Sunday, February 8, 2015

Week 22: February 9-13

Week 22

"Win-win is the Golden Rule, basically. 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
 And the Golden Rule is a basic law of life.  It's the law of all relationships that last.  It's the essence of the interdependent world."  Dr. Stephen Covey

  • A week for duty
  • Community Forum: Dr. Bryan will be holding a community forum at Bullock on February 9th at 5:30 at Platform 9 3/4.  I hope that you will join us to show your support for B.T. Bullock and Lee County Schools.  
  • Optional teacher workday: Monday, February 16th.
  • Lighthouse Meeting:  Monday, February 9th at 3:00pm in Platform 9 3/4.  
  • AIG Meeting:  Monday, February 9th at 3:00pm in Mrs. Schlott's caboose.  
  • Staff meeting:  Tuesday, February 17th at 3:00pm in Platform 9 3/4.  
  • K and 3rd production: K and 3rd grade will be performing this Thursday, February 12th at 6:30 in the Depot.  We will have a school presentation at 1:15 on the 12th (please note that time is 1:15, not 1:00).  I hope you will join us for the wonderful event to showcase our talented students. 
  • Going live:  Tune in this Friday to 1290 AM WXKZ to hear Mr. Hurdt, Mrs. Whilby and myself on the radio discussing the Leader in Me with Tamra Brogan.  
  • Bengal Broadcast:  Please make sure you are watching the Bengal Broadcast every day.  It is important that our school community hears the daily reminders about events, the habits, future careers and manners
  • Winter Reading Report:  For grades K-3, please be sure to complete a Winter Report for your students.  
  • Positive contact: We are continue to make progress toward our SIT goals.  This week I would like to focus on our second goal:  By May 2015, our discipline referrals will be reduced by 25% from 267 referrals to 200 referrals. I have included strategy two below. Please try to make some positive parent contacts this week. It is a powerful tool.


Teachers, support staff and administration invest time and effort into building relationships and providing support for the students in our care. 
1. Frequent visits from administration for relationship building.
2. Rewards for positive behaviors; Engineer tickets distributed by spotters and limit the number distributed.
3. Positive phone call (include the student), email, letter/Bullock note, and postcards home.
4. Commitment to modeling desired behaviors and adhering to the modus operandi of TLIM.
5. Reminders on announcements and in the weekly update.
6. Collaboration with experts and specialists through RtI.
7. PALS mentoring program.

  • Upcoming assembly:  I am pleased to announce that Mrs. Universe, Sabrina Pinion, will be at B.T. Bullock for an assembly on Monday, February 23rd from 1:00-1:30 for grades K-2 and 1:45-2:15 for grades 3-5.  Mrs. Pinion is the international spokesperson for Domestic Violence education.  She grew-up in a home plagued by violence.  Her goal is to encourage and inspire survivors to rise past their circumstances and use courage to achieve their vision of success..  She will be talking about reacting/responding and taking control of your actions.  Her message seems to a perfect fit for our students and a relevant and real example of habit #1--Be Proactive (you're in charge).  
  • Translators: Please make sure to email Kari and Anna before you set-up a parent teacher conference requiring a Spanish translator.  Our translators have requested that you contact them to set-up conferences with our Spanish speaking parents on your behalf.  We have had several situations where our translators were pulled from their other responsibilities to translate without notice.  Please make sure to give adequate notice.  

  • Snack time:  Please be sure to make your snack time is a working snack.  
  • Instruction: Please be sure you are explictly teaching academic and content vocabulary.  I have provided a list of some academic vocabulary terms via email and Costa's terms was copied about placed in your mailbox.  
Have a wonderful week.  

Upcoming events at

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