Saturday, February 28, 2015

Week 5: March 2-6

I decided to send a Bullock Brief for this week to summarize the date changes and upcoming events for the next few weeks.  There have been changes to the our master schedule based on the weather cancellations.

  • week for duty
  • Habit of the week:  Seek first to understand and then to be understood.
  • Make-up days:  The make-up schedule for the snow days is located at  Please be sure to sign-in and -out on the sheets provided up front.  If you have questions, please let me know.  
  • SIT meeting: Monday, March 2nd in the Platform 9 3/4.
  • K-2 RtI meeting: Tuesday, March 3rd.
  • Safety patrol meeting (students): Rescheduled for March 3rd. 
  • Crisis meeting with Megan/Valerie:  Wednesday, March 4th before PLCs (2:45-3:00) in Platform 9 3/4.
  • iReady tech support:  Joy Thompson will be here on March 4th to provide support with iReady  reports and answer other technology questions.  She will be set-up in the front conference room.  
  • PTO Meeting:  Thursday, March March 5th in the front conference room.
  • Sharpen the Saw dinner:  Thursday, March  5th.  
  • Lighthouse meeting:  March 9th in Platform 9 3/4.  
  • Quarterly testing: Quarterly testing will be moved to either the week before or after Spring Break.  I am waiting on the final word from Dr. Chappell.  
  • Rescheduled (x2) "Love the Bus":  We will be celebrating Love the Bus week THIS week.  
  • Progress reports:  Mid-term progress reports should go home as soon as you are able. 
  • Science Fair rescheduled:  The new turn-in date for the science fair will be April 8th. We will set-up in the gym on April 14th with judging and the science fair will be on the 15th. 
  • Vidyo: You have the ablity to Vidyo (video conference) from your computer.  You can login at  Your user name is the first part of your email (i.e.sclarke.bullock).  Your password is 'leecounty1." 
  • Tutor time:  Tutors are in place.  The schedule can be found  
  • Safety: We will be dismissing 20 minutes early on March 6th to practice a reverse drill.  We will dismiss students to car pool and buses and will then call a reverse drill to practice safety getting students back into the building and to a safe spot.  The reverse drill locations can be found at  

I am ready for a ice/snow-free week of learning.  Have a super week! 

