Saturday, February 28, 2015

Week 5: March 2-6

I decided to send a Bullock Brief for this week to summarize the date changes and upcoming events for the next few weeks.  There have been changes to the our master schedule based on the weather cancellations.

  • week for duty
  • Habit of the week:  Seek first to understand and then to be understood.
  • Make-up days:  The make-up schedule for the snow days is located at  Please be sure to sign-in and -out on the sheets provided up front.  If you have questions, please let me know.  
  • SIT meeting: Monday, March 2nd in the Platform 9 3/4.
  • K-2 RtI meeting: Tuesday, March 3rd.
  • Safety patrol meeting (students): Rescheduled for March 3rd. 
  • Crisis meeting with Megan/Valerie:  Wednesday, March 4th before PLCs (2:45-3:00) in Platform 9 3/4.
  • iReady tech support:  Joy Thompson will be here on March 4th to provide support with iReady  reports and answer other technology questions.  She will be set-up in the front conference room.  
  • PTO Meeting:  Thursday, March March 5th in the front conference room.
  • Sharpen the Saw dinner:  Thursday, March  5th.  
  • Lighthouse meeting:  March 9th in Platform 9 3/4.  
  • Quarterly testing: Quarterly testing will be moved to either the week before or after Spring Break.  I am waiting on the final word from Dr. Chappell.  
  • Rescheduled (x2) "Love the Bus":  We will be celebrating Love the Bus week THIS week.  
  • Progress reports:  Mid-term progress reports should go home as soon as you are able. 
  • Science Fair rescheduled:  The new turn-in date for the science fair will be April 8th. We will set-up in the gym on April 14th with judging and the science fair will be on the 15th. 
  • Vidyo: You have the ablity to Vidyo (video conference) from your computer.  You can login at  Your user name is the first part of your email (i.e.sclarke.bullock).  Your password is 'leecounty1." 
  • Tutor time:  Tutors are in place.  The schedule can be found  
  • Safety: We will be dismissing 20 minutes early on March 6th to practice a reverse drill.  We will dismiss students to car pool and buses and will then call a reverse drill to practice safety getting students back into the building and to a safe spot.  The reverse drill locations can be found at  

I am ready for a ice/snow-free week of learning.  Have a super week! 

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