Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Reflection changes

In order to better serve you and our Bullock students, our School Improvement Team discussed some challenges we are facing with managing student discipline.  We want to be proactive!  Behavior Junction simply can not hold the number of students that are being sent for reflection.  The coming and going of students is also causing conflicts to arise.  

The School Improvement Team would like to implement the following structure for reflection:
  1. Teachers should prepare a reflection spot in their classrooms.  It should include a reflection sheet and instructions for completion.  Ms. Hairston will be sending a Leader in Me focused reflection in the near future,   Ms. Hairston can share the thinking map format we have been using in the short term.
  2. If the student successfully completes the reflection, they may rejoin their class.
  3. If the student, does not complete the reflection or remains disruptive to the learning environment they should be dismissed to a buddy room.  Please work within your grade level (or with peers throughout the building) to determine who your buddy will be.  A student will complete the same reflection activity in the buddy room.  
  4. If the student successfully completes the reflection, they may rejoin their class.  Their quality reflection is their ticket back to class.  
  5. If the student, does not complete the reflection or is disruptive to the learning environment they should be dismissed to reflect in BIP.
Please do not use BIP for students to complete missed work or catch-up on homework.  

The BIP rules:
- Stay in seat
- Remain quiet at all times
- Raise hand to ask questions
- Be respectful 

SIT and administration continue to work on proactive solutions to ensure that students are on TRACK. Your suggestions and ideas are always welcome. Have a great day!

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