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Week 24: February 23-27

  • week for duty
  • Habit of the week:  Seek first to understand and then to be understood
  • Revised spring picture date:  Friday, February 27th.
  • Staff meeting: Monday, February 23rd at 3:00 in the Platform 9 3/4.
  • Committees:  Meet on Tuesday, February 24th at 3:00 or reschedule later in the week. 
  • Lighthouse Meeting:  February 26th, at 2:45 in Platform 9 3/4.
  • Sharpen the Saw dinner:  Thursday, February 26th.  
  • Performance:  The fifth grade performance has been moved to the April 23rd rather than the 16th.  2nd grade will be performing separately (Date TBD).   
  • Safety patrol meeting (students): Rescheduled for February 25th at 2:00pm.
  • Rescheduled "Love the Bus":  We will be celebrating Love the Bus week this week.  Please take the time to thank our bus driver's for the incredible job they do each day transporting our 500+ students to and from school. 
  • Progress reports:  Mid-term progress reports should go home February 25th-27th.
  • Discipline:  Please reference the discipline notes shared in the previous blog.  Consistency is key.  Habit 7 teachers have generously offered their time from 2:00-2:30 each day as a incentive for students.  They can work with those teachers to reward good behavior and build relationships.
  • Upcoming assembly:  Our next assembly will be held on Monday, February 23rd from 1:00-1:30 for grades K-2 and 1:45-2:15 for grades 3-5.  Please keep the subject matter and the guest (Mrs. Universe) a secret from the students.  Students will need to "earn" the right to attend this assembly.   
  • Assembly expectations (IMPORTANT): We were unable to conduct our practice assembly sessions or to put in the place the no reflection/BIP rule for assemblies due to weather.   I will review assembly expectations on the Bengal Broadcast.  I will need you help to monitor students during the assembly.  Please immediately remove students who are not following the rules (1 strike your out).
    • Heart - Enter silently and in a straight line to show guests and performers your respect for their time and effort. Get settled quickly so we can begin.  Remain in the assembly without interrupting others to leave (for the restroom). 
    • Head - Mouth silent and head facing the front.  Sitting up straight.  Listening to instructions from adults.  
    • Hands - Hands inside your bubble.  Clapping and giving the quiet sign the first time.  
    • Heels - Heels tucked under your body.  Sitting up straight.  
  • Bullying assembly:  The next assembly we have on the books is New Kid--an anti-bullying performance--by the Temple Theatre.  It will be help on March 13th @1:15.  
  • Environment:  The walls at Bullock are looking gorgeous.  Thank you for taking the time to create such beautiful displays of student work.  Mrs. Wiltshire, we all love the beautiful student art that is displayed throughout the building.  Our halls are happy thanks to the work of many.  Thank you all! 
  • Tutor time:  Our wonderful tutors will be providing extra assistance starting this week.  Our 3-5 1:00-2:30 tutor time will be starting the following week.  The tutor schedule can be found  
  • Safety: We will be dismissing 20 minutes early on March 6th to practice a reverse drill.  We will dismiss students to car pool and buses and will then call a reverse drill to practice safety getting students back into the building and to a safe spot.  The reverse drill locations can be found at  
  • Instruction reminder:
    • Please build-in time to review previously taught concepts every day.  Please design your literacy, math, science/social studies times to include review time as well as time to introduce new content.  Please use your tutor and other resources to provide guided review.   
    • Please be sure to use iReady daily. Please use iReady at least 20-30 minutes a day on Monday-Thursday in literacy (during rotations). Please use iReady 20-30 minutes 3 days a week in math.
  • Druthers:  As Mrs. Perrell and I "seek to understand..." as we start planning for next year, we would like your input.  Please complete your druthers form by February 25th.  

I hope that everyone feels rejuvenated after the unexpected winter vacation.  
Have a great week!  

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Thank you to Caroline Hewitt, Charlene Schlott, Andrea McVey, Christina Stone, Heather Smeraldo, Katherine Gillette, MaryBeth Wiltshire, Rita Booth and Wendy Perrell for joining the discipline task force to help us maximize instructional time, decrease discipline referrals, and accomplish our SIT goal.

Leader on TRACK competition:  We will have a school-wide competition.  Each class will have the chance to move their train along the tracks if they:   (1) have no referrals, (2) have no reflections in Behavior junction (in-class and buddy class reflections do not count IF the child participates appropriately).  No referrals = 1 space AND No reflection in Behavior Junction = 1 space.  A class can move a total of 2 spaces per day.  The winning class (or classes) will get a popcorn party this week.  We will restart each week.  The board will be outside Mrs. O'Shaugnessy's office. Please assign a student or work with the teachers on your grade level to move your train along the track each afternoon.  

Assemblies: Students will need to earn the right to attend assemblies.  Starting on Wednesday, February 18th, any student who receives a discipline referral or have a reflection that ends-up in Behavior Junction will not be permitted to attend the assembly.  Please do not share what the assembly will be about.  Let's make it a surprise. Please work with your grade level to determine who will stay back (I am sorry this will impact someones ability to experience the assemblies) with the students who have not earned the right to attend.  We will be practicing assembly behavior and expectations on February18th.  I will reiterate this new rule for the students.  Please review the assembly expectations provided in the Bullock Brief with your students. 

Behavior Junction:  We are going to add after-school detention to BIP.  We are working on the logistics.

