec. 6 for 3rd grade
  • Tuesday, Dec. 13 for 2nd grade.  

Clustering:  I think I was able to speak to every grade level in regards to providing feedback about clustering.  Please include feedback here.  I would like all feedback by November 4th.  

IMPORTANT...Open Enrollment:  Due tomorrow, October 31st.

Election:  Bullock will be an election site on November 8th.  We are anticipating heavy voter turn-out.  We will have an optional teacher work day that day.  Please park outside the 1st quadrant to provide parking for voters.   

Grade Cards Due:  November 1st 

RtI:  Please reference the email sent clarifying RtI and tutors.  The habit 7 teachers will be assisting with RtI interventions starting on November 11th.  The following Habit 7 teacher has been assigned to each grade level.  They can provide RtI interventions from 9:00-9:30.  The grade level facilitators should provide guidance on the students who could benefit from this RtI intervention support from our wonderful Habit 7 team.  
  • Dossenbach = K
  • Stephens = 1st
  • Cole = 2nd 
  • Wiltshire = 3rd
  • Ashworth = 4th
  • Bradian = 5th

Leader on TRACK celebration:  We will have our second Leader on TRACK celebration for first quarter tomorrow on Monday, October 31st from 1:00-2:15. We will watch a movie in gym for our wonderful Leaders on TRACK.  Brag tags will be awarded at that time. Please bring a slip of paper with the total number of Leader on TRACK, attendance and AR brag tags needed.  

Character Day Reminder:  Monday, October 31st is Halloween.  We would love for our staff to promote literacy and celebrate the day by dressing-up as your favorite book character.  

Each child should be able to write a well constructed paragraph (Main idea, capitalization, proper punctuation, 5 sentences) for each year they are in school (1st=1, 2nd=2, 3rd=3, etc).  Have you included authentic and rigorous writing activities in your instructional program? This is a great discussion point within PLCs.

I recently learned that the county has purchased iReady for the entire year.  iReady should be used in lieu of ABCya or other less rigorous web resources (the diagnostic has to be completed prior to use). I am not requiring iReady for all students at this time, but it should be used instead of free resources (and less rigorous) during center rotations.  iReady is also an excellent intervention tool with embedded resources.  All student login information was provided by Ms. Thompson via email.  Please notify Joy with questions. 

We used Q1 to get up a running with AR.  It is an expectation that all classrooms are using AR in Q2-Q4.  Please make sure that all students are reading AR books and taking AR quizzes. AR is a requirement for all 1-5 students at Bullock.  AR would be an excellent computer rotation.  

Young Authors entries are due November 4th.  

Visit to schedule time to meet with me. 

Should have recently completed (check that it's complete):

Due this week:
  • Grade cards due - November 1st
  • Fall Portrait retakes -  November 2nd
  • Fall Portrait Retakes - November 2nd
  • Cluster feedback due - November 4th
Upcoming due dates:
  • Grade cards go home - November 7th
  • Optional work day _ November 8th
  • Staff meeting - November 7th
  • CogAt testing - November 9th-10th
  • Veteran's Day Holiday - November 11th

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