Sunday, October 16, 2016

Week 8: October 17-21

Bullock Brief

week for duty.  

Habit 7 Schedule






Upcoming meetings and events for October 17th-25th.
The most up-to-date calendar is located online on the Bullock Google calendar. 


There is so much to celebrate.  Please continue to add to our Celebration Station.

The focus this month: Private Victories

The first private victory habit is "Be Proactive."  Habit 1: Be Proactive is about choosing your own weather.  Check out this video about choosing your response to any condition.  

Check out the video here

Action Team Meetings:  Our amazing Action Teams will meet on Monday, October 17th at 2:45pm (or as soon as possible).  Action Team chairs, please make sure to create the agenda and share the minutes. I am so impressed at the great ideas and projects coming out of these committees.  

Lighthouse Meeting:  The Lighthouse Team will meet on Tuesday, October 18th at 3:15pm in the front conference room.  

Time:  In order to afford our grade level teams more time to plan using the new Wonders reading series and discuss instruction using the "Next Steps of Guided Reading" in K-1st, Wendy and I will be meeting with grade levels in PLCs afterschool every other week for kid talks, data discussions, PD, etc.  Teams can use the alternating weeks to dig into team planning using the new series and guided reading materials.  Our hope is that teams can leave the session with plans and common assessment that will save individuals from writing plans alone.  Happy synergizing.  #findingawinwin.  

ACTION NEEDED...SIT plan:  Thanks for all who reviewed and approved the SIT plan. We know you are busy.  If you have not yet reviewed, please do so.  We want make sure this plan represents our entire school's priorities.  We want to continue to make Bullock an excellent place to work and learn. Please review and approve  at the links provided.  

Open Enrollment:  Open enrollment continues through October 31st.  All employees are required to complete the open enrollment.  

75$ for classroom supplies:  Please let Ms. Dowdy know what materials you would like to purchase as a grade level.  Please have items ordered by this week, October 21st.  If that time frame poses an issue, please let me know.  

R2A Testing:  4th grade will be taking the Read to Achieve test on October 19th.  Please look for a detailed test plan from our testing queen, Mrs. Perrell.  All classes please be cognizant of the testing environment on First Things First Freeway (4th grade). 

Field trips:  See calendar above to stay "in the know."

New TA:  I am pleased to announce that Sarah Swindell will be joining us on Monday as a new kindergarten TA.  Sarah is a graduate of NC State and has experience working with students through her work as a director at the Boys and Girls club.  We are excited she'll be joining the Bullock family.  She will be working with Ms. Asper in kindergarten.  

Science class:  We will continue to divide classes on Science day from October 17-21 as we transition Ashley into the science position. Science class will resume on October 24th.  WooHoo!  Thanks for you patience and flexibility.   Thank you also to our dynamic Habit 7 team who are taking the 6th class each period to protect planning time.  

Health-a-Rama:  We will be having Health-a-Rama on Monday-Wednesday next week. Teachers should have selected a convenient slot using the sign-up sheet in the teacher's lounge.  Please bring your pink health cards and a class report. Thank you for Nurse Phillips for her hard work planning and preparing for Health-a-Rama.  

  • Directions to print the report: Reports in your grade book,  Choose Student Roster (click on the small arrow beside the report title)  You will see a Student Info line, please check all items in that row.  Below that you will see a line that has  Blank 1 - Blank 6.  Please click on each of these.  Clear the words Blank and the number in the box and replace it with the following headings :    Vision R ,   Vision L,  Vision B,   Hearing R,   Hearing L,   Height/ Weight.

Leave a Legacy:  We will determine the top ten for Leave a Legacy top ten on Wednesday, October 19th.  Please send DoJo messages and other communication to encourage votes. The voting forms should have been sent home last week.  

Y Learning...reminder:  Y Learning looking for more teachers to serve our 2-5 students.  If you are interested, or know someone who might be interested, they can apply here.

Instruction:  The Young Author competition is underway.  I would really like for all our students to have a chance to participate. The details are located here.  The entries are due November 4th.  

Visit to schedule time to meet with me. 

Should have recently completed (check that it's complete):
  • Review SIT and approve (and/or provide feedback) - October 11th
  • Submit "Leave a Legacy" names - October 11th
Due this week:
  • Top ten for Leave and Legacy - October 19th
  • Health-A-Rama - October 17th-19th
  • R2A Assessment for 4th grade - October 19th
  • R2A Symphony for 4th grade - October 18th
  • K Field trip - October 21st
Upcoming due dates:
  • Q1 testing  - October 25th-27th
  • Red Ribbon Week - October 24th - 27th
  • Fall Festival - October 27th

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