Reflection process: The new reflection process is working.  Thank you for synergizing.  All classrooms should have a "reflection spot" of some sort in their classrooms.  Students should be given the opportunity to reflect in the room first.  If they are non-compliant or disruptive, they should be sent to a buddy room.  I have heard about some great cross-grade-level partnerships that provide students with a space to reflect away from their "audience."  If the student is non-compliant or disruptive in the buddy room, they should go to Behavior Junction.  The BIP monitor will track how many reflections are in Behavior Junction.  Children should not be sent from the room to complete work.  

Reflection sheet:  The team will be sharing a revised reflection sheet soon that should be used school-wide (There will be a K-1, 2-3, 4-5 version). The reflection is designed to help children identify the root issue.  It will include a letter to their parents about their behavior.  

Safety Patrol:  All safety patrol members will need to reapply for their positions.  We will be meeting on 2/19 at 2:00pm at Platform 9 3/4 to discuss.  

Communication:  Mrs. Perrell and I will be communicating these expectations and the competition details on the morning news.  Please be sure to watch the news daily.  Please remind students often about the competition frequently.  Verbally praise classes that are on track.  Please help support classes with a challenging ratio of students who have trouble making wise choices.  

The team has several other wonderful ideas to build leadership capacity of students and involve all staff members.  We want to make sure all that we deploy is clear and easy to execute with fidelity.  We'll take it step-by-step.  We will be deploying these strategies in a manner to help you, not to overwhelm.  There will be more to come.  

