Sunday, October 9, 2016

Week 7: October 10-14

Bullock Brief

Our thoughts are with the Lee County community, our neighboring counties and states, and those who live abroad who have experienced damages or power outages due Hurricane Matthew. You all remain in our prayers. 

week for duty.  

Habit 7 Schedule

No school for staff and students





Upcoming meetings and events for October 10th-.
The most up-to-date calendar is located online on the Bullock Google calendar. 


I have started to see some new affirmations on our board.  Love it!  Keep filling those emotional bank accounts.  

The focus this month: Private Victories

The first private victory habit is "Be Proactive."  Habit 1: Be Proactive is about taking responsibility for your life. Proactive people recognize that they are "response-able." They don't blame genetics, circumstances, conditions, or conditioning for their behavior. They know they choose their behavior. Reactive people, on the other hand, are often affected by their physical environment. They find external sources to blame for their behavior. If the weather is good, they feel good. If it isn't, it affects their attitude and performance, and they blame the weather. All of these external forces act as stimuli that we respond to. What lies in your circle of control?  What lies in your circle of influence?  What is in your circle of concern that you do not have control over? #chooseyourweather

Lighthouse Meeting:   We will have a Lighthouse meeting on October 11th starting at 2:45pm.  Some folks might also have 3-5 RtI.  Folks who are new to Bullock should plan to stop by for the first 10-15 minutes of the meeting to touchbase about the awesome upcoming training.  

ACTION NEEDED...SIT plan:  The SIT plan for 2016-17 is ready for your review. WooHoo! Thank you to the SIT team for their hard work in collecting their team's feedback and analyzing data.  The first three goals are entered in a new format through AdvancED.  The safety goal, related to bus safety, is include the the old format because it cannot be shared publicly.  Please review and approve (and provide feedback if you chose) the SIT plan at the links provided by Tuesday October 11th end of day. 

Career Day:  The K-2 career day will be held October 14th.  Ms. O'Shaughnessy has lined-up some incredible guests and shared the schedule for the day.  

Open Enrollment:  Open enrollment continues through October 31st.  All employees are required to complete the open enrollment.  

75$ for classroom supplies:  Please let Ms. Dowdy know what materials you would like to purchase as a grade level.  

Science class:  We have made a recommendation for the open TA position.  She will likely not be able to start until October 17th.  Therefore, classes who have science next week can split the students among the remaining 5 Habit 7 classes.  This is a change from last week in order to preserve planning for all.  Thanks for working together as we convene the perfect team to serve our students.  

Leave a Legacy:  Please submit your Leave a Legacy names here.  You should send home the voting directions on Tuesday if you do not do so on Friday. We can extend the classroom voting until October 18th.  We'll narrow to the top ten at that time.  

Clubs: Please see Mr. Hurdt's email in regards to clubs.  The club list can be found here.  The spreadsheet to submit your student choices can be found here. Clubs are such an awesome way to broaden our students' horizons.  

Calculator training:  Please let Susie or me know if you would like a calculator demonstration/lesson in your classroom.  This is the time to teach calculator skills that can be reinforced all year long.  

Wonders training:  Some have asked about getting another round of Wonders training now that you have materials in hand and know more of what to expect.  I have requested that training and will let you know when/if it is arranged.  

County calendar committee:  I am looking for a volunteer to serve on the county calendar committee.  If you are interested in having voice in next year's calendar, please let me know. 

Y Learning:  Is looking for more teachers to serve our 2-5 students.  If you are interested, or know someone who might be interested, they can apply here.

Instruction:  The Young Author competition is underway.  I would really like for all our students to have a chance to participate. The details are located here.  The entries are due November 4th.  

Visit to schedule time to meet with me. 

Should have recently completed (check that it's complete):
  • Class vote on Mr. and Ms. Leave a Legacy - October 7th
Due this week:
  • Review SIT and approve (and/or provide feedback) - October 11th
  • Submit "Leave a Legacy" names - October 11th
  • K-2 Career day - October 14th
Upcoming due dates:
  • Health-A-Rama - October 17th-19th
  • R2A Assessment for 4th grade - October 19th
  • R2A Symphony for 4th grade - October 18th
  • Q1 testing  - October 25th-27th
  • Red Ribbon Week - October 24th - 27th
  • Fall Festival - October 27th

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