Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Thank you to Caroline Hewitt, Charlene Schlott, Andrea McVey, Christina Stone, Heather Smeraldo, Katherine Gillette, MaryBeth Wiltshire, Rita Booth and Wendy Perrell for joining the discipline task force to help us maximize instructional time, decrease discipline referrals, and accomplish our SIT goal.

Leader on TRACK competition:  We will have a school-wide competition.  Each class will have the chance to move their train along the tracks if they:   (1) have no referrals, (2) have no reflections in Behavior junction (in-class and buddy class reflections do not count IF the child participates appropriately).  No referrals = 1 space AND No reflection in Behavior Junction = 1 space.  A class can move a total of 2 spaces per day.  The winning class (or classes) will get a popcorn party this week.  We will restart each week.  The board will be outside Mrs. O'Shaugnessy's office. Please assign a student or work with the teachers on your grade level to move your train along the track each afternoon.  

Assemblies: Students will need to earn the right to attend assemblies.  Starting on Wednesday, February 18th, any student who receives a discipline referral or have a reflection that ends-up in Behavior Junction will not be permitted to attend the assembly.  Please do not share what the assembly will be about.  Let's make it a surprise. Please work with your grade level to determine who will stay back (I am sorry this will impact someones ability to experience the assemblies) with the students who have not earned the right to attend.  We will be practicing assembly behavior and expectations on February18th.  I will reiterate this new rule for the students.  Please review the assembly expectations provided in the Bullock Brief with your students. 

Behavior Junction:  We are going to add after-school detention to BIP.  We are working on the logistics.

Reflection process: The new reflection process is working.  Thank you for synergizing.  All classrooms should have a "reflection spot" of some sort in their classrooms.  Students should be given the opportunity to reflect in the room first.  If they are non-compliant or disruptive, they should be sent to a buddy room.  I have heard about some great cross-grade-level partnerships that provide students with a space to reflect away from their "audience."  If the student is non-compliant or disruptive in the buddy room, they should go to Behavior Junction.  The BIP monitor will track how many reflections are in Behavior Junction.  Children should not be sent from the room to complete work.  

Reflection sheet:  The team will be sharing a revised reflection sheet soon that should be used school-wide (There will be a K-1, 2-3, 4-5 version). The reflection is designed to help children identify the root issue.  It will include a letter to their parents about their behavior.  

Safety Patrol:  All safety patrol members will need to reapply for their positions.  We will be meeting on 2/19 at 2:00pm at Platform 9 3/4 to discuss.  

Communication:  Mrs. Perrell and I will be communicating these expectations and the competition details on the morning news.  Please be sure to watch the news daily.  Please remind students often about the competition frequently.  Verbally praise classes that are on track.  Please help support classes with a challenging ratio of students who have trouble making wise choices.  

The team has several other wonderful ideas to build leadership capacity of students and involve all staff members.  We want to make sure all that we deploy is clear and easy to execute with fidelity.  We'll take it step-by-step.  We will be deploying these strategies in a manner to help you, not to overwhelm.  There will be more to come.  

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