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Week 23: February 16-20

  • week for duty
  • Habit of the week:  Seek first to understand and then to be understood.
  • Optional teacher work day:  Tomorrow, February 16th.
  • McTeacher Night:  For 3rd grade on Thursday, February 19th from 5:00-7:00.  
  • Spring Pictures:  Thursday, February 19th.
  • Committee meetings: Next Monday, February 23rd we will have committee meetings.
  • Sharpen the Saw dinner:  Please join us for dinner together on February 26th.  This is sure to be a wonderful evening together.  
  • Read-A-Thon: Friday, February 20th.  This is a wonderful opportunity to integrate the habits while synergizing with your buddy class.  See the C&I committee members for ideas.  
  • March Newsletter:  Due this Friday, February 20th.
  • Love the Bus:  We will be celebrating Love the Bus week this week.  Please take the time to thank our bus driver's for the incredible job they do each day transporting our 500+ students to and from school.  
  • Staff meeting:  Tuesday, February 17th at 3:00pm in Platform 9 3/4.  If we are unable to meet on Tuesday due to weather, the staff meeting will be rescheduled for Wednesday at 3:00pm.  PLCs can take place at a time of your choosing if we need to reschedule.
  • Progress reports:  Mid-term progress reports should go home on February 18th-20th.  
  • Purchase orders:  Please remember that you must have a purchase order through Gail before making any purchase for the school.  Purchases made without a purchase order can not be reimbursed.  
  • Discipline Task Force: We have convened a group of folks to help proactively address student discipline.  We will be deploying some new strategies in the next couple of weeks to help better support you so that we can continue to put "academics first." 
  • Assembly practice:  We will have a quick 15 minute assembly practice session on Wednesday, February 18 at 1:30-1:45 for K-2 and 1:45-2:00 for 3-5.  
  • Assembly expectations: Students had a rough time in our last assembly.  Their "off TRACK" behavior provides a great opportunity for growth. Please review the following expectations with your classes prior to our Wednesday, February 18th assembly practice sessions. Please let students know that students with off-track behavior will not be permitted to attend assemblies in the future (More info to come on this once we work out logistics).   Teachers, I need your help in assemblies to redirect inappropriate behavior and help keep students focused.  
    • Heart - Enter silently and in a straight line to show guests and performers your respect for their time and effort. Get settled quickly so we can begin.  Remain in the assembly without interrupting others to leave (for the restroom). 
    • Head - Mouth silent and head facing the front.  Sitting up straight.  Listening to instructions from adults.  
    • Hands - Hands inside your bubble.  Clapping and giving the quiet sign the first time.  
    • Heels - Heels tucked under your body.  
  • Upcoming assembly:  Our next assembly will be held on Monday, February 23rd from 1:00-1:30 for grades K-2 and 1:45-2:15 for grades 3-5.  Please keep the subject matter and the guest (Mrs. Universe) a secret from the students.  Students will need to "earn" the right to attend this assembly.  I will send out further details after meeting with the Discipline Task Force on Monday.   
  • New custodian: We are thrilled to announce that Mr. Harris--who used to be a custodian here at Bullock--will be joining us again as our evening custodian.  His start date has not yet been set, but we expecting him to start within the week.  I hope you'll show him a warm Bullock welcome.  
  • Cleanliness:  It is important that we keep our school and classrooms clean and organized. I have spoken to some classes individually, but I do feel it necessary to remind the entire staff. Please use a wet paper towel to clean-up spills before they become sticky, dirty spots throughout the classroom; we can not wait for end-of-day mopping.  Also, please have students pick-up paper, erasers, pencils, crayons, etc. throughout the day.  Please include students in this process.  This should not only be the teacher's responsibility, but rather the responsibility of the entire class.  Cleanliness shows pride and consciousness and is a important part of modeling and our environment. Keeping our rooms clutter-free and clean also helps keep everyone safe by preventing slips and tripping hazards.  Thanks for synergizing to make this happen.   
  • PLCs: Dr. Chappell will be visiting our PLCs over the next few weeks.  She will be looking for ways that we have used the most recent quarterly data to drive our instruction including: remediation using data gathered, strategic small groups (or 1:1) to assist non-proficient students, time for DAILY review, guided error correction, and use of research-based tools such as iReady, NC Ready and Learning Focused.  
  • Bulletin boards:  Please make sure your bulletin boards are refreshed and updated with season appropriate work and decor by March 13th.  We will be having Leader in Me visitors here from other schools.  I can not wait to show them teaching/learning taking place at Bullock.  
  • Instruction: Data provides such helpful information about how to adjust instruction.  Based on an analysis of student scores and discussion within grade levels from first and second quarter,  it seems that our students need to review previously taught content.  I know the teaching is there (I see it every day), but students are not retaining and using the information like we would hope.  
    • Please build-in time to review previously taught concepts every day.  Please design your literacy, math, science/social studies times to include review time as well as time to introduce new content.  Please use your tutor and other resources to provide guided review.   
    • Please be sure to use iReady daily. Please use iReady at least 20-30 minutes a day on Monday-Thursday in literacy (during rotations). Please use iReady 20-30 minutes 3 days a week in math.
  • Druthers:  I will be placing a druthers form in your mailbox tomorrow.  Please let me know your preferences in regards to planning for next year.  
Thank you all for tireless dedication to Bullock students.  I see our mission--To love. To learn. To lead.--in action daily.  Thank you all.  

Upcoming dates are located at

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Week 22: February 9-13

Week 22

"Win-win is the Golden Rule, basically. 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
 And the Golden Rule is a basic law of life.  It's the law of all relationships that last.  It's the essence of the interdependent world."  Dr. Stephen Covey

  • A week for duty
  • Community Forum: Dr. Bryan will be holding a community forum at Bullock on February 9th at 5:30 at Platform 9 3/4.  I hope that you will join us to show your support for B.T. Bullock and Lee County Schools.  
  • Optional teacher workday: Monday, February 16th.
  • Lighthouse Meeting:  Monday, February 9th at 3:00pm in Platform 9 3/4.  
  • AIG Meeting:  Monday, February 9th at 3:00pm in Mrs. Schlott's caboose.  
  • Staff meeting:  Tuesday, February 17th at 3:00pm in Platform 9 3/4.  
  • K and 3rd production: K and 3rd grade will be performing this Thursday, February 12th at 6:30 in the Depot.  We will have a school presentation at 1:15 on the 12th (please note that time is 1:15, not 1:00).  I hope you will join us for the wonderful event to showcase our talented students. 
  • Going live:  Tune in this Friday to 1290 AM WXKZ to hear Mr. Hurdt, Mrs. Whilby and myself on the radio discussing the Leader in Me with Tamra Brogan.  
  • Bengal Broadcast:  Please make sure you are watching the Bengal Broadcast every day.  It is important that our school community hears the daily reminders about events, the habits, future careers and manners
  • Winter Reading Report:  For grades K-3, please be sure to complete a Winter Report for your students.  
  • Positive contact: We are continue to make progress toward our SIT goals.  This week I would like to focus on our second goal:  By May 2015, our discipline referrals will be reduced by 25% from 267 referrals to 200 referrals. I have included strategy two below. Please try to make some positive parent contacts this week. It is a powerful tool.


Teachers, support staff and administration invest time and effort into building relationships and providing support for the students in our care. 
1. Frequent visits from administration for relationship building.
2. Rewards for positive behaviors; Engineer tickets distributed by spotters and limit the number distributed.
3. Positive phone call (include the student), email, letter/Bullock note, and postcards home.
4. Commitment to modeling desired behaviors and adhering to the modus operandi of TLIM.
5. Reminders on announcements and in the weekly update.
6. Collaboration with experts and specialists through RtI.
7. PALS mentoring program.

  • Upcoming assembly:  I am pleased to announce that Mrs. Universe, Sabrina Pinion, will be at B.T. Bullock for an assembly on Monday, February 23rd from 1:00-1:30 for grades K-2 and 1:45-2:15 for grades 3-5.  Mrs. Pinion is the international spokesperson for Domestic Violence education.  She grew-up in a home plagued by violence.  Her goal is to encourage and inspire survivors to rise past their circumstances and use courage to achieve their vision of success..  She will be talking about reacting/responding and taking control of your actions.  Her message seems to a perfect fit for our students and a relevant and real example of habit #1--Be Proactive (you're in charge).  
  • Translators: Please make sure to email Kari and Anna before you set-up a parent teacher conference requiring a Spanish translator.  Our translators have requested that you contact them to set-up conferences with our Spanish speaking parents on your behalf.  We have had several situations where our translators were pulled from their other responsibilities to translate without notice.  Please make sure to give adequate notice.  

  • Snack time:  Please be sure to make your snack time is a working snack.  
  • Instruction: Please be sure you are explictly teaching academic and content vocabulary.  I have provided a list of some academic vocabulary terms via email and Costa's terms was copied about placed in your mailbox.  
Have a wonderful week.  

Upcoming events at

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Reflection changes

In order to better serve you and our Bullock students, our School Improvement Team discussed some challenges we are facing with managing student discipline.  We want to be proactive!  Behavior Junction simply can not hold the number of students that are being sent for reflection.  The coming and going of students is also causing conflicts to arise.  

The School Improvement Team would like to implement the following structure for reflection:
  1. Teachers should prepare a reflection spot in their classrooms.  It should include a reflection sheet and instructions for completion.  Ms. Hairston will be sending a Leader in Me focused reflection in the near future,   Ms. Hairston can share the thinking map format we have been using in the short term.
  2. If the student successfully completes the reflection, they may rejoin their class.
  3. If the student, does not complete the reflection or remains disruptive to the learning environment they should be dismissed to a buddy room.  Please work within your grade level (or with peers throughout the building) to determine who your buddy will be.  A student will complete the same reflection activity in the buddy room.  
  4. If the student successfully completes the reflection, they may rejoin their class.  Their quality reflection is their ticket back to class.  
  5. If the student, does not complete the reflection or is disruptive to the learning environment they should be dismissed to reflect in BIP.
Please do not use BIP for students to complete missed work or catch-up on homework.  

The BIP rules:
- Stay in seat
- Remain quiet at all times
- Raise hand to ask questions
- Be respectful 

SIT and administration continue to work on proactive solutions to ensure that students are on TRACK. Your suggestions and ideas are always welcome. Have a great day!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Week 21: February 2-6

Week 21

  • Meeting on Monday:  We will be having a very brief introductory meeting with PJ Gaye at 3:00pm on Monday, February 2nd at Platform 9 3/4 (media center).  
  • ACCESS:  We will be conducting ACCESS testing this week.  Please carefully read communication from Mrs. Perrell in regards to the plan. 
  • Reflection:  Please do not send students to reflection to complete work or catch-up on homework. Reflection should be used only be used only in cases where students are substantially impacting learning or if safety is at risk.  Students should not remain in BIP without administrative approval.
  • Peace Flag: Mrs. Perrell and I are challenging our entire student body to synergize to fly the Peace Flag.  On Wednesday, we will announce the target number of referrals/reflections.  If we can reduce referrals, we will "fly the Peace Flag" and our entire school will celebrate together.  The incentives will get better and better the more the Peace Flag is flown.  Please remind your students of this goal frequently. 
  • SIT: Our SIT meeting will follow at 3:15pm.  Please make sure you have provided input to your SIT rep in regards to discipline and schedules.  
  • New AIG position:  I will be introducing our new K-3 AIG Nurturing Specialist, Jeanine Romines at the beginning of the meeting.  She will be assisting with TOPS folders and teaching PETS lessons in grades K-3. Her first official day is Monday.  I am thrilled to have the extra support for academically gifted students in grades K-3.   
  • PTO meeting: We will be having a PTO Board meeting on Monday, February 2nd at 4:30pm in the media center.  
  • Safety Patrol:  We will be having a Safety Patrol meeting at 2:00pm on Monday, February 2nd.  Please send safety patrol members to Platform 9 3/4 at that time.  
  • 100th day of school:  The kindergarten team will be celebrating the 100th day of school this week.  Shouldn't we all be celebrating?  Please feel free to join in the fun sporting 100 items of something or looking like you are 100 years old.  Our K friends will love it.  
  • The PD:  Please remind students that only our Polite Department should be helping in our lobbies.  We have many, many helpers in the morning.  We have talked to our students about helping, but it would be helpful to reiterate in the classroom.  
  • Community Forum: Dr. Bryan will be holding a community forum at Bullock on February 9th at 5:30 at Platform 9 3/4.  Please mention that meeting in your parent communication.  We will also be sending school-wide communication as well.  
  • Habit quiz: We will be conducting another school-wide habits quiz on April 10th.  We were at 66% proficient on our last quiz.  Let's aim for 100%.  
  • Instruction: Make sure that you are utilizing the Ready NC workbook for math.  iReady should be used in your computer centers. 
  • Data driven instruction:  Mrs, Chaney and I will be providing your mClass correlation reports this week.  Please make sure you are using that data to create groups and provide remediation. Please continue to allow students to correct their errors on formative and summative assessments.  Use your instructional assistants, tutors and volunteers to help.  Please also collaborate with specialists (ESL, EC, RtI Interventionists, Lead Teacher-Mrs. Lyon)
  • Modeling:  Please remember that we are modeling the behavior we desire in our students all the time.  Please make sure we are not redirecting student behavior publicity or using a demeaning approach.  Please reference the great classroom management article that Ms. McHugh shared with us for some pointers ( Number 2 offers an alternative to public redirection.   

  • Maintenance: Maintenance has discovered that the toilets are clogging up due to baby wipes.  They do not dissolve.  Please place baby wipes in the trash.    
  • Safety: The systems committee will be conducting a reverse drill in the coming weeks.  The directions can be found at  If you are on the playground, when we call  a lock-down or reverse drill you should enter the woods by the field or go down the evacuation route located behind the buses.  Staff and students should seek cover.  
  • Retention:  I have a parent letter to give to parents if you are considering retention.  Please come see me for the letter.  The checklist is located at  
Upcoming Dates